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FOUNDATION FOR LIFELONG LEARNING DEVELOPMENT INNOVE Lea Orro, Member of the Management Board ,. Briefly about Innove. Established in 2003 by the Government as the non-profit foundation .
BrieflyaboutInnove • Establishedin 2003 by the Governmentasthenon-profitfoundation. • Continuesthe activities of the foundation Vocational Education and Training Reformin Estonia (1995-2003): -Change agent, newideaspiloted and disseminated -Attractingemployer and tradeuninonrepresentatives, differentministries, vetschoolsetcintothe reform processof VET -6 Phare projectstodevelop VET and qualificationsystem, LeonardodaVinci Programme, careerservicesprojects
BrieflyaboutInnove Foundation Innove has been established to promote initiatives and activities of lifelong learning through Estonian and EU programmes in the area of human resources development.
Activities of the Foundation • Administrationof theEUStructural Fundsintheareaof LLL, vocationaleducation and labour market services (MOSA); • Develop and implement programmes and projects in the field of vocational education and lifelong learning, incl. internationalprojects; • Coordinate the development of career services; mediate information about career services and mobility for learning purposes; • Organize the collection, analysis and distribution ofinformationaboutvocational education and training.
Innove - partners Extensive network of international and local partners: • VET institutions in Estonia and abroad; general and higher education institutions • Different ministries(incl. Ministry of Education and Research, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Finance) • Employer organisations(incl. the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry) • Trade Unions • Regional and local governments - Other EU Member States, and EU based organisations (incl. CEDEFOP, European Training Foundation etc)
Innove in figures Economic figures (EUR) Budget2011: 104 mil € 2010:101 mil € (incl. EU, Estonian state budgetfund (11%)Turnover2010: 85 mil €(growth 1,4 times compared to 2009) - Operating costs: 2, 8 mil €(incl. salarys, other admin. costs) - ERDF, ESF payments: 82, 2 mil €Average payments per day: 0,32 mil€ Statistics on emloyees 2004 – 47 2011 – 79 (+ experts)
Innove – structure Supervisory Board (5 members) AdministrativeUnit Management Board (2 members) Finance Unit Structural Funds Unit Vocational Education Development Unit National Resource Centre for Guidance
Vocational Education Development Unit • Promote new innovative ideas and methods in vocational education and training • Initiate and implement new projects • Coordinatenationalskillscompetitions in Estonia • Coordinate and prepare Estonian teams for Worldskills and Euroskills • Participate in transnational networks for training and consultation services
Vocational Education Development Unit–in more details • ESF programme “Promotion of vocational education and training in Estonia” (2008-2013): skills competitions, newsletter, communication training, creative contest, ad-s, articles etc • 22 national skillscompetitionsin 2010+ Young Masters competition (covered10 specialities) • ParticipationinEuroSkills (since 2008), Worldskills (since 2007) • Estonia got 7 medals (3 gold medals) at EuroSkills 2010 in Lisbon • Quality Award for VET schools since 2003
Structural Funds (SF)Unit • InnoveistheImplementingAgencyfor EU StructuralFundssince 2004 (whenEstonia joined EU) • Innoveis responsible for managing and controlling EU StructuralFundsprojects and programmes incl. planning and developing the management and control system for implementation • Period 2004-2007 Innovewasresponsiblefor all ESF and ERDF measuresineducation • ESF 36,7 mil eur EUR+25% Estco-fin; ERDF 34,7 milEur+20%, absorbationratealmost 100%
2007 – 2013 ESF human resourcesdevelopment for… • EuropenSocialFund (ESF) 2007-2013 MinistryofEducationmeasures • life-long learning • education, incl. vocationaltraining,careerguidanceetc. • 56 M€+15% Estonian co-financing MinistryofSocialAffairsmeasures • employment; • working environment • social security; • equality • 128 M€+15% TOTAL ESF: 184 M€
ERDF 2007 – 2013 investments in… • vocational schools; • vchools intended for students with special educational needs (SEN) – includes childrenwith disabilities; • youth centres, information and counselling centres and hobby schools (youth work infrastructure) ----------------------------------------------------- European Regional Development Fund: 213 M€
National Resource Centre for Guidance Founded by the Ministry of Education and Research in 1998 Main aim – to develop a coherentnationalcareerservicessysteminEstonia in order toprovidequalityservicesforyoung and adultswithinthebiggerEuropeanframeworkforlifelongguidance Main target group – guidance practitioners, policymakers, regional and localgovernmentsetc. Main activities – producing different information and methodological materials, organising seminars and trainings, developing web sites, quality assurance 14
Agreement between two ministries In 2008,contractual agreement to develop career services was signed between the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Social Affairs stating the areas of responsibility in providing high quality career services to the whole population. 15
National Resource Centre for Guidance We support our target groups by producing different informationandmethodological materials, organisingseminars, trainingson regional, national and international level and developing web sites (www.rajaleidja.ee )
Contacts & more information about Innove • Homepage: www.innove.ee • E-mail: innove@innove.ee