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Processor Architecture. Jurij Silc, Borut Robic, Theo Ungerer. Plan of l ectures (1). Prelude Ch apter 1: RISC processors, ISA, b asic processor structure , b asic pipelining, pipeline hazards and solutions, static branch prediction , m ulti-cycle ops, RISC examples, JAVA processors
Processor Architecture Jurij Silc, Borut Robic, Theo Ungerer
Plan of lectures (1) • Prelude • Chapter 1: RISC processors, ISA, basic processor structure, basic pipelining, pipeline hazards and solutions, static branch prediction, multi-cycle ops, RISC examples, JAVA processors • Chapter 2: Dataflow processors • Chapter 3: Scoreboarding and Tomasulo • Chapter 4: Principles of superscalar and VLIW processors, instruction fetch and dynamic branch prediction techniques, later pipeline stages in detail, multimedia enhancements, processor examples: Pentium III, Transmeta Crusoe, VLIW, EPIC and the Itanium processor • Chapter 5: Technological trends, value speculation, trace cache, advanced superscalar • Chapter 6: Multithreading, Sun’s MAJC and single-chip multiprocessor, simultaneous multithreading, Alpha 21464, multiscalar and dynamic multithreading, datascalar • Chapter 7: Processor-in-Memory, reconfigurable and asynchonous processor
Parallelism Technology Programming Languages Applications Interface Design (ISA) Computer Architecture: • Instruction Set Design • Organization • Hardware Operating Measurement & Evaluation History Systems Processor architecture course focus • Understanding the design techniques, machine structures, technology factors, evaluation methods that will determine the form of computers in 21st Century
Topic coverage • Basics: Scalar RISC Processors and Basic Pipelining • Past: • Dataflow Processors • CISC Processors: Scoreboarding and Tomasulo Algorithm • Present: Multiple-Issue Processors • Superscalars, Multimedia Enhancements, VLIW and EPIC • Future: • Technological Trends • Traditionals: Value Speculation, Trace Cache, Future Superscalars/EPICs, • Parallel Solutions: Multithreading, Single-Chip Multiprocessor, Processor-in-Memory, • Advanced research: Multiscalar, Dynamic Multithreading • Exotics: Datascalar, Reconfigurable Computing, Asynchronous Processors
Textbook • Jurij Silc, Borut Robic, Theo Ungerer: Processor Architecture - From Dataflow to Superscalar and Beyond(Springer-Verlag, 1999) Journal papers • Jurij Silc, Borut Robic, Theo Ungerer: "Asynchrony in parallel computing: From dataflow to multithreading",Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices, 1(1):3-30, 1998. • Borut Robic, Jurij Silc, Theo Ungerer: "Beyond dataflow",J. Computing and Information Technology, 8(2):89-101, 2000. • Jurij Silc, Theo Ungerer, Borut Robic: "A survey of new research directions in microprocessors",Microprocessors and Microsystems, 24(4):175-190, 2000. • Theo Ungerer, Borut Robic, Jurij Silc: “Multithreaded processors",The Computer Journal, (to appear), 2002.
Supplementary literature • J. L. Hennessy, D. A. Patterson: Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2nd Edition, 1996) • B. Shriver, B. Smith: The Anatomy of a High-Performance Microprocessor - A Systems Perspective (IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998) • M. Flynn: Computer Architecture, Pipelined and Parallel Processor Design (Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA, 1995)