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World Cultures Section 81. Introduction Syllabus Assignment. Dr. Renee B. Walker walkerr@oneonta.edu. Fitzelle 312, x3346 Office Hours: MW 2-3 pm, TTh 12-1 pm. Course Description.
World CulturesSection 81 Introduction Syllabus Assignment
Dr. Renee B. Walker walkerr@oneonta.edu Fitzelle 312, x3346Office Hours: MW 2-3 pm, TTh 12-1 pm
Course Description • What’s it like to grow up in New Guinea? How do the Maya fit into the world system? Where do the Maasai go when looking for a mate? The major goal of this course is to develop an understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity. Such a broad perspective fosters a global consciousness, provides insights about the variety of human lifeways, and helps develop a greater understanding of the world’s peoples. Several selected cultures will be examined in depth using ethnographic literature and films, including hunting-gathering, kin-based, and agricultural societies, as well as ethnic groups in complex societies. • This course fulfills General Education Attribute: ICD; General Education 2000 Attribute: HO2
Grading • Your grade is based on your performance on three examinations: two midterm exams and one final exam. Each test covers lecture, film, discussion and reading materials assigned or presented since the last test. Thus, none of the examinations are comprehensive. • Your assignment will be a web and library search on a specific culture or cultural trait of interest to you. You will select a culture, and, using information on the culture from the books, web pages and library turn in an annotated bibliography of resources on this topic. You must have 10 sources total. • The total requirements for the semester are: Three exams: 300 Assignment: 100
Class Participation & Reading Materials • You are expected to participate fully in class, which includes regular class attendance, keeping current with assigned readings, and participation in class discussions. Much of the course material is not in the textbook and only in class lectures. Attendance will be taken each class meeting. Late assignments and make-up exams will require proof of absence (such as a doctor’s excuse). • Reading Materials • Bates, Daniel. Human Adaptive Strategies: Ecology, Culture and Politics. 3rd edition, 2005. • Lee, Richard. The Dobe Ju/'hoansi, 3rd edition, 2002. • Berdan, Frances. The Aztecs of Central Mexico: An Imperial Society. 2nd edition, 2005.
Web Site • http://employees.oneonta.edu/walkerr/World%20Cultures/AN105syl.htm
Assignment • http://employees.oneonta.edu/walkerr/World%20Cultures/an105assign.htm