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Exploring the Ocean. Beach characteristics during the seasons. A virtual field trip with Dr. Smith. Kristen Rezendes Roger Williams University Grades 3-4 . Depart!.
Exploring the Ocean Beach characteristics during the seasons A virtual field trip with Dr. Smith Kristen Rezendes Roger Williams University Grades 3-4
Depart! Hi, my name is Dr. Smith and I am an oceanographer . Today I am going to be taking your class on a field trip to the ocean. We are going to look at beaches during each of the seasons and some of the species involved in this movement. Since I know a lot about the ocean, I am going to be taking over the class for this field trip! Before we head over to the ocean, we have to think about some questions first. Here are some questions to think about… • How many oceans are there? • What happens to ocean creatures during the different seasons? • Describe the ocean. Have you ever been there? • How can learning about oceans help us with learning about weather? • *Be sure to answer these questions in your science notebook!!! Hi, my name is Dr. Smith ! Click on Stop 1 to get started
Pre Field Trip • Before we go on the field trip, I want you to discuss those questions with your partner. • Make sure you open your ears and listen to what your partner has to say and do not interrupt them. Question Discussion Click on Stop 1 to get started
Field Trip Now that we have discussed what we already know, we are now ready to go on our ocean field trip! This field trip will help you to understand how the beach changes with each season. FieldTrip Click on Stop 1 to get started
Stop 1: Spring & Summer Spring Spring and Summer During the spring and summer, gentle waves deposit sand onto the beach platform. Sand Beach Platform Summer Beach Platform
Stop 2: Fall & Winter Fall Fall and Winter • During the first fall storm, the waves remove the sand and deposit it in sandbars. In the winter the only thing remaining is the rockyplatformand some rocks that are too heavy for the waves to move. Winter
Stop 3: Ocean Species Ocean Species • Now that you know how the beach changes over the seasons, we are now going to learn about some species that can ride the waves and hide in the sand.
Stop 3: Ocean Species Razor Clam • They are found near the low tide line on the beach. • They thrive on surf zone diatoms which are microscopic plants that bloom in the spring and summer.
This crab uses the waves to move along the shore. It eats by putting its antennae into the water to filter the food from past waves. Mole Crab
Bristle Worm The bristle worm stays in the lower zone of the beach and burrows deep so that it does not get taken away by the tide.
Beach Hopper They live in burrows that are above the high tide. They come out of their burrows at night to eat algae.
Home • Now that you have learned about the beach and what it looks like during different seasons, please take some time to put this information in your science notebook! • Use the organizers to put organize your information. Science Notebooks
I hope you had a great adventure with me. Have fun learning about the ocean, it’s a fun place! • When you are finished with your organizers and have stapled them in your notebook, please take the time to answer these questions again. • How many oceans are there? • What happens to ocean creatures during the different seasons? • Describe the ocean. Have you ever been there? • How can learning about oceans help us with learning about weather? • Compare these answers with the answers you wrote at the beginning of the fieldtrip.
Extra Activity Once you have completed filling out your organizers and talking to your partner, look at this website to actually see how the beach changes in the summer and winter. After you have looked at each of them look at the together and compare and contrast them. Write some of your observations in your scientist notebook. Seasonal Movement of Nearshore Sand
Materials Needed Seasons Handout
Materials Ocean Species Handout
Materials Cinquain Handout