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The Outsiders

The Outsiders. Author: S.E Hinton. By: Amily Dok, Lorena Nunez, Kady Hinh, April Flores, Robyn Edwards, and Dexavier Smith. THEME. The theme of The Outsiders is violence doesn’t solve anything. The Greasers. Quote:. STAY GOLDEN.

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The Outsiders

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Outsiders Author: S.E Hinton By: Amily Dok, Lorena Nunez, Kady Hinh, April Flores, Robyn Edwards, and Dexavier Smith

  2. THEME • The theme of The Outsiders is violence doesn’t solve anything.

  3. The Greasers

  4. Quote: STAY GOLDEN “ Nature’s first green is gold. The hardest hue to hold. Her early leaves a Flower. But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief. So dawn goes down today. Nothing Gold can stay.”

  5. Tone The tone of TheOutsiders is angry.

  6. Mood • The mood of The Outsiders is hatred.

  7. Characterization Description: -sweet -lonely -hurt -tired of fighting -bad for killing the Soc -wants to stay Gold Feelings: -16 years old -the gangs’ pet -is abused by his parents -got jumped by the Socs -has dark hair -Ponyboy’s closest friend -looks like a sad lost puppy Johnny -shy -scared of the Socs -cares about his parents even though they don’t care for him -killed the Socs to protect Ponyboy Behavior: -caring -independent -scared of getting jumped again -protective -sad -angry Personality Traits:

  8. Images from: [The Greasers] www.search.creativecommons.org/

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