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Internet Safety

Internet Safety. Here are some Internet Guidelines:. Guidelines for Kids' Online Usage Know what your kids are doing online. Supervise your children's computer activities, just as you do their television time

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Internet Safety

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  1. Internet Safety

  2. Here are some Internet Guidelines: Guidelines for Kids' Online Usage • Know what your kids are doing online. Supervise your children's computer activities, just as you do their television time • Never give out personal information online, such as a home phone number, address, last name, name of school, passwords, or credit card info. Your kids would not give their address to a stranger on the phone, nor should they divulge it online. • Be cautious of online chat rooms. I allow them only with my supervision. Chat rooms are the cyber equivalent of CB radio. Users can "type" to each other in real-time, and messages are viewed by everyone in the chat room. Private chat rooms are also available. The problem is, as a famous New Yorker cartoon put it, "on the Internet no one knows you're a dog" or a child or an adult masquerading as a child. • Teach your children to come to you if anything ever makes them feel uncomfortable, such as inappropriate questions or an invitation to a private chat room. Do not respond to offensive email. • Never allow your children to meet "face-to-face" someone they've "met' online. • Limit online time as you would television viewing. • Use parental control software as appropriate. Parents routinely lock up household chemicals to protect their toddlers and the Internet can also be selectively locked. Today there are several software products to keep kids out of adult Internet sites.

  3. A Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety from the U.S. Department of Justice • http://www.olh.org/gallery/pdfs/149.pdf

  4. Videos to Watch on Internet Safety These videos can be shown to children about why it is important to be careful while online: • http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=51319&title=Internet_Safety_for_Kids • http://teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=51496&title=Internet_Safety_for_the_Little_Ones

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