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Exploring the Hydrologic Cycle and Water Reservoirs on Earth

Dive into the complex world of natural waters, cycling between reservoirs, and the intriguing movement of water particles. Discover the chemistry of oceans, rivers, and lakes, and unravel the mysteries of groundwater systems and evaporation. Explore the unique characteristics of different water bodies, from ocean depths to lake stratification, and understand the vital role of nutrients in sustaining aquatic ecosystems. Join us on an educational journey through the interconnected world of water and its various reservoirs on Earth.

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Exploring the Hydrologic Cycle and Water Reservoirs on Earth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Natural Waters • Take a few minutes to talk about water… • Cycling between reservoirs (hydrologic cycle) • What are the reservoirs of water on earth? • Movement between reservoirs measured by flux  simple flux mass / time • Real flux  mass unit area-1 time-1

  2. Time in a reservoir • Steady State – condition that reservoir sizes do not change • Residence time – amount of time material spends in a reservoir: • Steady state: • Residence time = mass / flux = __ time • Residence time of water in ocean: 1.4E+21 kg / 4E+17 kg/yr  ~104 =10,000 years!

  3. Water and Gases • Pure water (evaporation generally purifies water) interacts with gases in air: • Equilibrium between air and gases: H2O + CO2 H2CO3(aq) How do we determine conc. H2CO3(aq)??

  4. Diffusion, Fickian Diffusion from high to low levels.. Where D is the diffusion coefficient, dc/dx is the gradient, and J is the flux of material

  5. Water particles • Other ‘Stuff’ in atmosphere: • anthropogenic gases: SO2? • Particles: Fine minerals (dust from Africa crosses the ocean, volcanic particles cirle the planet…) • What about other stuff  why does Lagavulin and Talisker have an iodine taste after it sits 12 years in oak barrels?

  6. Rivers • Once rain hits the earth, let’s think about where it goes and what happens to it… • What about when it hits the ground? • Chemical interaction? • Physical interaction? • What makes different rivers different in the dissolved chemistry and particles carried?

  7. Particulates in rivers • Suspended load – particles transported in the water • Bed Load – particles moved along th river bed

  8. Dissolved River water How constant is some of this??? Is a river in Quebec similar to one in Texas? What about the winooski – same in July as in February?

  9. Oceans • Average depth of the oceans is 3730 meters, but we consider the top part somewhat separately- why?? • Thermocline – T gradient change • Pycnocline – Density gradient change • Chemocline – Chemical gradient change

  10. Ocean Chemistry What about the speciation?

  11. Elements in the Oceans • Split elemental abundances in the ocean into 3 classes: • Conservative - constant • Recycled – used by organisms in photic zone • Scavenged – taken out by precipitation of small particles – don’t dissolve, settle out… • Where do major elements come from? • Table 7-9…

  12. Oxygen in the Ocean • Oxygen is supersaturated in surface water • WHY?? • Oxygen becomes depleted from consumption by organisms, goes back up some at the bottom (???)

  13. Ocean Chemistry reservoirs • INPUT: Precipitation, river drainage (dissolved and particulate), atmosphere (gases and particles) – anything else??

  14. Ocean pH buffering • What buffers pH in ocean waters?? • Are there any solids that can buffer pH?

  15. CCD = Calcite Compensation Depth

  16. Evaporation • Minerals that are very soluble only precipitate as more dilute waters evaporate, leaving behind an increasingly concentrated solution • Ca2+ + SO42- + 2 H2O  CaSO4*2H2O

  17. Seafloor hydrothermal systems • Spreading centers heat source drives convection cells, leach materials from country rock, spews out at fractures…

  18. Groundwater • Precipitation that does not run-off into rivers percolates into soils, sediments, and into basement rock fractures to become groundwater • Water always flows down-hill • Darcy’s Law describes the rate of flow where,Q = volumetric flow rate (m3/s or ft3/s),A = flow area perpendicular to L (m2 or ft2),K = hydraulic conductivity (m/s or ft/s),l = flow path length (m or ft),h = hydraulic head (m or ft), andD = denotes the change in h over the path L.

  19. Groundwater Chemistry • Just like other waters, encounters minerals, gases, etc. • Some key differences from other waters: • PCO2 variable – respiration! • Segregation of flowpaths in different units

  20. Lakes • Lakes are stratified as well • Epilimnion – warmer, less dense upper layer • Hypolimnion – denser, cooler bottom layer • Stratification changes seasonally due to surface water temperture being controlled by sun, air T • Because the most dense water is at 4 C, as the surface water cools, water column ca overturn – in spring as it warms, another turnover can happen!

  21. Nutrients • Lakes are particularly sensitive to the amount of nutrients in it: • Oligotrophic – low nutrients, low photosynthetic activity, low organics  clear, clean… • Eutrophic – high nutrients, high photosynthetic activity, high organics  mucky, plankton / cyanobacterial population high • Plankton growth: • 106 CO2 + 16 NO3- + HPO42- + 122 H2O + 18 H+ + trace elements + light  C106H263O110N16P1 + 138 O2 (organic material composing plankton) • This C:N:P ratio (106:16:1) is the Redfield Ratio • What nutrients are we concerned with in Lake Champlain?

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