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Learn about the factors that led to the Great Depression, its social effects, survival tactics, Hoover's response, and more. Discover how this historic economic downturn shaped society and the global economy.
The Great Depression Ch 15
The Crash • Until mid-September, 1929, market prices rose beyond real value of stocks. • Prices began _______________________. • Late October, prices began to fall faster as investors began to sell. • Banks bought all the stock they could to stabilize market, but only ________________. • ________________________________-16.4 million shares by investors in effort to get their money out of market. • ______________________ dropped stock prices to fractions of original value.
Market declines are normal part of ________ ______________. • Period in which economy _____________________________________. • Market crash only hurt big investors at first. • Spread to affect all aspects of society.
Why Depression Spread • ___________________________-Debtors couldn’t pay back loans, banks lost money. • ___________________________-Consumers borrowed money, couldn’t pay it back. • __________-People rushed to withdraw $$ before banks closed. Banks called in loans, people couldn’t pay. • _________________-Banks ran out of money, closed. • _________________________-People lost savings when banks closed. • _________________________-No reason to produce when businesses couldn’t get loans and nobody was buying. • __________________________-Business cut back, laid off workers.
______________________ began with Great Crash. • Most severe economic downturn in nation’s history. • Factories ____________________, closed due to lack of demand for products. • Led to closing of small local businesses (ex-restaurants). • Farm prices dropped. • By 1932, __________________ of all American workers was unemployed.
All world banks & markets were ___________. • When largest economy (USA) collapsed, all crashed. • ____________________ could not pay war debt. • ___________________ could not pay back loans to USA. • High tariffs limited foreign sales in USA markets.
Social Effects of Depression • Banks closed, __________________________. • Unemployed, couldn’t pay rent, evicted. • Many homeless built __________________ in parks, vacant lots. • ____________________ made of scrap material. • Many became _______________, travelling country on rails looking for work. • Farmers who couldn’t pay mortgages lost farms to banks.
The _________________ • Many farmers over-farmed their land, trying to make profit. • Plowed up grass holding soil down. • Several years of drought and wind led to huge _______________________. • Called ______________________. • Millions of tons of ______________ blew away, landed as far away as middle of Atlantic Ocean. • Midwestern farmers abandoned farms, migrated to California, looking for work. • Called “__________”.
Survival in the Depression • People did what they had to to survive. • Took ________________________________, hitchhiked around country looking for work. • People banded together to help each other. • When banks sold farms at auction, farmers would bid pennies on the farms, then return it to the farmers. • Called ______________________________. • Led many states to forbid farm ___________________.
Many young men _______________________ around USA looking for work. • Often, families couldn’t afford to keep them. • Called _______________. • Riding rails was dangerous-injury, death, ________________, beatings, robbery. • Even in bad times, people had sense of humor. • Slept under “__________________”-newspapers. • Waved “_________________”-pockets inside out. • Lots of cartoons in newspapers.
There were some positives. • Feb. 1933-______________________ passed-repealed Prohibition. • 1930-__________________________ began construction of ___________________________. • Tallest building in world for a time. • 102 stories (1,250 feet) tall. • Seen as symbol of hope for people.
Hoover during the Depression • Hoover originally insisted gov’t should not get involved. • Asked businesses to maintain _____________. • Did at first, but eventually had to begin cutting. • Hoover realized people needed help, began job programs-_______________, roads, parks. • Passed ___________________________-highest import tariff ever. • Hoped to protect USA business; backfired, Europe raised tariffs, slowed USA international business.
Created ______________________________ __________-gave credit to large companies, loaned $$ to banks. • Did not help small business, _________________. • Hoover believed relief should come from state/local gov’t. • Federal relief would destroy _________________, create more gov’t. • People felt Hoover ____________________, blamed him for all problems.
Summer 1932-20,000 WWI vets camped in Washington, DC. • Called themselves the ____________________. • Wanted their _________________________ early. • Hoover called in General _________________ ______________ & army to clear out protestors. • MacArthur used force to drive out protestors, many injured. • Hoover blamed.
_______________________________ • Democratic Party nominee for president. • Governor of _________________ 1929-1932. • FDR was willing to try anything to help pull USA out of Depression. • Promised USA a “_____________________”. • Supporter of __________________________. • In times of economic trouble, gov’t spending can make up for lack of private/business spending.
1932 Election • Hoover campaigned on idea that FDR’s policies would ______________________ size & power of gov’t. • FDR campaigned on idea that Hoover’s policy of doing ______________________, and gov’t must step in and help. • FDR won by ___________________________; huge margin. • FDR would begin massive redesign of US gov’t.