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1. The employment rate of the UK millennials is 82%, which makes them the most attractive segment for different retailers and brands. <br><br>2. The U.K. millennials are spending more money on e-commerce websites. They tend to spend more than 50 Euros per visit. <br><br>3. UK millennials often use the internet to know about the products they purchase. <br><br>Read More: http://bit.ly/2m16X8w <br><br>Need Help to Select Research Topic: http://bit.ly/32L7L2q
Tutors india Lab Understanding Behavioral and trends of millennials The UK PersPecTive Best research areas for fUtUre researchers 2019
Tutors india Lab The UK PersPecTive 2 Best Research Areas for future researchers 2019 Business And Management
Tutors india Lab eXecUtive sUmmarY The employment rate of the UK millennials is 82%, which makes them the most attractive segment for different retailers and brands. 1 The U.K. millennials are spending more money on e-commerce websites. They tend to spend more than 50 Euros per visit. 2 UK millennials often use internet to know about the products they purchase. 3 3 Best Research Areas for future researchers 2019 Business And Management
Tutors India Lab iNTrODUcTiON In recent years, millennials, the individuals born between 1980 and 1999, have gained a lot of attention because of their behav- ior and habits. The global population of the millennials is approximately 2 billion, which is 27% of the total global popula- tion. (Deloitte, 2019) Some of them are on the verge of developing into responsible adults, whereas some of them have already stepped into adulthood while adapting themselves to the rapid modernization. In the United Kingdom, millennials consti- tute 13.9% of the total population, which is 12 million. The employment rate of the UK millennials is 82%, which makes them the most attractive segment for different retailers and brands. (Jennifer Brown et al., 2017). The spending power of the millenni- als is exceeding the spending power of the baby boomers. The millennials are the first generation to utilize the advancements in technology for a variety of purposes including communi- cation, entertainment, education, shopping, etc. Notably, the availability of various online purchase channels has transformed the way millennials purchase. Therefore, it is vital for the brands to adopt different strat- egies to that are streamlined to attract the millennials (Jennifer Brown et al., 2017) The smartphone usage among the U.K. millenni- als has increased to 78% in 2018 from 17% in the year 2008. The mobile phones are being used by the millennials for everything including online research, social media usage and online purchase. Many millenni- als have started to interact with the brands in social media. Therefore, it is vital for the brands to have an online presence and offer an online service that is user-friendly. The layouts and resolution have to be attractive in order to gain the attention of the UK mil- lennials as the U.K. millennials are spending a lot of money on e-commerce websites. They tend to spend more than 50 Euros per visit(Jennifer Brown et al., 2017) The millennials pay attention to price when it comes to shopping online. Interestingly, Amazon is being used by the UK millenni- als often to make purchases online as they perceive that the products sold in Amazon are cheaper than other e-commerce sites. 4 Best Research Areas for future researchers 2019 Business And Management
Tutors india Lab In addition to this, UK millennials often use internet to know about the products they purchase. (Fischel, 2016) Most of the mil- lennials tend to read the reviews of the product online before they buy anything on the e-commerce websites. However, the description about the products and reviews of the products are not available in different e-commerce websites. (Inviqa, 2018) When it comes to brand loyalty, female millennials are found to be more loyal towards brands that provide proper service and support while the male millennials are found to be loyal towards the brands that make their life much easier. The price aspect of the products is not considered by them when it comes to brand loyalty. Millennials between the age group of 25 – 34 are found to be loyal towards brands that have a responsible image, whereas millennials between the age group of 16-24 are found to be loyal towards brands that offer free products. (Proudlock, 2019) Therefore, the brands are now expected to look beyond promotions related to price and performance of the products. At present, online personalization has become the most used strategy to promote the brands as the millennials in the U.K. desire to see the content that has been personalized according to their taste. With the help of consumer data and technology advancements, various brands are able to personalize the content for different users through the same platform. However, keeping in mind the privacy concerns, the millennials are not willing to provide their personal data, especially their contact number.(Double, 2019) Therefore, keeping in mind the wants of the millennials the brands have to go the extra mile in order to persuade the millennials. 5 Best Research Areas for future researchers 2019 Business And Management
Tutors india Lab fUTUre TOPics fOr researchers 1. Various factors influencing online shopping behaviour of millennials a. Survey using well-structured questionnaire, a positivist research philosophy b. If the research is about “what” and “how” a descriptive research design is best option as emphaized by many authors e.g. Saunders (2019) c. Or if the interest is to explore the new factors, then recommendation would be the qualitative choice of methodology the following are the worthwhile fUtUre topics for researchers and the possiBle research methodologies that coUld Be adopted 2. Effective implementation of Online personalization to Millennials 3. Millennials view towards privacy concern: specifically, in search engine platforms 4. At what costs do millennials unwilling or and willing to interact with search engine personalization 5. How beneficial do millennials view search engine personalization to be a. These researches can be conducted across multiple context (e.g. advertising, social networks, websites, e-retail) b. E.g. Advertising Context: Personalized advertising and targeted messaging c. An online anonymous self-completion questionnaire can be used for this study d. But should be carried out online due to the internet offering e. The conceptual framework that can be used are Miceli et al (2007)1 and Walrave and Heirman (2013) f. Questionnaire can capture perceived cost, benefits of search engine personal- ization, willingness to disclose personal data and value perceptions, and data disclosure willingness. 6. Consumer Loyalty trends in the Hotel Industry 6 Best Research Areas for future researchers 2019 Business And Management
Tutors india Lab reference aBoUt the department [1] Baumber, M. (2018). Consumer Shopping Habits in the UK. Retrieved September 10, 2019, from https://www. customerinsightgroup.com/marketinglibrary/market- ing-trends/consumer-shopping-habits-in-the-uk Business And Management Lab at Tutors India is involved in exploring novel research areas for the chal- lenges faced by today’s technology-oriented business or organisation, the market, the economy, finance and sales. The research team explores and identifies troubling questions that exist in scholarly literature, in theory, or in practices that needs deliberate investiga- tion. [2] Clark, D. (2018). Millennial population of the United Kingdom (UK) in 2018, by age (in 1,000s). Retrieved September 10, 2019, from https://www.statista.com/ statistics/630938/uk-millennial-population-by-age/ [3] Deloitte. (2019). Unravelling the Indian Consumer. Re- trieved from https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/ Deloitte/in/Documents/consumer-business/Unravelling the Indian Consumer_web.pdf aBoUt Us [4] Double, J. (2019). Millennials And Personalised Search Engines. University of Sussex. Retrieved from http:// sro.sussex.ac.uk/id/eprint/82221/3/Double%26Restuc- cia_Millennials Personalisation and Privacy_FinalRevi- sion_Nov2017.pdf Tutors India, is world’s reputed academic guidance provider for the past 15 years have guided more than 4,500 Ph.D. scholars and 10,500 Masters Students across the globe. We support students, research scholars, entrepreneurs, and professionals from various or- ganizations in providing consistently high-quality writing and data analytical services every time. We value every client and make sure their requirements are identified and understood by our specialized professionals and analysts, enriched in experience to deliver techni- cally sound output within the requested timeframe. Writers at Tutors India are best referred as ‘Researchers’ since every topic they handle unique and challenging. [5] Fischel, D. (2016). Retail Revolutions How the Dif- ferent Generations Shop. Retrieved from https:// www.intugroup.co.uk/media/3260/retail-revolu- tions-how-the-different-generations-shop-bcsc-re- port-sept16.pdf We specialize in handling text and data, i.e., content development and Statistical analysis where the latest statistical applications are exhausted by our expert analysts for determining the outcome of the data analysed. Qualified and experienced researchers including Ph.D. holders, statisticians, and research analysts offer cutting edge research consulting and writing services to meet your business information or academic project requirement. Our expertise has passion towards research and personal assistance as we work closely with you for a very professional and quality output within your stipulated time frame. Our services cover vast areas, and we also support either part or entire research paper/service as per your requirement at competitive prices. [6] Inviqa. (2018). What millennials want: online retail in the Amazon era. Retrieved from https://whatmillennials- want.inviqa.com/ [7] Jennifer Brown, Apostolova, V., Barton, C., Bolton, P., Dempsey, N., Harari, D., … Powell, A. (2017). Millennials. Retrieved from https://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ ResearchBriefing/Summary/CBP-7946 [8] Proudlock, D. (2019). The Foodies. The ‘Me’ Gener- ation. The ‘Always On’ Generation. Lots Of Labels Have Been Given To Uk Millennials, But Do We Tru- ly Know The ‘Real’ Them? Retrieved from https:// static1.squarespace.com/static/566824117086d- 7d425e48806/t/575e873f8259b5bbefd5e6da/ Copyright © 2001 - 2019 Tutors India All Rights Reserved. No part of this document should be modified/used without prior consent. Cell:+91-4448137070 Email:info@tutorsindia.com Web:www.tutorsindia.com Business And Management