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Study number theory, graph theory, automata, and mathematical techniques essential for cryptography, security, and coding theory. Explore key concepts in computer science and engineering.
Discrete Math II- Introduction - Howon Kim 2019.9.2
About this course… • Course name : Discrete Math II (CP21697) • Study the basics on number theory, graph theory, automata, and mathematical techniques for computer science & engineering • Number theory (finite fields and ring) is the fundamental knowledge for the cryptography & security and Coding Theory etc. • Graph theory & automata is the basic mathematical techniques to understand the computer science, networks and many topics in computer engineering
About this course… • About Instructor • Office : A06-503 • Office hours : 12:30 ~ 13:30 PM(Monday, Wednesday) • Email: howonkim@gmail.com, howonkim@pusan.ac.kr • Phone: 010-8540-6336 • Homepage : http://infosec.pusan.ac.kr • Major Research Interests • 지능형 사물인터넷(Intelligent IoT) 연구 • 블록체인(Blockchain) 연구 • 딥러닝, 산업용 AI 연구 • 암호(Cryptography), 정보보호(Information Security), IoT 보안 • 암호 칩, 보안 칩 설계 연구, TLS 전용 칩 개발 • 국가보안기술연구소, ETRI, KISA와공동연구 • 부산대학교 사물인터넷 연구센터, 블록체인 전문연구실 운영 중
About this course… • Textbook • “Discrete and combinatorial mathematics ” (5th Ed), R.P. Grimaldi, 2004 • Selected Materials for mathematical techniques • Time & Classroom • 13:30 ~ 14:45 PM (Monday, Wednesday), A6-514호 • References • Discrete mathematics by Richard Johnsonbaugh • Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation by John E. Hopcroft • Introduction to Graph Theory by Douglas B West • A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography by Neal Koblitz
Course Materials http://infosec.pusan.ac.kr About this course…
About this course • Grading Policy (수업시간 참여 충실도 반영)
Algebra Definition Tuple <K, op1, op2, …, opn> < R, ,, , > < {T,F}, ,, > ;Boolean algebra K : a set of data |K| : order finite or infinite Operator opj Closure opj : Ki K Unary if i=1, Binary if i=2, … 8
Identity and Zero : K K K Identity element e for in K(항등원) ea = a e =a for all a ∈ K Zero elementzfor in K(영원) za = a z =z for all a ∈ K Examples < Z, + > Identity : 0, Zero : none < Z, > Identity : 1, Zero : 0 9
Inverse : K K K Let e be the identity element for in K. Left inverse a’La = e , a ∈ K Right inverse a a’R =e,a ∈ K Ifa’L=a’R=a’,a’is the inverse of a. Example < Z, + > Identity 0, (-x) is the inverse of x : x + (-x) = (-x) + x = 0 10
Properties of Operator Let : K K K be a binary operator. (1) Closure (2) Associative (a b) c = a (b c) for all a, b, c ∈ K. (3) Identity There is an identity element e ∈ K for . (4) Inverse For each a ∈ K, there is an inverse a’∈ Kfor . (5) Commutative a b = b a for all a,b∈K. 11
Binary Algebra < K, > for binary operator : K K K Semigroup (반군) : Associative < Z+, + > A semigroup is a set with an associativebinary operation which satisfies closure and associative law. Monoid (단위반군) : Associative, Identity < N, + >, < Z, >, < {T,F}, > A monoid is a set that is closed under an associativebinary operation and has an identity element Group (군) : Associative, Identity, Inverse < Z, + > Abelian group (대수군) : Associative, Identity, Inverse, Commutative < Z, + > 12
Binary Algebra Properties Closure Associative Identity Inverse Commutative (1), (2) Semigroup Abelian Semigroup (5) (3) Monoid Abelian Monoid (5) (4) Group Abelian Group (5) • < K, > Set 13
Binary Algebra Set Closure Semigroup Associative Abelian Semigroup Monoid Identity Abelian Monoid Group Inverse Abelian Group Commutative 14
Ring ( Two operators ) < K, , > Two binary operators, : K K K Conditions for Ring < K, > is an abelian group. is associative is distributive over a (b c) = (a b) (a c) and (a b) c = (a c) (b c) for all a,b,c ∈ K. 15
Definitions < K, , > < K, > : abelian group, and distribution laws hold Conditions for operator : Ring (환) : Associative Ring with Unity : Associative, Identity Commutative Ring : Associative, Commutative Commutative Ring with Unity Associative, Identity, Commutative Field (체) Associative, Identity, Commutative, Inverse 16
Ring and Field Properties for (0) Distributive (1) Closure (2) Associative (3) Identity (4) Inverse (5) Commutative (0), (1), (2) Ring Commutative Ring (5) (3) (3) Ring with Unity Commutative Ring with Unity (5) (4) Field • < K, , > Set 17
Ring and Field < K, , > Closure Ring Associative Distributive Field Ring with Unity Commutative Ring Inverse Commutative Identity Commutative Ring with Unity 18
Next… • Basics on Number Theory…