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Consumer Rights & Responsibilities. Just Imagine…. You just bought a brand new iPod Touch from Best Buy yesterday. When you got home, however, you tried it out only to find that you could not hear a sound!. What do you do?. 7 Consumer Rights. Right to be heard Right to choose
Just Imagine… You just bought a brand new iPod Touch from Best Buy yesterday. When you got home, however, you tried it out only to find that you could not hear a sound! What do you do?
7 Consumer Rights • Right to be heard • Right to choose • Right to service • Right to safety • Right to be informed • Right to have problems corrected • Right to consumer education
1. Right to Be Heard • Consumers who have complaints about products or services have a right to be heard. • Businesses rely on customer satisfaction. • Think About It: What happens if a business does not listen to the concerns of its customers?
2. Right to Choose • Because the U.S. has a market economy, its consumers can choose from a wide variety of goods and services. • Businesses compete with each other to sell their products to consumers. • Competition provides choices. • Think About It: What would happen if there was no competition? What if AT&T was the only cell phone provider out there?
3. Right to Service • Customers have the right to be treated in a respectful and courteous manner. • You have the right to: • Expect prompt delivery of goods/services • Expect goods/services that meet the standard of quality a business claims • Be served without discrimination • Think About It: When laws or regulations protect you from discrimination, what are the personal characteristics they usually include?
4. Right to Safety • Product liability is the legal responsibility that manufacturers have to make a safe product. • Federal laws ensure that clothing, food, toys, and other items meet product-safety standards and will not harm consumers. • Think About It: Think about current events in the news. Which company has been in the news over the last several months because they violated our right to safety?
5. Right to Be Informed • Consumers have the right to receive accurate information. • Businesses are required to provide certain details about their product. • Companies provide this information through product labeling. • Think About It: Consumers can make wise decisions only if they have the information they need. What do you look at when you make decisions to buy products?
6. Right to Have Problems Corrected • If a customer takes a defective item back to a store with a receipt, the business will usually replace it or issue a refund. • If not, consumers can write to the manufacturer for a resolution. • If the manufacturer will not help, the consumer may need to contact a government agency. • Think About It: Companies will usually issue a replacement or a refund. In what situation might the company deny a refund?
7. Right to Consumer Education • Consumers have the right to learn how a market system works. • You should know: • How to get the best value and satisfaction for your money • Different stores might charge different prices • How to comparison shop to find the best buy • Think About It: Why might Store A charge a higher price for the same item that is sold at Store B? How can you do your best to ensure you get the best price for the item you want?
Show What You Know! • Match the consumer issue with the appropriate consumer rights.
6 Consumer Responsibilities • To be informed • To choose carefully • To be reasonable • To report unethical behavior • To be involved in consumer advocacy • To be honest
1. To Be Informed • Responsible consumers find and use available information. • When you shop for: • Food – read product labels for nutritional information • Clothes – read labels to find out what materials are used and how to clean them • Major Purchases – read fact sheets and consumer magazines • Think About It: What kind of information should you look for when you buy food? Clothes? Major purchases?
2. To Choose Carefully • Responsible consumers make comparisons to find the best product or service at the best price. • Examine the options and prices and then make an educated choice. • Consumer choices can affect: • The Environment • The Conservation of Resources • Think About It: Many consumer choices can affect the environment. What are some choices that you can make as consumers that could affect the environment? Think cars, clothes, food.
3. To Be Reasonable • Consumers must follow the instructions provided in product manuals or other materials on the safe use of products. • Think About It: Why is it important to read the label of a cold remedy to find out its recommended dosage.
4. To Report Unethical Practices • Responsible consumers help improve the policies and products of businesses where they shop. • Let a company know if you are dissatisfied with its products or policies. • Report unfair, unsafe, and illegal business practices. • Think About It: If you take a defective item back and the store cannot solve the problem, what is your next step? (manufacturer, government agency)
5. To Be Involved in Consumer Advocacy • Responsible consumers take a stand, when needed, to protect each other. • For example, you could organize or participate in a boycott if you object to a company’s policies or products. • Think About It: Why might you organize a boycott? Think about gas prices.
6. To Be Honest • Responsible consumers refrain from taking advantage of business policies. • For example, you should: • Respect return policies • Be honest about broken (as opposed to defective) merchandise • Think About It: Are you being honest if you buy a product at Store A and return it to Store B because they do not require a receipt and will give you a cash refund? The product at Store B sells for $10 where as Store A charges $7.
Show What You Know! • Match the consumer issue with the appropriate consumer responsibilities.