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God’s Memorials-1 Exodus 12:14-20 . Introduction-1. The word translated memorial ( zikkaron ) means a reminder or commemoration of things to be honored or celebrated Tomorrow has been designated as “Memorial Day” for the citizens of this nation
Introduction-1 • The word translated memorial (zikkaron) means a reminder or commemoration of things to be honored or celebrated • Tomorrow has been designated as “Memorial Day” for the citizens of this nation • It was set aside to remember and honor those who have lost their lives serving in this nation’s armed forces • God has also identified things that are to serve as a memorial for His people • This morning, I want to the consider two of them
The Passover-1 • A feast begun in Egypt at the end of the Israelites bondage there • On the night when the firstborn children were killed & Pharaoh released them • Observed on the 14th day of the 1st month • The Jews killed a lamb & put its blood above and on the sides of the doors of their houses • They roasted and ate the lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs
The Passover-2 • The lamb’s blood protected the firstborn children in the houses of the Israelites • But all of the Egyptian firstborn died • The Passover began a feast of unleavened bread that continued for seven more days • The Jews were commanded to keep this feast as a memorial of their deliverance from Egyptian bondage
The Christian’s Passover-1 • The Jewish Passover was a type of a greater Passover and a greater memorial which christianscelebrate today • Jesus is the antetype of the Passover lamb- I Cor. 5:7 • Each one, every year pointed to Him • Similarities between Jesus and the Passover lamb: 1. He was without blemish- Exod. 12:5 & I Pet. 2:21-22 2. Not a bone of His body was broken- Exod. 12:46 & Jn. 19:36
The Christian’s Passover-2 3. Blood of the lamb delivered firstborn Israelites from physical death • Jesus’ blood delivers us from spiritual death- II Cor. 1:10 • John the Baptist declared “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”- Jn. 1:29 4. The lamb provided nourishment for the Israelites • Jesus’ life & words are our spiritual food- Jn. 6:55 & 63 5. Passover lamb was sacrificed at the beginning of the new year • Jesus’ death gives us a new beginning- II Cor. 5:17
The Christian’s Memorial-1 • Established by Jesus Himself on the night of His betrayal • And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it , all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine, from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father’s kingdom.”-Mt. 26:26-29
The Christian’s Memorial-2 • A spiritual feast that is called “the Lord’s Supper” • Consisting of unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine (the cup) • Unleavened bread like that which was eaten during the Jewish Passover • Used in the Lord’s supper to represent Jesus’ sinless body- Mt. 26:26 & Heb. 4:15 • The fruit of the vine which represents Jesus’ blood
The Christian’s Memorial-3 • The blood that cleanses us from sin- Rev. 1:5 • The blood of His “new covenant” which guarantees all its great provisions and promises- Mt. 26:28 & Heb. 9:23 • A memorial that looks back to Jesus’ death for our sins • Which also looks forward to His return- I Cor. 11:26 • That requires that we look inward at ourselves- I Cor. 11:28 • A memorial essential to our spiritual health- I Cor. 11:30 • Observed by faithful christians each 1st day of the week- Acts 20:7
In Conclusion • Jesus’ has given us a great memorial to His death • Of which the Jewish Passover was a type • Jesus wants each christian to live a pure life- I Cor. 5:7 • That we may be a holy influence upon one another and the world- Mt. 5:13 • Only those who keep themselves pure will be prepared to meet Jesus when he returns- I Jn. 3:3 • Are you prepared to meet Jesus this morning?