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Disaster Scenario Exercise for Organizational Planning Chemical Accident FEMA 2010

Disaster Scenario Exercise for Organizational Planning Chemical Accident FEMA 2010. EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE. Purpose. Why are we investing this time? Where are we in emergency planning? Who oversees emergency planning in our organization?. EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE. FEMA.

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Disaster Scenario Exercise for Organizational Planning Chemical Accident FEMA 2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Disaster Scenario Exercise for Organizational PlanningChemical AccidentFEMA 2010 EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE

  2. Purpose • Why are we investing this time? • Where are we in emergency planning? • Who oversees emergency planning in our organization? EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE FEMA

  3. Agenda • Introductions • Modules • Hotwash EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE FEMA

  4. Introductions • Facilitator(s) • Players EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE

  5. Objectives • Create a quality learning environment. • Provide a tool for emergency planning. • Empower our team. • Provide a forum for discussing emergency planning. • Encourage coordination with local emergency managers. EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE

  6. Rules for Players • Relax – this is a no-fault, low stress exercise. • Respond based on your current capability. • Allow for artificialities of the scenario – it’s a tool. • Feel free to improvise – think outside the box. EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE FEMA

  7. Scenario: Chemical Accident • Chlorine rail accident and release of chlorine gas EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE

  8. FEMA Emergency Management • Prepare and Protect • Respond • Recover • Mitigate EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE

  9. Prepare & Protect • Have a plan and prepare to activate it • Gather the planning team • Assess hazards, prepare facilities and employees • Establish evacuation and shelter-in-place plans • Stock and check supplies and first aid • Train Emergency Response Teams • Coordinate with local and state emergency managers EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE


  11. Prepare & Protect - Discussion • What are the hazards? How do we protect our people? • Who is our team, internally and externally? • How will we communicate? What if systems fail? • What are our needs, for supplies, etc.? • What are needs of employees, customers, members? • What are needs for protecting our organization? • Who do we contact and inform, internally and externally? • What can we do now to recover more quickly later? EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE

  12. Break

  13. Respond • Mobilize and position emergency equipment • Evacuate or shelter-in-place • Provide food, water, shelter, medical • Initiate organization continuity plan • Assess and restore damaged services and systems • Coordinate with local responders, government agencies, and other private organizations EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE FEMA

  14. Respond • Click To Play News EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE

  15. Respond - Discussion • Who’s in charge? • What’s our plan? • Evacuate or shelter-in-place? • How do we identify who is still in the office or at work? • How do we communicate? What is systems are down? • Who is the Point of Contact at local responders, government agencies, and other organizations? EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE

  16. Recover • Our organization could be heavily impacted, directly, or • Indirectly if our supply chain is disrupted or our customers or employees are displaced from their homes • Water may not be available • Employees could have damaged homes, or remain home tending to family and to children out of school • Physical and mental health of employees could be a concern. EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE FEMA

  17. Recover • Click To Play News EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE

  18. Recover - Discussion • What are long-term environmental effects? • How could this affect our operations? • How do we ensure continuity of operations (COOP)? • Can we operate without municipal services or utilities? • Do we have generators and other back-up utilities? • What are our priorities? EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE FEMA

  19. Mitigate - Discussion • What hazards have been identified in the community that pose a risk to our organization? • What steps can we take to mitigate risks? • What steps is the community taking to mitigate community-wide risks? • How can our organization work with local officials? EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE

  20. Hot Wash • What have you learned during this exercise? • Name five organizational strengths. • Name five organizational weaknesses/gaps. • What should be next steps in planning and preparing? • List and prioritize five short-term and five long-term actions for follow-up. EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE FEMA

  21. Federal Planning Resources • www.ready.gov • www.fema.gov • www.preparemybusiness.org • Local Resources EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE

  22. Contact • For more information on this exercise, contact: • FEMA • Office of External Affairs, Private Sector Division • 500 C St. SW • Washington, DC • Email FEMA-private-sector@dhs.gov EXERCISE EXERCISEEXERCISE

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