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Join us on a journey of imagining how to teach, include, and inspire children in worship, guided by Godly Play principles and grounded in Luke 18:16. Explore ways to show hospitality, include children in leading worship, and make them feel loved and cherished. Share your insights with the Bishop's Task Force on Children in Worship.
ALL God’s Children Workshop Presented at Annual Conference 6-13-2014 Friends, you are invited to join us on a journey of dreaming visioning, imagining, and wondering together about how we can faithfully teach, encourage, include, and inspire children in worship. We are going to do some “wondering” along the lines of Jerome Berryman’s Godly Play. But first, let’s ground our work together in Scripture: Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” Luke 18:16
I wonder what would happen if we looked at worship through the eyes of a child….I wonder what they see?
Probably some things they need help understanding like the Altar, Pulpit, Choir Loft, Cross, Paraments, Candles, Flowers, Organ, Acolytes, Ushers, Offering Envelopes, Offering Plates, Hymnals, Song Books, Pew Bibles, Visitor Cards, Bulletins, Stained Glass Windows, Chalice, Paten, and Baptismal Font
I wonder what they hear when they’re in worship……… Scripture Preaching Children’s Sermon Prayer Singing Music
I wonder how we might show hospitality to children in worship…. We might offer Worship Bags with a clipboard, Bible coloring pages, crayons and books to keep little ones occupied in worship.
We might show hospitality by placing Children’s Bibles in the pews…. Children’s Bibles
How about a basket of teddy bears for little ones to hold during worship?
AND we could reserve a section of pews just for families with small children….how about right down front? Front Row Seating
I wonder what could happen if we invited children to help lead worship through music…
I wonder how we might be intentional in making children feel included in worship….
I wonder how we might be intentional in making children feel loved and cherished in and through worship….
I wonder what could happen if we celebrated children as part of the kingdom of God EVERY Sunday…
I Wonder What God Has Placed on Your Heart About Children in Worship….The Bishop’s Task Force on Children in Worship would love to hear from you!