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Athens, the City of the Violet Crown

Athens, the City of the Violet Crown. By: James Duffy, Isabel Lavine , Mallory Durkin Period 2 9/24/2013. Mountains Hot dry summers Little rainfall Dry low humidity Mild Winters By the Ilissus River. Geography. Olives picked to produce olive oil Used olive oil for cooking

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Athens, the City of the Violet Crown

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Athens, the City of the Violet Crown By: James Duffy, Isabel Lavine, Mallory Durkin Period 2 9/24/2013

  2. Mountains • Hot dry summers • Little rainfall • Dry low humidity • Mild Winters • By the Ilissus River Geography

  3. Olives picked to produce olive oil • Used olive oil for cooking • Deer, hare, and boars were hunted as addition to food supply • Planted wheat, barley, grapes, figs, beans • Kept goats for milk and cheese Stable Food Source

  4. Democracy • Government was important to them • Strongest navy • One of first kings was Cecrops • Only male citizens Government

  5. Polytheistic, which meant they followed more than one god • Gods gave laws • Athena guardian of city • Athena was daughter of Zeus Religion

  6. One of the most beautiful cities when it came to architecture • Parthenon made of limestone • Built buildings such as palaces, theatres, and stadiums for sports • Had a big acropolis that defended the city • The main entrance of the acropolis was guarded Architecture

  7. Upper Class • Aristocrats who made up cavalry or captained triremes Middle Class • Small farmers Lower Class • Slaves • Metics who came from outside city who were not allowed to own land, but could run industries • Thetes (urban craftsmen and trireme rowers) Social Structure

  8. Had theatre for entertainment The Arts

  9. Still in use today • Got it from Phoenicians • Wrote myths, fables, legends, letters, business, contracts, kept reports of meetings Writing

  10. Technology

  11. The lasting impression the Athens left was the beautiful architecture and their determination when they fought other cities Legacy

  12. http://www.acientgreece.com/s/ancientgreek • http://www.acient-greece.org/architecture.html • http://ancientathens.weebly.com/social-classes.html Bibliography

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