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HDF 190: First Year Leaders Inspired to Excellence Leadership Portfolio

HDF 190: First Year Leaders Inspired to Excellence Leadership Portfolio. Eric Youncofski Spring 2013 Eric_youncofski@my.uri.edu. Table of Contents. Strengths Opening statement Section 1: Self Leadership Section 2: Leadership Theories Section 3: Inclusive Leadership

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HDF 190: First Year Leaders Inspired to Excellence Leadership Portfolio

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HDF 190:First Year Leaders Inspired to Excellence Leadership Portfolio Eric Youncofski Spring 2013 Eric_youncofski@my.uri.edu

  2. Table of Contents Strengths Opening statement Section 1: Self Leadership Section 2: Leadership Theories Section 3: Inclusive Leadership Section 4: Critical Thinking Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leader

  3. Signature Strengths Values in Action Strengths Hope Humor Love Gratitude Social Intelligence • Responsibility • Focus • Significance • Communication • Positivity

  4. Opening Statement • This class really helped me understand who I truly am as a leader. Through finding my top strengths and VIA it helped me understand why I do things the way I do. This class has been my best experience here at URI so far.

  5. Section 1Self Leadership

  6. Section 2Leadership Theories

  7. Section 3Inclusive Leadership

  8. Section 4Critical Thinking

  9. Section 5Interpersonal/Organizational Leader

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