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Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater. ~Gail Godwin. A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron. ~Horace Mann. Teacher par excellence: Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater. ~Gail Godwin A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron. ~Horace Mann Teacher par excellence: Dr. S. Radhakrishnan A teacher who ceases to learn, also ceases to be a teacher. The willingness in a teacher to learn is what makes him/her a competent teacher. What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches. ~Karl Menninger
Approach - teacher centered Tutors pupils Centering round the text book Encourages rote learning Valued-by experience (in years) Knowledge limits to syllabus Connected to limited number of teachers Gives information Child centered Facilitates learners Text book is one of the tools Encourages learning by doing Valued by experimentation Updated information Connected at global level Guides and canalizes information TRADITIONAL TEACHERVs MODERN TEACHER
A curriculum is a planned programme of activities to achieve the objectives of education . It includes totality of all experiences that a student should know through the manifold activities that go on in the college or school . What is curriculum?
Suitable modules are to be developed according to the • individual’s potentialities • Vocational skills for increased productivity and well being , • inculcation of dignity of manual labour, willingness to work hard. • Scientific attitude and rational outlook , • knowledge of the procedures involved in scientific method of inquiry and its use in solving problems • Mahatma Gandhi defined education as the all round development of the child . • Curriculum should be • child centered – • based upon the needs, interests, aptitudes and abilities of students at different levels • enables the learners to acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, attitudes and values which will help him realize his full potential • Curriculum should cover even physical health, moral and spiritual values, aesthetics and work experience.
Goals of our curriculum • NCERT has given the five guiding principles. • Connecting knowledge to out side school (world). • Learning is shifted away from the rote learning method. • Enriching the curriculum for overall development of child to go beyond the text book. • Making examinations more flexible. • Civic sense-towards responsible citizens
Preparing models • Excursions and field trips • Music education • Special games • CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES • Learning by doing-simple project, • Role playing • Brain storming • Story developing
The expected product (vision) • policy of a school should hold to prepare the child with all the skills to face the future. Total personality development is a tool, which a child carries from his school • Confidence • Awareness • Physique • Skills • Information and academics • To be able to lead a life as a complete human being and a responsible citizen of a country in the decades to come
ROLE OF TEACHERS • A teacher • moulds a child , • polishes her being • provides opportunities for the emotional and intellectual growth . • Once these faculties are irrigated with proper information and knowledge through right canalization, the growth of the child is in the right direction. Beyond teaching academic subjects, it is the responsibility of a teacher to mould a child into a responsible citizen
Hari om Role of teachers • Role of teachers • A teacher should be • a facilitator • a guide who should be able to provide the right kind of learning experience and environment to children through active interaction to develop the basic skill of observation. • The teacher’s positive attitude would encourage the children • The teacher has to develop problem solving skills promote planning and execution of projects
Pose open –ended questions---develop sensitiveness in children ---avoid over-emphasising the textual information- • use supplementary materials, books etc. • Encourage children to pursue their hobbies--- • stimulates exploration and creative thinking--- • appreciate openly ------ • allow children to think and express freely • Take care that a child is not ridiculed---- • discourage self-criticism
The teacher should create hope and encouragement in both children and parents and also insist for professional guidance to get remedial education to improve the skills related to the learning process when there is an opportunity and this would in turn help the child to reach the mainstream of the class • With the help of technology, teachers will be leaders in the transformation of education around the world
Technology by itself will not revolutionalise the learning process since only a catalyst in the form of a competent and dedicated teacher can kindle the curiosity of the student to delve deep into subject. But the stern reality, namely technology can no longer be ignored in education. A child, whether mischievous or well behaved, is totally focused on the teacher. A sensitive or an experienced teacher doesn't miss any chance to bring any kind of change that is required for the positive development of the child.
TEACHER- STUDENT RELATIONSHIP Only when a student can relate to the teacher , he will relate to the subject. Only when he can relate to the subject, will he learn the subject. Relate the subject to their life Application of the subject in the students’ life Attraction is not possible without distraction- Students have a limited attention span –so , once in a way go off the subject and come back. This way -better attention span . Know the subject ”n” times more than what you teach-KEEP TEACHING-KEEP LEARNING.
MIDAS TOUCH TEACHING LOVE SUBJECT STUDENT Believe in your creations , your students and they in turn will make you feel proud
TOOLS IN THE MODERN ERA • The class room tools • Maps • Charts • Black board and charts • Slides • Films • Overhead projectors • T.V. sets • Video cassette players USE OF MULTIMEDIA Animations Games & puzzles Online Quiz Video conferences Chatting Online teacher communities Create websites Use of blog and wickeyspace
Thinking skills Upanishads teach us a way of training the mind. If the teacher is sympathetic, he can work wonders on his subject our fore fathers were well aware of the potential of themind. The ancient seers knew the principle of educational psychology that the inquisitiveness of the mind should not be suppressed. Heshould be allowed to do experiments. The kind of thinking skills our children need today are those which help them adapt to a world of accelerated change-a space age, a computer society. They need to learn" how to think” . “Learning through doing” should be encouraged.
What is Critical Thinking ? "critical thinking is a form of judgment, specifically purposeful and reflective judgment. Using critical thinking one makes a decision or solves the problem of judging what to believe or what to do, but does so in a reflective way.
EVALUATION • TO be done in terms of • Attainment of competencies • Knowledge & skills • Social& emotional development • Physical &moral development • Work experience • It should be • comprehensive • continuous • Periodic • Qualitative • Positive strength • Problem areas • It includes • written test • Performance • Observation techniques • Use of cumulative records • The feed back helps teachers in improving the level of achievement and proficiency among children • It provides opportunities for teachers to make suitable changes in their efforts • It provides direction to pupils and parents in their efforts