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START. S uccessful T eachers A ssisting R ising T eachers. A Collaborative Project of the Escambia Education Association and the School District of Escambia County. WHAT is START?. Modeled after the Toledo Plan-peer assistance and review for novice teachers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. START Successful Teachers Assisting Rising Teachers A Collaborative Project of the Escambia Education Association and the School District of Escambia County

  2. WHAT is START? • Modeled after the Toledo Plan-peer assistance and review for novice teachers • Consulting teachers with full-time responsibility to observe, assist, and evaluate new teachers • Consulting teachers present reviews of teacher performance to the Review Board • Consulting teachers recommend retention (along with principal approval) or release of new teachers • Principals take over evaluation of new teachers after teachers are released from START

  3. Why implement START? Traditional Practice START Practice • Principals are busy and not experts in all teaching fields • Evaluation consists of observation and conference • Teachers struggle to gain competence • Consulting teachers have time, focus, and expertise • Evaluation consists of multiple observations, conferences, coaching, and assistance • Teachers gain skill and competence

  4. WHO is involved in START? • 12 Consulting Teachers-experts in their teaching fields working out of the Staff Development office • 144 new teachers-12 teachers per Consulting Teacher • Governing Board-EEA and district representatives overseeing the START program • Review Board-EEA and district representatives hearing the performance reviews of new teachers, receiving recommendations from consulting teachers, voting for retention or release, forwarding recommendations to superintendent

  5. HOW did we START? • Governing Board: • Accepts applications for Consulting Teacher (CT) positions • Processes applications consisting of principal and colleague recommendations, surveys, observations and interviews • Determines final pool of 25 from which approximately 12 will be “drafted” for the current school year. The remainder will be “red-shirted” and retain eligibility for future service as a CT • Consulting Teachers: • Eligible for service for three years (may not be consecutive) • “Placeholder” teachers will serve in CT schools to guarantee CT return to teaching assignment • Each CT is assigned 12 new teachers at same level/content

  6. WHAT are the results of START? • Review Board receives presentations and recommendations during the year from CTs concerning the performance of new teachers • Review Board votes on recommendations of CTs and forwards recommendations to the superintendent • Successful teachers are retained and offered employment for the next school year (depending on available positions) • Unsuccessful teachers are not retained

  7. Once Again…..WHY START? • Collaborative effort between EEA and ECSD • Meets the #1 need of new teachers-assistance! • Modeled after a successful program now in its 31st year of implementation in Toledo, OH • Provides peer evaluation by teacher experts in level/content alike areas • Systemizes process for documenting unsuccessful performance and releasing poor performers • Frees up time for principals, assistant principals, curriculum specialists, and the teachers on special assignment to work with veteran teachers

  8. Funding and Timeline for START Funding Timeline • RTTT $ for 8 Consulting Teachers • Title II $ for 4 Consulting Teachers • RTTT $ for one clerical employee • After RTTT ends, all funding will be Title II $ • April-May: hiring of Consulting Teachers • June-July: training of Consulting Teachers • August: new teachers assigned to CTs • START begins!

  9. START Successful Teachers Assisting Rising Teachers A Collaborative Project of the Escambia Education Association and the School District of Escambia County

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