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John suffered from chronic neck pain and bone spurs for ten years after a car accident. He was told that only surgery would relieve his symptoms. But a mechanoical assessment revealed that he had a derangment that was easily treated by retraction exercises.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CHRONIC NECK PAIN http://www.virtualphysicaltherapists.com/

  2. I have had chronic neck pain for the past ten years after a bad car accident. Over the years, I had numerous treatments and would feel better, but then the symptoms would return anytime I was stressed or after a long day at work. My latest MRI revealed that my bone spurs had increased in size, and my doctor said that they was nothing they could do to reduce the bone spurs other than surgery. So I was left with only medication to help reduce my flare-ups, and I avoided amusement rides, and sports I used to love tennis and racketball.

  3. At work they were piloting a new program and asked for volunteers to try out Virtual PT. I volunteered, not thinking I would get relief, but just to try it out. Right away, I was amazed at the depth of my evaluation and the advanced knowledge of my PT. I have seen a dozen doctors, and no one assessed my neck as thorough, they barely had me move it other than to turn. My main limitation was in retraction, a word I never heard and a movement I never performed. (You tuck your chin into your Adam’s apple while looking straight ahead.) It hurt initially, and I had a hard time doing it. Because Eric, my PT, explained everything, I was at ease as I could tell he knew what he was doing. After only five minutes, I was able to turn my head all the way! I have had trouble turning for ten years, so I was shocked that I was now able to move!

  4. It has been three weeks, and I have not had any flare-ups. I do my stretches whenever I am at my computer. I could not believe that my neck was that easy to fix because every doctor that read my MRI told me that I would have to live with pain for the rest of my life unless I had surgery. I am so amazed by my results and wanted to share my experience so that I can prevent someone else from suffering as I did.

  5. Virtual physical therapists info.virtualphysicaltherapists@gmail.com http://www.virtualphysicaltherapists.com/

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