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CRTI & CSSP. C anadian Atm ospheric Transport and D ispersion M odelling System in U rban Environment ( CUDM ) Application to First Urban Dispersion International Evaluation Exercise (UDINEE). Najat Benbouta, Nils Ek, Pierre Bourgouin Environmental Emergency Response Section
CRTI & CSSP Canadian Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modelling System in Urban Environment (CUDM) Application to First Urban Dispersion International Evaluation Exercise (UDINEE) Najat Benbouta, Nils Ek, Pierre Bourgouin Environmental Emergency Response Section National Prediction Operations Meteorological Service of Canada Environment Canada This work is funded by the CSSP, Canadian Safety and Security Program, led by Defence Canada. 20th Annual Conference, GMU (Fairfax) June 14 2016
Canadian Urban Dispersion Modelling System Tracking and Predicting Atmospheric Dispersion of Hazardous Material Released in Urban Environment Outline CRTI & CSSP OUTLINE: • Canadian Centre for Meteorological and Environmental Prediction (CCMEP) • Mandates and Activities of the Environmental Emergencies Response Section (EERS) • Overview of the Canadian Urban Flow and Dispersion Modelling System (CUDM) • Application to UDINEE • Demonstration of CUDM Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Canadian Centre for Meteorological and Environmental Prediction (CCMEP) CRTI & CSSP • National Meteorological Centre for the production of numerical weather prediction (NWP) • 24/7 basis, 365 days / year. Operations are based on a supercomputer infrastructure and telecommunications network • Includes divisions from : • Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) of Environment Canada (EC) • Science and Technology (S&T) of EC • Shared Services (IT) Global (25 km) and Regional (10 km) NWP model grids 5th floor: Research 4th floor: Development 3rd floor: IT 2nd floor: Operations Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax 3
Environmental Emergency Response Section (EERS): Mandates Operational Support (24/7) and preparedness. Radiological-nuclear: • Federal Nuclear Emergency Plan FNEP • Specialized capabilities in CBRN urban modeling (Prototype) International mandates: • WMO/IAEA Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre (RSMC) to respond to nuclear emergencies worldwide. • International Civil Aviation Organisation ICAO Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) for volcanic ash transport and dispersion modeling. • Operational Support to the Comprehensive Nuclear test Ban Treaty (CTBT). Other Activities: • Domestic Support to EC’s Environmental Emergencies Program (Train Derailment…) • Support to Canadian Food Inspection Agency CFIA (Avian flu…) Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Environmental Emergency Response Section (EERS): Activities • Chernobyl on 26 April 1986 beginning of EERS • Versatile Team: Meteorologists, Physical scientists and Computer specialists • Operational Response Events:Chemical, biological ; Radiological, Nuclear; Volcanic ash • Operational, In-house Atmospheric Dispersion Model Suite: Simple Trajectory model, Short-scale (MLCD) to medium and long-scale (MLDPn) Lagrangian stochastic dispersion models, Inverse models • Ongoing Projects: • Aquatic dispersion modelling of oil spills: World Class Oil Spill Response (WCOSR) Regime initiative led by Transport Canada. Development of a first-line 24/7 capacity, of aquatic transport and dispersion model, operated by EERS. Based on CCMEP new suite of high-resolution coupled atmospheric-ocean-ice prediction model. • Urban Dispersion Modelling: September 112001 - CBRNE Research and Technology Initiative (CRTI) followed by Public Safety and Security Program led by Defense Canada. Canadian Urban Dispersion Modeling (CUDM) Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Canadian Urban Dispersion Modelling System Tracking and Predicting Atmospheric Dispersion of Hazardous Material Released in Urban Environment CRTI & CSSP Context: • Atmospheric transport and dispersion of CBRN agents in dense urban environments, identified as a need in Canada. • Existing operational non-urban mesoscale plume models have limitations for emergency response to CBRN events in complex structured urban or industrial areas. • These facts, in conjunction with increasing computer power, have promoted the development of obstacles resolving flow and dispersion models. • Under the projects from CBRNE Research and Technology Initiative (CRTI),a prototype of CUDM) was developed. CUDM: Prototype CUDM System aims to fill this gap and to be used for scenario planning, operational response and post-event analysis Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Partners and Collaborators CRTI & CSSP • Environment Canada, Dorval, Quebec • University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario • Research & Development Defence Canada (RDDC), Suffield Project Management:1Pierre Bourgouin Urban Flow Modeling Lead:2Dr. Fue-Sang Lien, 3Dr. Eugene Yee UrbanLS = UrbanLagrangian Stochastic Dispersion Model (4Dr. John Wilson) UrbanStream = Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Model (2Dr. Fue-Sang Lien) 1EER Section, Meteorological Service of Canada, EC. 2Waterloo CFD Engineering Consulting Inc., University of Waterloo 3Defence Research and Development Canada, Suffield. 4J.D. Wilson & Associates, Edmonton, Alberta Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Canadian Urban Dispersion Modelling System Tracking and Predicting Atmospheric Dispersion of Hazardous Material Released in Urban Environment 1 Toxic Gas, Valleyfield Operational Numerical Weather Prediction Mean and Turbulent Flow around Buildings. 3 2 3-Steps Cascade Urban Weather Buildings-aware Dispersion. 4 Downtown Vancouver Wind at 1.5 m AGL Downtown Vancouver Concentration at 1.5 m CRTI & CSSP Mesoscale Dispersion GEM Regional at 10km Up-Scaling Dispersion GEM Urban at 2.5km-1km-250m CFD Suite: UrbanSTREAM UrbanLS / UrbanEU Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Canadian Urban Dispersion Modelling System Tracking and Predicting Atmospheric Dispersion of Hazardous Material Released in Urban Environment CRTI & CSSP • Validation: • Lack of quality assurance is not due to insufficient efforts from models developers; but mainly caused by • Lack of a commonly accepted quality assurance procedure for such models and • Lack of data sets that are quality checked and commonly accepted as standard for model validation purposes. Application to First Urban Dispersion International Evaluation Exercise (UDINEE) European Commission, scientific services. Europe, USA,Canada. Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
IOP9: Release 1. CUDM Plume R5 IOP9: Inlet: 5.94 m/s at 164.54 SE Release 1 10:00-10:20 am R1 Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
IOP9: Receptor 5. CUDM .vs. OBS (OKC-JU03) IOP9: Inlet: 5.94 m/s at 164.54 SE Release R5 10:00-10:20 am Receptor 05 CUDM .vs. Obs Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
IOP9: Receptor 1. CUDM .vs. OBS (OKC-JU03) IOP9: Inlet: 5.94 m/s at 164.54 SE Release R1 10:00-10:20 am Receptor 01 CUDM .vs. Obs Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
OKC-UDINEE Day IOP4 : Stream Lines Inlet wind: 7m/s at 40 m height and from SW at 203 degrees Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
OKC-UDINEE Day IOP4 : Stream Lines Inlet wind: 7m/s at 40 m height and from SW at 203 degrees IOP4 9.7m IOP4 9.7m Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Canadian Urban Dispersion Modeling System: Application to UDINEE Domain: 360 x 320 x 100 Uniform Internal Grid: 320 x 280 x 76 DX = 5m, DY = 5m and DZ~2m Htop = 460 m, Hmax = 151 m Lx = 1600 m, Ly = 1400 m Inlet: Power law profile Based on wind speed of PWIDS-15 at 40 m height Pwids-15 at 40 m Stretched 20 points of grid outside the internal grid Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Canadian Urban Dispersion Modeling System: Application to UDINEE 10 15 17 20 Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Sensors 20, 3,4 Sensors 20, 5,6 Sensors 20, 11,12,13, 14 3 X 4 X Sensors 20, 7,8,9, 10 6 5 Sensors 20, 15,16 8 12 7 11 10 14 9 13 Sensors 20, 17,18,19 15 16 Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax X 19 18 17 20
IOP4: Inlet : PWIDS-15 WS 7.09 m/s at 40 m WD 203.18 SW 20 min Av (1:40-2:00 pm) Results: 20 min Av (2:00 – 2:20 pm) Which representative wind should be used as Inflow for simulations ? Wind speed scalar m/s Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
IOP4: Inlet : PWIDS-15 WS 7.09 m/s at 40 m WD 203.18 SW 20 min Av (1:40-2:00 pm) Results: 20 min Av (2:00 – 2:20 pm) Undisturbed Wind Level Wind at PWIDS-15 on 40m height 3.75 m/s .vs. 7 m/s Which representative wind should be used as Inflow for simulations ? Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
IOP4: Inlet : PWIDS-15 WS 7.09 at 40 m WD 203.18 SW 20 min Av (1:40-2:00 pm) Results: 20 min Av (2:00 – 2:20 pm) PWIDS-01-02 represent effect of the OKC on Wind Downwind effect Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
4 4 IOP4: Day IOP Inlet : PWIDS-15 WS 7.09 at 40 m WD 203.18 SW 20 min Av (1:40-2:00 pm) Results: 20 min Av (2:00 – 2:20 pm) 4 4 IOP8: Night IOP Inlet : PWIDS-15 WS 3.81 at 40 m WD 119.8 SW 20 min Av (9:40-10:00 am) Results: 20 min Av (10:00 –10:20 am) Day .vs. Night Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
4 IOP4: Day IOP Inlet : PWIDS-15 WS 7.09 at 40 m WD 203.18 SW 20 min Av (1:40-2:00 pm) Results: 20 min Av (2:00 – 2:20 pm) 4 Undisturbed Wind Level IOP8: Night IOP Inlet : PWIDS-15 WS 3.81 at 40 m WD 119.8 SW 20 min Av (9:40-10:00 am) Results: 20 min Av (10:00 –10:20 am) Day .vs. Night Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
4 IOP4: Day IOP Inlet : PWIDS-15 WS 7.09 at 40 m WD 203.18 SW 20 min Av (1:40-2:00 pm) Results: 20 min Av (2:00 – 2:20 pm) 4 IOP8: Night IOP Inlet : PWIDS-15 WS 3.81 at 40 m WD 119.8 SW 20 min Av (9:40-10:00 am) Results: 20 min Av (10:00 –10:20 am) High building effect Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
4 IOP4: Day IOP Inlet : PWIDS-15 WS 7.09 at 40 m WD 203.18 SW 20 min Av (1:40-2:00 pm) Results: 20 min Av (2:00 – 2:20 pm) 4 IOP8: Night IOP Inlet : PWIDS-15 WS 3.81 at 40 m WD 119.8 SW 20 min Av (9:40-10:00 am) Results: 20 min Av (10:00 –10:20 am) Day .vs. Night Downwind Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Demonstration of CUDM CRTI & CSSP 2500 PanAm 10-26 July ParaPanAm 07-15 AugustToronto, 2015 Daily runs were installed over the Toronto City. 1500 500 http://eer.cmc.ec.gc.ca/projets/CUDM/ MERCI! 3D flow around and over the CN Tower, Toronto Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
CUDM: Canadian Urban Dispersion Modeling SystemUrban .vs. Non-Urban Montreal SW Wind prevailing Toronto SW Wind prevailing Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax December 15 2015. UDINEE Workshop . Ispra (Italy) P. 26
Urban Signature flow Wind from NE and Source is located in the wake of tall building (recirculation) December 15 2015. UDINEE Workshop . Ispra (Italy) P. 27
Hypothetical release in Winnipeg Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax December 15 2015. UDINEE Workshop . Ispra (Italy) P. 28
Canadian Urban Dispersion Modelling System : Ongoing work: Vertical wind shear and convergence lines (horizontal shear) Vert. Shear. y-z plane. NWP Inflow hor. Shear NWP & CUDM Domains Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Toronto summer day Convergence lines flow from the NWP model Three Inflow planes Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Toronto summer day Reverse Inflow from the NWP model Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Toronto summer day CUDM flow inside urban domain. x-z section South Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Canadian Urban Dispersion Modelling System Ongoing work: Building a pre-calculated flow field for major Canadian cities for a fast First Response CRTI & CSSP • Looking for Comprehensive Validation of the urban Flow and urban Dispersion Models against observations. • Looking for collaborations in urban modelling dispersion, and the best way to respond in an emergency. Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
Canadian Urban Dispersion Modelling System Tracking and Predicting Atmospheric Dispersion of Hazardous Material Released in Urban Environment CRTI & CSSP • Conclusion : • Goal of Current Canadian Safety and Security Program Project • Transition CUDMto Operational status; • Tests, product development • Training operational responders. The quality of model output depends not only on the accuracy of the model itself and its input. It depends also on the qualification of the person running the model. Numerical simulation is a knowledge-based activity. Appropriate knowledge can be transferred to users by recommendations concerning the proper use of the model. Najat Benbouta 20th Annual GMU Conference, June 14 2016, Fairfax
MERCI! 20th Annual Conference, GMU (Fairfax) June 14 2016