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ME3233 - UPGRADE EXISTING SDMS IMPORT/EXPORT PROCESSES TO HANDLE LATEST VERSION OF SDMS 3.4 • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to upgrade the existing IGrds SDMS processes that import and export Geometry, Horizontal Alignment, and Cross Section data to be compatible with the most recently released version of the SDMS 3.4 specification. • The previous SDMS version did not contain any specification for handling Geometry lines, arcs, chains or shapes, nor did it address Horizontal Alignment PI definitions, equations, spirals, or compound curves. The current IGrds SDMS import/export processes were forced to use their own mechanisms and formats to handle these data. Since these mechanisms/formats are not the same as those specified in the latest SDMS release, the import/export processes need to be upgraded to be compatible with the latest SDMS. • To accommodate the new SDMS specifications, the import/export processes will be modified to input and output SDMS data in the latest form for IGrds Geometry points, lines, arcs, chains and shapes, Horizontal Alignment and Cross Sections. The GUI interface will remain the same, but the conversion processes will need to be substantially changed to handle new tags, new point connectivity, different station/equation computations, and different compound curve computations.
ME3249 - UPGRADE EXISTING SDMS EXPORT PROCESSES TO INCLUDE EXPORTATION OF VERTICAL ALIGNMENT DATA AS SPECIFIED IN THE LATEST VERSION OF SDMS 3.4 • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to upgrade the existing IGrds SDMS processes that import and export Geometry, Horizontal Alignment, and Cross Section data to include exporting Vertical Alignment data as specified in the most recently released version of the SDMS 3.4 specification. • The previous SDMS version did not contain any specifications for handling Vertical Alignment data, so this type of data was not handled by the current IGrds SDMS import/export processes. To accommodate the exportation of Vertical Alignment data, the export processes will be modified to output SDMS data in the latest form specified for Vertical Alignment data. The current GUI will be modified to include Vertical Alignment data export, and a new dialog box will be developed for this process. The Vertical Alignment GUI will operate much the same as the current Horizontal Alignment GUI
ME-VA2 - MAKE DRAW DESIGN PROFILE A REPEATING COMMAND • The Draw Profile command allows users to draw design profiles, offset profiles, ridgeline profiles, etc. Currently the command exits after each execution (The user selects OK). • This enhancement will alter this command to change the OK and CANCEL to APPLY and CLOSE. Thus, after APPLY is selected, the dialog box will not exited, until CLOSE is chosen.
ME-VA4 IDENTIFY AND LABEL REFERENCE LINE • Once a Vertical Reference Line is drawn, there is no simple method to identify the roadway with which the reference line is associated. • This enhancement will create a new option on the VA Reference Line Tool to ID Reference Lines. The command will also have a label option so the associated roadway can be easily identified at a later time.
ME-GEOM - CHECK GEOMETRY ELEMENTS FOR “USED IN DESIGN” FOR DELETE • Four design data types now can use IGrds linear elements in the definition of data: Geometric Template Modification, Special Ditches, Right of Way, and Maximum Slope Intercepts. A roadway design can be upset when a user inadvertently deletes one or more geometry element used in the design. This enhancement will add a check box to the delete geometry element dialog boxes. This check box will be “Review Design Data”. • When checked (perpetual default) before a linear geometry element is deleted, all applicable design data types will be examined to be sure that the element is not used to define design data. If it is used in design, it will not be deleted. An information box will be displayed identifying any and all of the elements that were not deleted. When not checked, the delete process operates the same way as the current process – it does not check the design data.
ME-GE3 - DTM BOUNDARY COMMANDS IN IGrds • Unless a user exports a DTM to a .dgn file, entry of HA data may be “blind” in that there may not be any background reference to confirm data entry. • This enhancement will develop a new command to draw the convex boundary of the DTM. This boundary will be its own graphic group. In the case of multiple DTMs, users can change DTM (or surface) and display the other boundary.
ME-GE4 - IGrds GRAPHIC GROUP FILE COMPRESS UTILITY • Various IGrds commands that create graphic elements manage the elements by use of MicroStation graphic group numbers. IGrds will increment the graphic group numbers and store various graphic group numbers in IGrds files in order to increase efficiency when manipulating graphics. Some IGrds commands use the same graphic group number each time an element is drawn since the number of graphic elements is constant (i.e., horizontal alignments). Several IGrds commands will continue to use additional graphic group numbers since the number of graphic elements to be drawn may vary (i.e., DXM/OFXM geometry) • IGrds monitors the graphic group numbers being used, and alerts the user when the maximum MicroStation allowed graphic group number has been reached (64,000). When this occurs, the user is advised to create a new DGN file in order to continue. • This enhancement would provide an IGrds based utility that would allow the graphic group numbers in a DGN file to be compressed. This would eliminate the need to create a new DGN file. Generally, the utility would first compress the DGN file to eliminate deleted elements. Next, the file would be scanned and collect all used graphic group numbers and equivalence them to new graph group numbers starting at one. The graphic elements would then be updated with the new graphic group numbers. IGrds files that track graphic group numbers, such as the status file, would be updated for the newly assigned graphic number. When the utility is started, the user will be alerted to the fact that other non-IGrds applications that key on specific graphic group numbers may no longer work properly.
ME-GE5 - DESIGN SECTION DISPLAY GUI ENHANCEMENT • Currently when Design Section Display (DSD) is selected from the top level menu, a terrain type and characteristic dialog box is initially displayed. If a DTM surface is set, then the dialog is set up for DTM; if not, then flat terrain. The user must dismiss this dialog box before proceeding. This dialog box can also be selected from the main DSD dialog • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to skip the automatic display of the terrain type dialog and immediately display the DSD dialog box with the defaults set.
ME-GE7 - ALLOW PLAN OR PROFILE STATION PICKING FOR APPROPRIATE DDM DIALOG BOXES • Currently within the Design Data Manager dialog box, station picking is allowed from either the plan or profiles views, but not both. For some data, it is appropriate to allow station picking from either view. • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to enable option plan or profile picking for the six appropriate dialogs. The default in each case will be the current method. An option button will be added to each dialog to accomplish the enhancement. The six dialog boxes include the following: • Special Ditches • Erosion Control Ditches • Forced Balances • Added Quantities • Compaction Factors • Design Exceptions
ME-GE10 - ADD SURFACE MATERIAL REMOVAL TO SEND SURFACE TO DTM COMMAND • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to add surface material removal (SMR) to the Send Surface to DTM command. SMR will be added to the option button.
ME-EW3 ALL DESIGN SURFACES REPORTED ON SLOPE STAKING REPORT • The Design Cross Section report has recently been improved to show finished grade, template subcut as well as subgrade surfaces. Users would like to see this extended to the Slope Staking Report. ) • This enhancement will extend the Slope Staking report. It will ensure that the finished grade surface (when present), subgrade surface, and template subcut surface (when present) are each printed on the Slope Staking report. Similar to the Design Cross Section report, users can select which surface(s) to print.
ME-EW4 UPGRADE ELEVATION CORRECTION FACILITY TO APPLY TO ALL ELEVATION CALCULATIONS WITHIN IGrds • Currently, within IGrds, the user has the capability of applying an elevation correction to VPI’s as they are defined or revised. However, the elevation correction is only used for Earthwork calculations and within the Design Section Display process. All other calculations using a vertical alignment to perform elevation calculations ignore the elevation correction. This was the way that the Elevation Correction feature was originally designed and implemented by TxDOT when RDS was being developed. The reason for this is that TxDOT did subgrade design instead of finished grade design and the elevation correction was used to “lower” the profile grade to subgrade for earthwork calculations. Since all other calculations represented finished grade (without the elevation correction), this was not a problem for TxDOT. Today, most IGrds user agencies use finished grade design and the elevation correction is used to “raise” the profile grade for overlay type projects so this issue must be addressed. The purpose of this minor enhancement is to upgrade the Elevation Correction facility to optionally apply to all elevation calculations within IGrds. • The User Manual and Concepts Manual will be updated to explain the optional elevation calculation methodology. No other impact is anticipated
ME-VA8 VPOINTS ON PEAK AND SAG POINTS OF PROFILE GRADE LINES • It is difficult to locate the exact sag and peak points for IGrds profiles. The Grade and Superelevation report lists these points for the Profile Grade. • This enhancement will require a new IGrds Vertical Geometry command. This command will allow users to select a profile grade line to place Vertical Geometry Points at the peak and sag points of the selected design profile. These points will also be displayed in plan view.
ME-VA10 - POINTS ON PEAK AND SAG POINTS OF OFFSET AND RIDGELINE PROFILES • It is difficult to locate the exact sag and peak points for IGrds profiles. The Grade and Superelevation report lists these points for the Profile Grade but not for any ridgeline or offset profile. • This enhancement will augment the new IGrds Vertical Geometry command developed as a result of ME-VA8. This command will be expanded to allow users to select any design profile to place Vertical Geometry Points at the peak and sag points of the selected profile (Offset, Offset Roadway, or Ridgeline). These points will also be displayed in plan view at the actual offset for easy location of Drop Inlets. • The methodology for this command will be based on the logic developed as a result of ME-VA8. ME-VA8 is a prerequisite for the minor enhancement. This may not produce a suitable result for grade lines developed from PNG or GTM.
ME-HA1 - AUTOMATIC ANNOTATE OF HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT • Following the Draw and Create/Update processes for Horizontal Alignments and during the Profile Editor process, users very frequently wish to annotate an alignment that has just been drawn. • This enhancement will add a check box to the Create/Update and Draw HA tools that will automatically annotate the horizontal alignments. This will be accomplished by invoking the Annotate HA process with the default parameters. The user can then alter these values prior to annotating the alignment.
ME-HA2 - CALL SET ROADWAY WHEN NO ROADWAY DEFINED • Currently, when users select the Add HA PI command before a roadway is defined, an information box indicates an error and the user is exited from the command. If no unused roadway has been defined, Alignment from a Chain, Parallel HA and Entrance Sheet commands also cannot continue until a new roadway has been defined. • When the conditions described above are encountered, this minor enhancement will change IGrds so that it calls the Set Roadway (and Roadway Parameters) command for the user to define the missing roadway. Upon completion of the new roadway definition, the user is returned to the originally selected command.
ME-VA6 - AUTOMATIC ANNOTATE OF VERTICAL ALIGNMENT • Following the Draw process for Vertical Alignments and during the Profile Editor process, users frequently annotate an alignment that has just been drawn. • This enhancement will add a check box to the Profile Editor dialog box and Draw VA tool that will automatically annotate the vertical alignments. This will be accomplished by invoking the Annotate VA process using the default parameters. The user can then alter these values prior to annotating the alignment.
ME-VA3 - VA REPORT WITH UPDATE FILE ON PROFILE EDITOR • In order to generate a VA Report, users must both define the Vertical Alignment and then select the VA Report command on a different tool bar. The information on the report can be useful in making modifications to the grade lines, causing a back and forth between the Profile Editor and the VA Report Command. • This enhancement will change to Profile Editor to generate the VA Report in conjunction with the Update File option. Thus, the VA Report can be generated from and reviewed without exiting the VA Profile Editor.
ME-DD2 - DESIGN DATA GUI IMPROVEMENTS • Users would like to see some of the design data input dialog boxes improved for easier data entry. • This enhancement will include the following improvements to design data dialog boxes: · Cut/Fill/Both Option for Slope Rounding · Cut/Fill/Both Option for Chokers · Move Rural/Urban Option to the left of the Left/Right Edit Buttons on the Template Subcut Dialog Box · Sideslopes and Medians default the end shape to the entered begin shape · Median choker default right flat slope and hinge point types to the entered left values · Add Browse option for Pavement Structure Quantities Feature Table
ME-HA3 - ID HA PI AND PI DATA TO SHOW COMPUTED STATIONS • The ID HA PI command displays the input data for each PI identified. This is generally adequate, except when station values have been computed by the HA process. In this case, a PI that has no equation and is not the initial PI has an input value of zero, but the computed station value would be preferred in lieu of the input value. • This minor enhancement will change the ID HA PI command to display, for all computed alignments, the computed station value of each PI selected. Incomplete and “un-computed” alignments will show the entered station value. This enhancement will also be applied to the PI Data command. The Revise, Insert and Delete PI commands. will continue to show entered station values.
ME-VA5 - DRAW ORIGINAL GROUND WITH REFERENCE LINE CREATE • After a Reference Line is drawn for a roadway, users frequently draw an Original Ground Profile from Cross Sections or a DTM. • This enhancement will add two check boxes to the Reference Line command to (1) Draw OG from Cross sections and (2) Draw OG from DTM. The Draw from DTM option will only be available when a DTM and surface have previously been established.
ME-GE11 - IGrds WORKING FILES COMPRESS UTILITY • As a user designs an IGrds project, the IGrds working files grow as more data is added. When a particular data type is modified and saved, the internal file mechanism will detect that the data already exists and that record is marked as deleted, the modified data is then added to the end of the file. The file size is allocated for the deleted data as well as the active data. There is an internal file mechanism to reclaim the deleted records of the file, but the size of the file never decreases. In some instances, the IGrds working files are excessively large compared with the amount of actual data that exists. Also, when data is deleted from the IGrds project, the file size allocation does not change to reflect the deleted data. • This enhancement will add a command to the top level IGrds File menu to compress the active IGrds working files that are components of the File Data Manager (.hal, .dtb, .dda, .geo, .dsc, .xsN). A mechanism will be introduced to allow an automatic compress of the data upon exiting IGrds. This mechanism will store a flag in the project’s .ini file as to allow an automatic compress without user intervention. • In rare instances, IGrds working files can become corrupt. Compressing these files may make the compressed file unusable. A scheme will be developed to detect this condition and warn the user. In these rare cases, the original file will be saved to insure that the data remains accessible to the user.
ME-GE12 - IGrds REPORT CONTENT IMPROVEMENTS • The overall purpose of this minor enhancement is to standardize IGrds reports with the same identification information. The activities for this minor enhancement are: • The overall purpose of this minor enhancement is to standardize IGrds reports with the same identification information. The activities for this minor enhancement are: 1. Use the same standard header for all reports. 2. All reports will restart page numbering at page 1. 3. The same project information will be printed with each report. a. Project b. Comments c. Date
ME-GE13 - UPGRADE EXISTING SDMS IMPORT PROCESSES TO INCLUDE IMPORTATION OF VERTICAL ALIGNMENT DATA AS SPECIFIED IN LATEST VERSION OF SDMS 3.4 • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to upgrade the existing IGrds SDMS processes that import and export Geometry, Horizontal Alignment, and Cross Section data and export Vertical Alignment data to include importing Vertical Alignment data as specified in the most recently released version of the SDMS 3.4 specification ) • The previous SDMS version did not contain any specifications for handling Vertical Alignment data, so this type of data was not handled by the current IGrds SDMS import/export processes. To accommodate the importation of Vertical Alignment data, the import processes will be modified to import SDMS data in the latest form specified for Vertical Alignment data. The current GUI will be modified to include Vertical Alignment data import and a new dialog box will be developed for this process. The Vertical Alignment GUI will operate much the same as the current Horizontal Alignment import GUI.
ME-GE9 - ALLOW GEOMETRY/MicroStation ELEMENTS TO BE USED IN ENTRANCE SHEET COMMAND • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to allow for the use of IGrds geometry and MicroStation Elements within the Entrance Sheet command. MicroStation elements will be automatically converted to Geometry elements when selected.
ME-GE19 - DISPLAY REPORT AFTER EXECUTING COMMANDS • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to automatically display the report generated from IGrds commands:
ME-GEOM1 - SELECT MicroStation ELEMENTS FOR DESIGN DATA TYPES • Four Design Data types have an option to be defined with IGrds geometry elements: Geometric Template Modification, Special Ditches, Right of Way, and Maximum Slope Intercept. These commands only accept IGrds Geometry Elements. • This enhancement will allow users to select MicroStation elements for these four commands. The MicroStation elements will be converted and stored as IGrds Geometry Elements, and entered into the dialog box with the new element numbe
ME-GEOM2 - TAPERS AND CHAINS IN GENERAL RAMP DESIGN COMMAND • Many takeoff ramps and roadways are defined by a “taper” from the adjacent road. The taper is the ratio of the longitudinal length divided by the separation from the adjacent roadway. It is expressed in a ratio, such as 10:1 or 25:1. • This enhancement will add an option button on the General Ramp command to alternately define the direction angle. This option button will have “taper” and “direction angle”. When direction angle is selected, the process remains unchanged; when taper is selected, the user enters a number (such as 10 to 25) to express the taper (such as 10:1 or 25:1). The MDL application computes the arc co-tangent of the taper value. This is the direction angle that is computed and sent to the process. However, the taper value will be stored so the user may review/adjust the input data. • In addition to the items above, the option button will have an “Element” option. Element will allow users to select a linear IGrds Geometry Element or MicroStation Element. The MicroStation Element will be converted to an IGrds Geometry Element. “Element” will only be valid for the first (takeoff) and last (tie-in) elements. Also, the element cannot be used if it begins more than .001 units (feet or meters) from the takeoff or tie-in point
ME-GEOM5 - DEFINE PROFILES FOR MicroStation ELEMENTS • The command that allows the user to select an IGrds Geometry Element to use to define a design profile does not permit the user to select MicroStation elements for the same purpose. Instead, IGrds requires the user to convert a MicroStation element to an IGrds Geometry Element before it can be selected and used to define as a profile element. • This enhancement will allow users to select geometry as well as MicroStation Elements to define as profile elements. When a MicroStation element is selected, a Geometry Element is created to replicate the MicroStation Element. The new Geometry Element can then be used to define a design profile.
ME-HA4 - UPDATE HORIZONTAL PROCESS TO ELIMINATE “PLINE-PI” • The user would like to be able to enter a horizontal PI with zero radius without designating it as a “P-Line PI”. • This enhancement will remove the “P-Line” option from the Add, Insert and Revise Horizontal PI dialog boxes. When a zero radius is entered for a PI, it will be treated internally as a “P-Line” so as not to modify the file format. (The default for a zero radius PI in previous versions was to treat the PI as a Point of Tangency PI.) The first and last PIs in the alignment will be treated as POT PIs.
ME-VA1 - PROFILES FROM DTM ALONG MicroStation ELEMENTS • The Draw Profile from DTM command allows the user to select an IGrds Geometry Element to draw a profile. It does not, however, permit the user to select MicroStation elements for the same purpose. IGrds requires the user to convert the MicroStation element to an IGrds Geometry Element before it can be used as a profile path. • This enhancement will allow users to select MicroStation Elements as well as IGrds geometry elements for DTM profiles. When a MicroStation element is selected a Geometry Element is created to replicate the MicroStation Element. Then the new Geometry Element is used for drawing the profile.
ME-VA7 - AUTOMATIC ELEVATION LABELS ON DESIGN AND ORIGINAL PROFILES • Users often wish to place Profile Elevation labels immediately after drawing a profile. This requires two command selections and an intermediate identifying of the profile just drawn. • This enhancement will add a check box to the draw profiles command (Design, Original and DTM) for “Label Elevations”. When selected, four additional items are added to the dialog box: Station Increment, Vertical Position, Horizontal Position, and Text Height. User sets these values and executes the command. Both the profile and the elevation labels are drawn.
ME-VA17 - UPGRADE VERTICAL REFERENCE LINE DELETE PROCESS • Currently within IGrds, when a vertical reference line is deleted, the vertical alignment associated with that reference line is not deleted. In some cases, this can create an undesirable condition; especially if the reference line was deleted because the horizontal alignment had changed and a new reference line needed to be created. • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to upgrade the Vertical Reference Line Delete process to, optionally, delete the vertical alignment. An alert box will be displayed querying whether the vertical alignment should also be deleted.
ME-GE25 and ME-GE26 - UPGRADE IGrds TO ACCEPT NEW AASHTO STANDARDS – BASIC IMPLEMENTATION • The 2001 (fourth) edition of A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (the “Green Book) is currently available. This edition replaces the 1990 (imperial units) and 1994 (metric units) editions. Both units are shown within the 2001 edition in text, tables and formulas. There are several significant changes within the 2001 edition based on recent research. These changes and their impact on AASHTOWare IGrds are discussed in the document entitled Analysis of Impact of the 2000 Edition of AASHTO “Green Book” on IGrds. This document was delivered to the IGrds Task Force in late June 2001. • The purpose of these minor enhancement is to perform the basic implementation steps required to upgrade IGrds to accept the new 2001 standards as well as the previous standards. • Standards Conversion (90/94 to 2001 AASHTO Green Book) • Dialog box will appear to select which standards. • Re-run Horizontal Alignment with auto-superelevetion and widening selected. • Revise PI and check spiral lengths on curves.
ME-DD5 - PLAN VIEW PRESENTATION OF IGrds SHAPE DATA RANGES • Users would like to see a plan view representation of template, sideslope, and median locations. • This enhancement will draw, on the plan view, a representative drawing of the shape locations. The representation will be: v Templates will be drawn the width of the finished grade (if defined) as filled shapes: ¨ Transitions between the same shape will alternate between 2-5 colors ¨ Transitions between different shapes will be all shown in the same color (white) ¨ Abrupt changes (distances <= 1 unit) will be left as a gap. v Sideslopes will be drawn to width of the last fixed slope. If no fixed slope exist, the width will be 6 meters or 20 feet. Users will be able to over-ride these values. ¨ Transitions between the same shape will alternate between 2-5 colors ¨ Transitions between different shapes will be all shown in the same color (white) ¨ Abrupt changes (distances <= 1 unit) will be left as a gap.
ME-DD5 - PLAN VIEW PRESENTATION OF IGrds SHAPE DATA RANGES CONTINUED • This enhancement will draw, on the plan view, a representative drawing of the shape locations. The representation will be: • This enhancement will draw, on the plan view, a representative drawing of the shape locations. The representation will be: v Medians will be drawn fully between the roadways (up to the edge of the templates). They will be drawn after sideslopes in order to that medians will be visible over sideslopes. ¨¨ Transitions between the same shape will alternate between 2-5 colors ¨ Transitions between different shapes will be all shown in the same color (white) ¨ Abrupt changes (distances <= 1 unit) will be left as a gap.
ME–DD6 - ADD KEYPOINTS TO TEMPLATE DEFINITION PROCESS • Currently within the Template Shape Builder process, there are grayed out (not implemented) keypoint definitions for Finish Shoulder, Edge of Travel, and Back of Curb. • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to implement the Edge of Travel and Back of Curb keypoints, and remove the Finish Shoulder since this keypoint is already known. Another Keypoint that would identify the Gutter Point would also be added. These Keypoints are optional and will only have an effect when they are set. • This improvement will allow other minor enhancements to use these new keypoints throughout the IGrds system. The following are the minor enhancements that would make use of the new keypoints: ME-EW5 would upgrade the Design and Slope Stake reports ME-XM1 would upgrade the Cross Section Modification commands ME-HA6 would upgrade the Catch/Crown/Ditch Drawing options ME-VA18 would upgrade the Draw Vertical Design Profile command ME-XPL1 would upgrade the Cross Section Plot Annotation options
ME-GE17 - UPGRADE COPY ALIGNMENT COMMAND TO OPTIONALLY COPY SUPERELEVATION AND WIDENING DATA • Currently, the user can copy horizontal and/or vertical alignment data from an existing roadway to a new roadway. • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to extend the existing capability to allow for copying superelevation and/or widening data. This will be accomplished by adding two toggles to the existing tool: one for superelevation and the other for widening. These toggles will only be enabled if the horizontal alignment is also being copied.
ME-GE20 - VIEW CURRENT SETTINGS IN IGrds MAIN DIALOG • A user would like to know current settings, such as the Active Roadway, at any time while IGrds is running without having to select commands to do so. • This enhancement will update the IGrds main dialog to include the current settings: Active Roadway, Active Baseline, and Current Reference Line Type (Roadway or Geometry). The enhancement would also allow the user to change these settings from the main dialog. The settings can be hidden or shown by resizing the dialog.
ME-VA12 - ERASE VPI COMMAND • Currently within IGrds, VPIs cannot be erased unless the entire vertical alignment is also erased. • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to provide an Erase VPI command. The new command will be added to the VPI tool bar, and allow for erasing any or all VPIs for the current vertical alignment for both roadways and geometry elements.
ME–EW5 - UPGRADE DESIGN CROSS SECTION AND SLOPE STAKE REPORTS • Minor enhancement ME-DD6 defines new design keypoints for the Edge of Travel, Back of Curb, and Gutter points and is a prerequisite for this minor enhancement. When these keypoints are set, this minor enhancement will take advantage of them. • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to expand the IGrds Design Cross Section report and the Slope Stake Listing to include the new Keypoints (i.e., Edge of Travel, Back of Curb, and Gutter points). The logic that prints the keypoint codes in the reports is used by other commands (such as Send Data to DTM); those commands will also work with the new keypoints.
ME-XPL1 - UPGRADE CROSS SECTION PLOT ANNOTATION OPTIONS • Currently within the Cross Section Plotting process, the user can define annotation options for the keypoints of the roadway surface, including the centerline, profile grade and shoulder points. • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to expand the roadway surface annotation options to include ridgelines. The process will only annotate those ridgelines that are not included in other requests; e.g., centerline. A toggle button will be added to the Annotation dialog box and a default value will be added to the plotting parameter files.
ME-DTM – DTM PROCCESED FROM 3D MICROSTATION GRAPHICS • Currently Igrds was using the caice dtm surface to extract information. • The purpose of this minor enhancement is to do away with the original process and allow the user to use any DTM package to produce a 3d microstaion graphics file of the triangles that would be used by IG to retrieve the surface information.