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Demographic Pursuit!

Explore key demographic shifts, aging statistics, policy impacts, and implications for society in a rapidly aging world. Learn about life expectancy, gender ratios, income sources, and more.

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Demographic Pursuit!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Demographic Pursuit! Aging & Social Policy

  2. What was U.S. life expectancy in 1900? • 47 years Jurkowski, p. 4

  3. True or false: A majority of the world’s older population now live in less developed countries. • True; 60% now, 71% by 2030. Global Aging, p. 6

  4. What is the percentage of adults age 65 and over in the U.S.? • 12.7% in 1997 • Jurkowski p. 4 • 12.4% in 2004 • Global Aging, p. 7

  5. True or false: Women live longer than men in most countries. • True. • The exceptions are a few South Asian and Middle Eastern societies. • Why? Global Aging p. 12

  6. Define “oldest old”. • Age 80 and over. • Sometimes you see data for 85 and over. • The “oldest old” are the fastest growing portion of the older population. Global Agin, p. 6; Jurkowski p. 5

  7. When did the first baby boomer turn 60 years old? • In 2006 • The years of the “baby boom” in the U.S. were 1946-1964. Jurkowski p. 3

  8. Jurkowski shows that in 1900 older men outnumbered women, while the reverse is true today. Why do you think the gender ratio changed? • What mortality factors changed during the 20th century? • Fewer women die in childbirth • Men have increased risks from smoking, others

  9. What source accounts for about 40% of the income for people in the U.S. age 65 and over? • Social Security Jurkowski p. 11-12

  10. Increases in life expectancy in the 1800s were due toa. Better treatments for chronic diseaseb. Improved nutritionc. Better sanitationd. Vaccines to control infectious disease • B – “innovations in industrial and agricultural production and distribution” Global Aging p. 12

  11. Name the world’s oldest country. • Italy • 19.1% age 65+ Global Aging p. 7

  12. True or False: The number of older people in sub-Saharan Africa will grow by about 50% between 2000 and 2015. • True Global Aging p. 7

  13. True or false: The U.S. is one of the top 10 oldest countries today. • False • U.S. ranks 38th. Global Aging p. 7

  14. What is the main reason for population aging? • Declining fertility • Same as saying “lower birth rates” Global Aging p. 10

  15. What is the demographic transition? • Move from high fertility and mortality to low fertility and mortality. Global Aging p. 6

  16. Life expectancy is highest in which country? • Japan (age 82) Global Aging p. 12

  17. What was the leading cause of death for adults age 40 and over in 1900? • Tuberculosis Jurkowski p. 15

  18. True or false: By 2030, some countries will have a median age above 50. • True – Italy and Japan will have median ages of 52. Global Aging p. 8

  19. True or false: In some countries, life expectancy is currently less than 50 years (for both sexes). • True – Mali, Uganda. • Why? Global Aging p. 13

  20. True or false: International immigration usually plays a major role in population aging. • False. • Only true for some smaller populations. Global Aging p. 13

  21. Name one country that is experiencing a rapid rate of population aging. • 65+ from 7% to 14% in 30 years or less: • Japan, China, Jamaica, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Brazil, Singapore… Global Aging p. 15

  22. True or false: Below-replacement birth rates are seen only in the industrialized nations of the Northern Hemisphere. • False! • Total fertility rate is less the 2.1 in 33 less developed countries. Global Aging p. 15

  23. What is “depopulation” and where is it occurring? • Decline in population size • Europe • Also some parts of Africa due to HIV/AIDS Global Aging p. 16

  24. Globally, do older people tend to be concentrated in urban or rural areas? Why? • Rural • Young people leave for cities; older people may return Global Aging p. 18

  25. An extreme gender imbalance is found in the Ukraine, where there are 50 men per 100 women age 65 and older). Why? • Lingering effects of high male mortality in WWII. Global Aging p. 24

  26. Name 2 factors contributing to the growth in older-person-only households. • Greater longevity • Increases in pensions • Greater home ownership • Emphasis on home care Global Aging p. 28

  27. True or false: Researchers agree that intergenerational relationships are weaker now than in the past. • False – greater longevity and lower fertility may make relationships more important and extend support over longer periods. Global Aging p. 27

  28. How might population aging affect national security? • Fewer young people for armed forces • Costs of programs for older adults divert money from defense. Global Aging p. 37

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