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Networks. Complex Networks. FIAS Summer School 6th August 2008 raulvicente@mpih-frankfurt.mpg.de. 1. Overview. Introduction Three structural metrics Four structural models Structural case studies Node dynamics and self-organization Visualization Bibliography. 2. Introduction.
Networks Complex Networks FIAS Summer School 6th August 2008 raulvicente@mpih-frankfurt.mpg.de 1
Overview • Introduction • Three structural metrics • Four structural models • Structural case studies • Node dynamics and self-organization • Visualization • Bibliography 2
Introduction • What is a network? • What is a complex network? • Networks in the real world • Elementary features • Motivations 3
What is a network? ●A network is a set of items (vertices or nodes) with connections between them called edges. Mathematicians call them “graphs”. ● Need not to be physical connections: nodes can be any type of entities and edges any type of abstract relationships. ● Ex.:nodes can be the channels of any multirecording device (EEG, MEG, multielectrode arrays, etc...) while edges can be defined by the relationship (are two channels synchronous or not?). 4
What is a network? ●Edges can be undirected or directed (arcs). ● Graphs can allow (friendship networks) or disallow loops (citation networks), parallel edges, ... ● Different types of networks: different types of vertices or edges, weighted networks, digraphs, bipartite graphs, evolving networks,... 5
What is a complex network? ● Acomplex network is a network with non-trivial topological features (features that do not occur in simple networks such as lattices or random graphs) • degree dist. • clustering • assortativity • comunity • hierarchical struct. Lattice Random ● Natural complex systems often exhibit such topologies. 6
Networks in the real world: examples of complex networks Social, information, technological, biological,... 7
Motivations • complex networks are the backbone of complex systems • every complex system is a network of interaction among numerous smaller elements • some networks are geometric or regular in 2-D or 3-D space • other contain “long-range” connections or are not spatial at all • understanding a complex system = break down into parts + reassemble • network anatomy is important to characterize because structure affects function (and vice-versa) • ex: structure of social networks • prevent spread of diseases • control spread of information (marketing, fads, rumors, etc…) • ex: structure of power grid / Internet • understand robustness and stability of power / data transmission 11
Three structural metrics • Average path length • Degree distribution (connectivity) • Clustering coefficient 12
Structural metrics: Average path length * Measures how quickly info can flow through the network 13
Structural Metrics:Degree distribution (connectivity) * Divided in ‘in-degree’ and ‘out-degree’ for directed systems * High-degree nodes → ‘hubs’ 14
Structural Metrics:Clustering coefficient * How likely is that the friend of your friend is also your friend? 15
Four structural models • Regular networks • Random networks • Small-world networks • Scale-free networks 16
Case studies • Internet • World Wide Web • Actors & scientists 31
The Internet 32
The Internet 33
The Internet 34
Actors 38
Node dynamics and self-organization • Node dynamics • Attractors in full & lattice networks • Synchronization in full networks • Waves in lattice networks • Epidemics in complex networks 40
Node dynamics and self-organization:Epidemics in complex networks 48
Node dynamics and self-organization:Epidemics in complex networks 49
*Vertices 3 1 “Source” 2 “Sink” 3 “Destination” *Arcs *Edges 1 2 1 2 3 1 Visualization & analysis ● Program for large networks analysis : Pajek http://vlado.fmf.uni-lj.si/pub/networks/pajek/ ●Free ●Windows (on Linux too but not so smooth) 50