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UNIT 6 VOCABULARY WORDS: North Africa & Middle East

UNIT 6 VOCABULARY WORDS: North Africa & Middle East. Southwest Asia – land bridge that connects Asia, Europe, and Africa *most of the population is located near water. Southwest Asia is known as the: Arab World Islamic World *Has a semi-arid climate (hot summers and mild

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UNIT 6 VOCABULARY WORDS: North Africa & Middle East

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  1. UNIT 6 VOCABULARY WORDS: North Africa & Middle East

  2. Southwest Asia – land bridge that connects Asia, Europe, and Africa *most of the population is located near water

  3. Southwest Asia is known as the: Arab World Islamic World *Has a semi-arid climate (hot summers and mild winters) *Little precipitation – 16 inches per year

  4. Nile River *Made civilization in Egypt possible *Longest river in the world *Major north flowing river in North Africa

  5. Arabian Peninsula • Largest and most distinct land form in Southwest Asia • Most of the Arabian Peninsula is unsuited for agriculture • It has vast reserves of oil and natural gas • It lies on a tectonic plate (Arabian Plate) • Contains deserts and mountains

  6. Saudi Arabia *Largest country in Southwest Asia *Population around 28.7 million *Known as “The Land of 2 Holy Mosques”

  7. Saudi Arabia Facts: • 1/5 size of the United States • Government takes the form of an Islamic absolute monarchy • World’s largest oil reserve • World’s largest oil exporter • 35% of its work force are foreign workers

  8. Wadi – dry river bed except during the rainy season

  9. Arabs – *Major ethnic group of Southwest Asia *Arabic language *Most Arabs are Muslims

  10. Islam

  11. Islam • Believe that God is one and incomparable • Islam means “submission to God” • 2nd largest religion in the world • One of the fastest growing religions in the world • Muhammad was the last Prophet of Islam • Follows the text (Quran) which is the word of God (Allah)

  12. Islam is the major cultural and religious influence in North Africa.

  13. Islam Faith • Five Pillars • Repeated expression of the basic creed • Daily prayers • Month of daytime fasting • Almsgiving – giving money to charity • Pilgrimage to MECCA • 85% are Sunni – aren’t as strict followers of the Quran as the Shiites • Shiites feel every decision should be based on what the Quran says

  14. MECCA

  15. MECCA • Holiest Islam site in the world • Located in Saudi Arabia • More than 13 million people visit MECCA annually • Population of the city is 1.7 million

  16. Median MEDINA

  17. Medina • 2nd holiest city in Islam • Known as the “radiant city” • Home to 3 of the oldest mosques in Islam • Non-Muslims are not permitted to enter into the city

  18. Mosque - Islamic church *Place for prayer, information, education, and dispute settlement.

  19. Dome of the Rock

  20. Dome of the Rock • Located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem • Built over a sacred place – where Muslims believe Muhammad rose into Heaven • Islamic shrine • Built from 688-691 • The rock in known as the Foundation Stone • It is not a mosque – it is a shrine

  21. Monotheistic Religion – believing in 1 god • Monotheistic Religions: *Christianity *Islam *Judaism

  22. Muhammad *Born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia *Founding prophet of Islam *Followers believe when he was 40 Allah’s (God) words were revealed to him which became the Quran

  23. Suez Canal- Connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea Opened in 1869

  24. Suez Canal is 120 miles long, 79 feet deep, and 673 feet wide. It contains no locks and is owned by the Suez Canal Authority – Egypt.

  25. Salt Flat – created by evaporation of moisture by the wind Salt Flat

  26. Salt Flat – flat land made of chemical salts that remain after winds evaporate the moisture in the soil. Found in Iran.

  27. Souk - marketplace

  28. Souk

  29. Bazaar – open air market place

  30. Medina – where a Souk is located; old part of a city

  31. Narrow winding streets Medina

  32. Dead Sea *Lowest point on earth *World’s saltiest large body of water *Water only flows in – not out

  33. Dead Sea Facts • Name in Hebrew means “Killer Sea” • 30% salt – 6 times saltier than the oceans • Fed by the Jordan River • Contains no fish or living creatures • Surface of the sea is over 1,300 feet below sea level

  34. Economy of North Africa • Went from agriculture to cash crops then to oil. • Agriculture – oranges, citrus fruits, barley, wheat, corn, tomatoes, olives, egg plant • 40% of the population is below poverty level in Sudan • Minerals – iron ore, copper, lead • Textile industry is rapidly growing

  35. OPEC • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries • Founded in Baghdad • Currently has 12 members • Mission is to secure an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum and consumers, and a steady income to producers.

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