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Learn how to protect yourself and others from laboratory hazards, complying with State and Federal regulations. Understand the OSHA Lab Standard, including scope, PELs, and employer responsibilities. Discover how to assess risk, purchase new equipment safely, and create a Chemical Hygiene Plan. Find resources for chemical hazard information, use MSDS, store chemicals properly, and manage chemical spills effectively. Ensure your lab practices prioritize safety and compliance to create a secure work environment.
Why Lab Safety? • Protect yourself from laboratory hazards • Protect others from laboratory hazards • Comply with State and Federal regulations
Laboratory Safety TrainingOverview • Introduction to the Lab Standard • Responsibilities • Protecting yourself from Laboratory hazards • Toxicity/Compounds of unknown toxicity • Spills and Spill Response • Mandatory work practices
Regulations that Affect You • Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories The OSHA Lab Standard (29CFR1910.1450) • HAZWOPPER (Chemical Spills) Hazardous Waste Operations Standard (29CFR1910.120) • Bloodborne Pathogens (29CFR1910.)
Contents of the Lab Standard Scope and Application Definitions • Permissible Exposure Determination • Chemical Hygiene Plan • Employee Information and Training • Medical Consultation/Examinations • Hazard Identification • Use of Respirators • Recordkeeping • Dates • Appendices
Scope and application of the Lab Standard • Applies only to laboratories ….… ”workplace where relatively small quantities of chemicals are used on a non-production basis” • Supercedes for labs, the requirements in 29CFR1910 subpart Z , but requires protection to PEL limits and prohibition of eye and skin contact as specified by other OSHA standards
Permissible Exposure Limitsand Exposure Monitoring • The employer shall assure that laboratory employees’ exposure to OSHA regulated substances do not exceed the Permissible Exposure Limits set in 29 CFR1910, subpart Z • Employer must monitor employee’s exposure to substances regulated by an OSHA Standard if there is reason to believe that exposure levels for that substance routinely exceed action levels or PELs.
Employer Responsibilities • Keep records of employee exposures to regulated hazardous chemicals • Provide Information and Training • Prepare, implement and maintain a written Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) • Provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • Hazard Identification • Provide for medical consultations\exams • Recordkeeping
Risk Assessment • As a research scientist, you are responsible for assessing the potential Safety and Environmental hazards presented by your work • When unusual or uncontrolled hazards may be predicted, you should consult with your supervisor and the Safety and Environmental Departments
New Equipment PurchaseRisk Assessment for Hazards • When you contemplate purchasing new equipment for your lab, please • use the risk assessment guide below to identify potential hazards. • Do you have space to use this equipment safely? • Does this equipment require special ventilation? • Does this equipment contain any radioactive sources or lasers? • Are there any special PPE (personal protective equipment) requirements when using this equipment? • Are all points where injury could occur guarded? • Do you require any special heating, cooling or electrical components to use this equipment? • If you have questions regarding hazards you’ve identified, • please call Safety.
Chemical Hygiene Plan • What is a Chemical Hygiene Plan? • Where can you find it? • Why is important to you?
Use of Chemicalsand Biological Agents Know the properties of chemicals and biological agents you use before you use or transport them • Toxicity • Flammability • Reactivity/Incompatibilities • Corrosive • Unstable • Radioactive • Clean up procedures
Where to find information on Chemical Hazards Where do you look to find information on new chemicals BEFORE you use them? Books available on Site: • Merck Index • Aldrich Catalog • Prudent Practices in the Laboratory • Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials
Internet Sources for Chemical Hazard Information • American Chemical Society (ACS) http://dchas.cehs.siu.edu • Howard Hughes Institute • American Biological Safety Association • National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) • Center for Disease Control (CDC)
MSDSMaterial Safety Data Sheets MSDS provide you with the following : Chemical and Physical properties Toxicity Information Computability/Incompatibility Appropriate spill and fire response and much more information......................
Chemical Storage • Acids are incompatible with bases, flammable solvents, oxidizers • Cyanides should stored separately from acids • Water reactive materials should be stored separately • Flammable materials with very low flashpoints should be stored in an explosion proof refrigerator • Peroxidizable chemicals must be dated when opened, disposed of when required per safety manual. *Keep on hand only those chemicals that you have room to store properly.*
Chemical SpillsNuisance Spills • Spills of less than 4 L. of material that you know the hazards of and are comfortable cleaning up • Assess the hazard • Wear appropriate PPE If you are unsure of the hazard of a spill or need assistance with PPE selection, call the Safety Office
Chemical SpillsPotentially Hazardous Spills • Spills of • greater than 4L • smaller spills of materials of • low LD50, • carcinogens, • flammable • unknown toxicity
Emergency Lab Evacuation In the event of a fire, severe weather emergency or laboratory evacuation scientists should: • stabilize reactions in progress • close fume hood sashes • notify safety if any unusual hazards exist
HazMat Team 30 Team members, 10 First Responders from Facilities, Engineering, Safety and Scientific Departments First Responders go to the location of all shower, eyewash, hood and ventilation alarms. They evaluate and decide how to deal with each situation.
Fire Extinguishers in Your Lab • Know where all fire • extinguishers are located in your lab • Visually inspect them each time you walk through the lab • are extinguishers in proper location? • has extinguisher been discharged? • Call Maintenance • if extinguishers need to be replaced or repaired
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Do you know what PPE is appropriate for the work you are doing? What PPE is provided? • Gloves - rubber, butyl, latex • Eye Protection - glasses, goggles, faceshields • Labcoats, aprons, scrubs • Safety shoes • Respirators
Gloves • select gloves appropriate for the task • check gloves for leaks • double glove if necessary • be alert to unusual sensations in your hands • do not touch your face, telephone, etc with contaminated gloves • use clean hand / dirty hand technique
Safety Glasses“Eye protection must be worn in any area where there is the potential for eye injury” • All eye protection used must be ANSI approved (“Z87” is stamped on the sidebar of ANSI approved eyewear) • If your prescription glasses are not ANSI approved, you must wear safety glasses, safety goggles or a full face shield over them
Available Eye Protection • Safety glasses • Splash goggles • Full face shields All are available • Prescription safety glasses are available by contacting Occupational Health
Respirator UseRespirator Standard 29CFR1910.134 • Required under the Standard exposures exceed the exposure limit • Required by the Department (Not required under the standard) • Not Required
Respirator Use when not required by the Standard or the Department Respirators are an effective method of protection against designated hazards when properly selected and worn. Voluntary use of disposable respirators is encouraged where they will provide an additional level of comfort and protection for Colleagues. If a respirator is used improperly or not kept clean, the respirator can become a hazard to you.
Proper Use of Respirators When using respirators that are provided for voluntary use, you need to take the following precautions to be sure that the respirator itself does not present a hazard: Read and follow all instructions provided by the manufacturer on use, maintenance, cleaning and care, and warnings regarding the limitations of the respirator Do not wear your respirator into atmospheres containing contaminants for which your respirator is not designed to prevent against. For example, a respirator designed to filter dust particles will not protect you against gasses or vapors Keep track of your respirator so that you do not mistakenly use someone else’s respirator.
Obtaining a Respirator • Disposable respirators for nuisance levels of particulate matter, dust, dirt and dander are available in the apparatus storeroom • Respirators for use when required by the Standard are available by contacting the Safety Office.
Biosafety Cabinets “Class I and IIa,b cabinets, when used in conjunction with good microbiological techniques, provide an effective containment system for moderate to high risk microorganisms.” • ClassI protects worker and environment • Class II protects worker, environment and research materials in the cabinet • Class IIa exhausts air back into the room: do not use with volatile or toxic chemicals (Mercaptoethanol) • Class IIb is hard ducted to the facility exhaust system All fume hoods and Biosafety cabinets are inspected yearly
Fume HoodsThe most expensive piece of real estate in your lab! Use Properly: • keep sashes down • don’t store flammable liquids, equipment in hood • limit traffic behind you
Mercury Spills • All mercury spills should be cleaned up in a timely fashion • To clean Hg spills, use the mercury vacuum • Call Safety or Environmental if you have any questions
Glassware • rinse all visible residues and chemicals from glassware • decontaminate/chemically destroy any biologically active or noxious materials before sending items to glassware • ENSURE that no sharps go in glassware bins • do not overload glassware bins • visit Glasswash facility
Toxicity The dose determines level of toxicity • Dose = Concentration X exposure Time • Acute vs. Chronic • alcohol consumption • Local vs. Systemic • pet flea shampoo
Toxicology Definitions PEL-Permissible Exposure Level • Levels established by OSHA for personnel exposure to air contaminants. IDLH-Imminently Dangerous to Life and Health • NIOSH recommendation; refers to acute respiratory exposure that poses an immediate threat of loss of life or immediate or delayed irreversible effects on health
Routes of Exposure • Inhalation • Ingestion • Skin Absorption • Injection
Toxicity Definitions Asphyxiant - prevents oxygen from reaching body tissue. • carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. Allergen/Sensitizer - causes allergic reaction which can be lethal (anaphylaxsis) • DCC, isocyanates, organophosphates, heavy metals Carcinogen - known to, or suspected of, causing cancer • benzene Teratogen - reproductive toxins which may do damage to the fetus • dioxins, DES Mutagen - reproductive toxins which may damage or interfere with genetic material
Select Carcinogenslisted in your Safety Manual • OSHA’s Thirteen Carcinogens • NTP listed “Known to be Carcinogens” • IARC Group 1 “carcinogenic to humans” • IARC Group 2A or 2B or NTP designated “reasonably anticipated to be carcinogens”that cause tumor incease
Working with “Select Carcinogens” • Discuss with your supervisor • Follow procedures outlined in the CHP • Follow departmental procedures • Ensure that designated area is defined and used, ventilation and all appropriate PPE is being used properly.
Working with Compounds of Unknown Toxicity These are chemicals for which there are no known statistically significant studies to establish their toxicity 1. Use a designated work area, isolate items used there; decontaminate the area when work is completed 2. Use local exhaust ventilation 3. Use appropriate PPE and wash hands often
Pregnancy Women who are pregnant are encouraged to discuss work assignments with their supervisor and to seek alternate work assignments if the colleague believes the potential for exposure to teratogens exists. If alternative work assignments cannot be agreed upon, the colleague and supervisor should contact the Safety Office.
Mandatory Safety Rules 1. Comply with Emergency Evacuation procedures. 2. Access to eyewash/drench hoses, safety showers, and fire extinguishers must be kept clear. 3. Eating and drinking in the laboratories and animal rooms is forbidden. 4. Adequate eye protection must be worn in areas where there is the potential for eye injury. 5. Open toed shoes and sandals are not acceptable footwear in laboratories or animal rooms. 6. All fires that cannot be extinguished with a fire extinguisher must be reported immediately. 7. Fires that have been extinguished must be reported to your area supervisor, the Safety Office and to the Maintenance Department.
8. Immediately report any work related illness or injury to your Supervisor and the Occupational Health Department. 9. Tasks that present unusual hazards must be reviewed with the appropriate supervisor before they are conducted. 10. Labels on containers must not be defaced, and all containers of chemicals stored in common areas must be labeled as to the contents, hazards, name of owner and date. 11. Any chemicals, biological materials experimental compounds, or other hazardous materials must be shipped by CBI or Shipping and Receiving. 12. When working with select carcinogens, comply with all safety procedures. 13. Pipetting by mouth is forbidden. 14. Is anyone in this room still awake? 15. Gas cylinders must be secured whether in use or stored. Regulators must be removed and caps used when moving cylinders. 16. Materials with offensive odors must be decontaminated before disposal. 17. Do not modify electrical equipment yourself! The electrical shop will modify or fix electrical equipment for you SAFELY.
Last, not Least....... Before you leave your work area each day, check the area to ensure : • Overnight operations are properly set-up and waterlines are adequately clamped • Heat sources are turned off • Hoods sashes are closed • Chemicals and biological agents are stored properly