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America & The Great War: Foreign Policy, Great White Fleet, & Global Interventions

This chapter explores America's foreign policy during the Great War, including the deployment of the Great White Fleet, interventions in Latin American countries, the building of the Panama Canal, Dollar Diplomacy, and Wilson's diplomacy and morality. It also examines why the US remained neutral initially, despite British violations of neutral rights, and the impact of the sinking of the Lusitania.

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America & The Great War: Foreign Policy, Great White Fleet, & Global Interventions

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  1. Chapter 21 America the Great War


  3. Great White Fleet

  4. TR believes in civilized and uncivilized countries Civilized: industrial N & W Europe & Japan

  5. Russo-Japanese War 1906 Nobel Prize

  6. 1902 Venezuela reneged on money owed to Great Britain & Germany Each sends ships to blockade ports Germans fire Teddy uses the fleet to threaren the Germans off

  7. I’m worried about European powers getting a foothold into Latin America

  8. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine US can intervene if neighbor is unable to maintain order or if independence is threatened

  9. Dominican Republic *$22 million debt *US takes custom house-collects tariffs *pays off debts

  10. US intervenes: Mexico 1914 1916-19 Cuba 1906-09 1917-22 Nicaragua 1909-10 1912-25 1926-33 Haiti 1915-34

  11. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty 1901 US and England agree to build a canal

  12. Have to pick site

  13. Us negotiates treaty with Columbia $10 million down ¼ million per year Get 6 mile wide zone

  14. Philippe Bunau- Varilla

  15. Philippe-Varilla organizes revolt TR lands Marines to maintain order Send USS Nashville to stop Columbian ships

  16. USS Nashville

  17. TR recognizes new government-negotiates treaty with Panama rep: $10 million $1/4 per year

  18. Dollar Diplomacy

  19. Taft’ policy: Investments/loans to keep countries friendly and prosperous

  20. Wilson: Diplomacy and morality *sends Marines to Haiti 1915 *sets up military government in Dominican Republic 1916 *buys West Indies from Denmark

  21. Mexico

  22. Porfirio Diaz

  23. Francisco Madero

  24. Victoriano Huerta

  25. Venustiano Carranza

  26. Pancho Villa

  27. Emiliano Zapata

  28. John J. “Black Jack” Pershing

  29. Queen Victoria of England

  30. Victoria’s grandchildren: Maud-Queen of Norway Sophie-Queen of Greece Marie-Queen of Romania Alexandra-Czarina of Russia Wilhelm-Kaiser of Germany George-King of England

  31. King George and Tsar Nicolas

  32. Assassinated by Black Hand Garvilio Princip June 28, 1914

  33. “impartial in thought as well as deed”

  34. Why neutral? • Use position as moral, neutral country to bring a peace agreement • $ as neutral you can trade with everybody

  35. Why does Wilson ignore British violation of neutral rights? *pro British *Small trade with Germany *Growing trade with GB & France

  36. United States Trade with Nations at War (millions of dollars) Nation 1914 1915 1916 Great Britain 594 912 1,527 France 160 369 629 Italy 74 185 269 Germany 345 29 less than 1

  37. Lusitania

  38. May 7, 1915 1198 killed 128 Americans Sank in 18 minutes

  39. National Defense Act 1916 *raise army 90,000 to 223,000 *National guard to 440,000 Naval Defense Act 1916 $500 million

  40. Election of 1916 Woodrow Wilson Charles Evans Hughes

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