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Asian Canal Irrigation. Irrigation management evaluation metrics – contingency/context specific and/or generic. Study of agencies and capacity building of agencies . Icarda / iwmi , tigris / euphrates , indus , ganges , aral,mekong , nile , penninsular india
Asian Canal Irrigation • Irrigation management evaluation metrics – contingency/context specific and/or generic. Study of agencies and capacity building of agencies. Icarda/iwmi, tigris/euphrates, indus, ganges, aral,mekong, nile, penninsularindia • Modernization of irrigation systems, making large canal systems flexible i.e. timing, duration flow rates akin to tubewell irrigation, institutionalizing modern tools. • Coordination and accountability between farmers and agencies. (e.g. ISF, WUA) • Operation and maintenance expenses.
Gender and ES • How will benefits and costs be distributed between groups/individuals • What will be impacts on ecosystems • What is the overall context?
SSA Irrigation • What are the opportunities and constraints on improving livelihoods for smallholder irrigation in SSA? • What are the biophysical and socio economic consequences of foreign direct investments in irrigated landscapes? • How do we encourage small scale irrigation in a sustainable manner? • What are the similarities and differences between Africa and Asia, what lessons are to be shared and what are unique in terms of type, approaches and data. • Within the context of renewed interest in large scale irrigation scheme rehabilitation what needs to be done to improve success and reduce the failures seen in previous interventions. How do we get research into action? • Lack of irrigation statistics in Africa, particularly for small scale irrigation systems. What are the researchable issues here? Lacking irrigation on investments and beauracy to identify trends. Inventory of schemes performance? Assisting national agencies
Bioversity, iwmi, africarice, ifpri, fao, ilri • Gender differentiated Livelihoods should permeate
Salinity • Base line salinity assessment, possible causes, potential solutions and its impact on crop productivity and livelihoods. • Study of salt transport dynamic and parameterization of transport process in pilot area/river basin scale. • Developing simple decision making tool to design and managing irrigation and drainage system jointly at different scales. • Identifying farm-scheme-basin scale linkages on salinity management and defining permissible thresholds. • Assessing Institutional/governance/policy implementation and their influence on salinity management at local, watershed and basin scale. • Identifying various water and environmental related trade-offs between traditionally managed irrigation system compare to modern irrigation system.
Icarda, iwmi, icba,csiro, bioversity • Livelihood/gender issues in crop selection • Water quality issue and impact on ES
Groundwater Irrigation • Assessing potential and challenges of groundwater irrigation in SSA IWMI, AfricaRice, IFPRI • The Ganges Water Machine: How to test the hypothesis and what are the policy implications? SAWI, IWMI, World Bank • Managing the energy-irrigation nexus • IWMI, IFPRI • Understanding incipient groundwater development in SE Asia and Central Asia • IWMI ,ICARDA • Indirect management options in the MENA to deal with groundwater depletion and equity issues • ICARDA, IWMI • Managing quality externalities, like arsenic and fluoride in the context of agricultural water management. • IFPRI, IRRI, WorldFish, IWMI,
Exploring the irrigation potential in periurbanlandscapes SCENARIO IN 2012 SCENARIO IN 2030 RURAL PERI-URBAN AREA Resources Green growth CITY • Context: Peri-urban areas are increasing due to rapid urbanization. This puts pressure on land and water leading diversified irrigated agriculture using various water sources
Peri-Urban agriculture • Mapping transformations in the PU landscapes and the potential for irrigation e.g Land use, crop diversification, institutions, hydrological context, projecting transformations into the future etc – link to SRP information (IWMI, ICRAF, • Irrigation potential: what are the multiple water sources and their conjunctive use, crop water requirements etc in irrigated agriculture? (global irrigation mapping of IWMI, ICRAF). Identify the irrigation related problems and address e.gWater quality, water rights; link to SRP RRR; • What are the coping (adjusting) mechanisms of irrigation farmers in the light of developmental pressures (close urban dynamics) in the PU landscape. • Characterizing the demography of periurban farming • Economic analysis of livelihood benefits, ecosystem services and food flows from irrigated PU landscapes, • Policies and Institutional: what are the institutional and policy arrangements necessary to enhance irrigated agriculture productivity. • Water rights in the PU. Protect farmers’ rights of access to water in the PU • Link to nutrition (other SRP)- PU vegetable and malnutrition, IFPRI Partners: IWMI, Bioversity, FAO, WorldFish, RUAF, AVRDC