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Subject Pronouns. Français 1. Subject Pronouns. Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. You can remember subject pronouns easily by filling in the blank subject space for a simple sentence.
Subject Pronouns Français 1
Subject Pronouns Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. You can remember subject pronouns easily by filling in the blank subject space for a simple sentence. Example:______did the job.I, you, he, she, it, we, and they all fit into the blank and are, therefore, subject pronouns.
In French, just like in English, a sentence must have a subject and a verb.When studying French, you must understand subject pronouns before you can begin learning how to conjugate verbs, because the forms of verbs change for eachsubject pronoun.
Je I Tu you Il He /it Elle She /it On one /we, they, the people, someone Nous we Vous you Ils They Elles They Subject Pronouns 1ST, 2ND, 3RD Person Singular 1ST, 2ND, 3RD PersonPlural
French Subject Pronouns: je = I • Jecontracts to j' when followed by a vowel or mute h. • Unlike I, in French je is only capitalized at the beginning of a sentence.
French Subject Pronouns: tu, vous = you • French has two different words for you: tu and vous. Vous is the formal and pluralyou. It is used to show respect or maintain a certain distance or formality with someone. Use vous when speaking to one: person you don't know well, someone older, an authority figure, or anyone to whom you wish to show respect. Vous is also the plural you and must be used when talking to more than one person (y’all). Tu is the familiar you, which demonstrates a certain closeness and informality. Use tu when speaking to one: friend , peer, colleague, relative, child, or pet.
French Subject Pronouns: il, elle = he, she, it • Il can refer to a male, he, as well a masculine noun/object, it. • Elle can refer to a female, she, or a feminine noun/object, it.
French Subject Pronouns: on = one, we, you, they • On is the indefinite pronoun and literally means one. It's often equivalent to the passive voice in English. • In addition, on is an informal replacement for we, you, they, someone, or people in general.
French Subject Pronouns: nous = we • The first person plural French subject pronoun nous is used exactly like we in English.
French Subject Pronouns: ils, elles = they • Ils is used for groups of men as well as mixed-gender groups (Even when talking about a room full of hundred women and one man, you have to useils- French male domination!). • Ils is also used for groups of all masculine nouns and groups of mixed masculine-feminine nouns. • Elles can be used only when every single person or thing you're referring to is female or feminine.