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T h e S p i d e r w i c k C h r o n i c l e s T h e W r a t h o f M u l g a r g r a t h. J o s h J o h n s o n. Setting: This story takes place in another world that does not exist with goblins and other creatures. What is it?
The Spider wick ChroniclesTheWrathof Mulgargrath JoshJohnson
Setting: This story takes place in another world that does not exist with goblins and other creatures. What is it? In this novel the main character Jared visits another world which makes this story a fictionist. Adventure/Survival: This story has fights between the fictionist characters and goblins and other creatures Title: The wrath of Mulgarath What is your book’s genre? Write it here: Fantasy/ Science Fiction Type: This novel is science fiction because it has unrealistic characters and settings. “Aloft, the metal gleaming in the sun, Hog squeal sat at the beast’s neck, looking positively miserable.”(51) “Across the fire one of the goblins threw a wriggling black thing into the flames .”(61) “The dining room table was still upright, but several of the chairs were knocked over, their caning ripped.”(4)
Setting makes this novel an Fiction/ Fantasy “The dining room table was still upright, but several of the chairs were knocked over, their caning ripped.”(4) “The living room was worse: The television was shattered and their game console had been shoved through it.”(4) “The kitchen, water poured from the faucet, filling a sink pilled with broken plates and spilling onto the floor, where food from the overturned freezer was defrosting in wet piles.”(4)
Because the main character is in another world he experiences unrealistic creatures “Aloft, the metal gleaming in the sun, Hog squeal sat at the beast’s neck, looking positively miserable.”(51) “With that, Thimble tack walked to the edge of the chair and let Jared put him into the hood of Jared’s sweatshirt.”(30-31) “How can we beat an army of goblins, a dragon, and a shape-shifting ogre?”(28)
This novel is an Adventure/Survival “How can we beat an army of goblins, a dragon, and a shape-shifting ogre?”(28) “Simon started at the broken fish tanks as though some answer could be found among the glass shards.”(29) “Across the fire one of the goblins threw a wriggling black thing into the flames .”(61)
Evaluation: Is the Wrath of Mulgarath a good example of an Fantasy/Science Fiction • Tony Diterlizzi and Holly Black did an excellent job creating the setting of an unrealistic place. These authors put a lot of description into this story by explaining the setting. Their descriptions were vivid and obnoxious but unfortunately is an fiction story. And after all in most fiction stories such as this one it ends happily ever after.