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SAVE. a project of NC GASP NC Group to Alleviate Smoking Pollution. Empowering. Survivors & Victims of. Tobacco-Related Illness. SAVE. Tobacco Survivors. tobacco awareness educators smoke-free policy advocates. Tobacco Survivors. motivate kids to quit smoking. Jim Martin. “.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SAVE a project of NC GASP NC Group to Alleviate Smoking Pollution

  2. Empowering Survivors & Victims of Tobacco-Related Illness SAVE

  3. Tobacco Survivors tobacco awarenesseducators smoke-free policyadvocates

  4. Tobacco Survivors motivate kids toquit smoking

  5. Jim Martin

  6. I will not smoke anymore from this day forward.” Latoya

  7. After hearing your story my friend who’s twelve no longer smokes.” Tyshae

  8. Fred Haywood

  9. After listening to you, I do not think I ever want a cigarette again.” Stacy

  10. Your story touched me because I smoke and I’m trying to quit.” Kris

  11. Tobacco Survivors motivate kids tostay smoke-free

  12. Nina Finney & Fred Haywood

  13. After seeing what happened to you I am never going to smoke.” Lee

  14. I pledge never to smoke.” Zach

  15. Larry Williams

  16. When I got older I was going to smoke. But you’ve changed my mind about smoking.” Kimberly

  17. You have changed my life to be smoke-free.” Terika

  18. Tobacco Survivors teach kids theconsequencesof smoking

  19. Jim Martin

  20. You’ve made me realize how dangerous smoking really is.” Nevi

  21. Jim Martin & Walter Brank

  22. I will never smoke. I don’t want a hole in my throat.” Richard

  23. Fred Haywood

  24. Now I know the horrors of smoking.” Chet

  25. We remember what you said: After you take the first cigarette, the cigarettes take you.” Jesse

  26. Tobacco Survivors empower kids assmoke-free advocates

  27. Gary Miner at TATU training

  28. After your presentation I signed up for Teens Against Tobacco Use.” Jesse

  29. Because of you my friends and I have changed other students’ minds about cigarettes.” Greg

  30. Thanks for giving me the words to tell my dad how I feel about him smoking.” Brae

  31. I’ve told everyone they should not smoke. I even told my teacher.” Jani

  32. Robeson County Teen Summit

  33. Gary Miner

  34. I talked to my parents about what you said and now they have stopped smoking.” Andrea

  35. I have been secondhand smoking from my parents and now I leave the room.” Graham

  36. Tobacco Survivors capture kids’attention

  37. That’s the first time our class has ever been so quiet.” Jenny

  38. Wade Hampton

  39. When I first heard you speak I almost cried. You’ve taught me not to ever smoke.” Rachel

  40. Thank you for letting me try that buzzer thing.” Joey

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