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OGC Meeting, Southampton GeoDRM State-of-the-art Dr. Roland M. Wagner

GIS meets e-Business: Web Pricing & Ordering Service (WPOS) XML Configuration & Pricing Format (XCPF). OGC Meeting, Southampton GeoDRM State-of-the-art Dr. Roland M. Wagner Fraunhofer-Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik Berlin/Dortmund June 16th, 2004. Presentation Overview.

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OGC Meeting, Southampton GeoDRM State-of-the-art Dr. Roland M. Wagner

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  1. GIS meets e-Business:Web Pricing & Ordering Service (WPOS)XML Configuration & Pricing Format (XCPF) OGC Meeting, SouthamptonGeoDRM State-of-the-art Dr. Roland M. Wagner Fraunhofer-Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik Berlin/Dortmund June 16th, 2004

  2. Presentation Overview 1. History and Background 6. Next steps 5. Projects 2. Encoding XCPF 4. Service Chaining 3. Functions WPOS

  3. Company A Company B 1.1. Need: SDI is Infrastructure or “Bridge Building” eBusiness Service: WPOS Environment A Environment B Security Service: “WAAS” Data Access Service: WMS,WFS,.. Encoding: jpg,GML,...

  4. 1.2. Geo-eBusiness Workflow and Standards State-of-the-art Interoperability • 1a.) Find with Meta-data (ISO, OGC) • 1b.) Find with Mapping (WMS) • 2.) Security • 3.) Pricing & Ordering • 4.) Data Generation & Integration (WFS, WCS, WCTS...) ATTENTIONINTER-OPERABILITY TRAP!

  5. Company A Company B 1.3. Need for an interoperable Security (WAAS) and e-Business (WPOS) Solution ?! WMSClient • No Interference withdata stream protocol • Cascading Support • Support different Data-Protocols (WMS, WFS,..) • Implementation independent (No Vendor Specific Parameter) Interface WAAS ? WPOS ? Interface WMSService Interface Interface WPOS ? WAAS ? Interface Interface WMSService WMS Service

  6. 1.4. History Geo-eBusiness within OGC • First presentation of the need and requirements at the OGC meeting in Liège, March 2001 • WPOS in GDI NRW Testbed I in 2001 • Presentation of approach and concepts at the OGC meeting in London, June 2002 • Discussion Paper OGC Doc: 02-39r1L.A., Dec 2002 • WPOS HTTP POST profile 2003 • Experience and Proof through multiple (paid) projects (LGB, LDS NRW, O.S. Wuppertal,..) 2003/04 • Study of other e-Business approaches June 2003 • GDI.NRW released WPOS Spec May/June 2004 • State-of-the-art and next steps Southampton, today

  7. 1.5. Motivation: Geo-eBusiness Diversity with WPOS/XCPF

  8. 1.6. Benefits There is a need to SELL geo-information to have revenues for further developments of SDIs !! • XCPF: math. approach copes will a very wide range of pricing models & easy adjustments • Support different protocols (a XSL file per protocol) • Support of existing networks • Implementation independent • Automation of value chains • Rationalization

  9. Presentation Overview 1. History and Background 2. Encoding XCPF

  10. 2.1. „How does it cost?“ A non-trivial question • Geo-Information products are not off-the-shelf products !How to offer/price Geo-Services? 

  11. 2.2. Pricing in the Geo Domain Geo-product pricing is complex due to • high value and very high prices • wide range of configuration possibilities No suitable mainstream solution available ! -Checked again June 2003- • Generic structures needed! • “The lowest common denominator for all pricing Ideas is the mathematical formula” -Proofed- • Product description in ISO 19115

  12. Position: 2 DHM 5 km² Position: 1 Top 50 10 km² Scaled areaPrice Minimum Price, Taxes =>1992 € =>5982 € =>4340 € Position: 3 Top 50 7 km² =>6341 € 2.3. Example: Zone Pricing Model • “Shopping cart”: Pos. 1: f1((area(polygon), areaPrice(area), updatefactor dataformat, useCategory, userCategory, workstations, licensingTime, Taxes))= 1234 € Pos. 3: f1(..............) = 987 € Pos. 2: f2(...) = 4340 € Sum 6561 € => 5982 € Scale Pricing: areaPrice = 17 km² * 0.9 €/km²or areaPrice= 15 km² * 1 €/km² + 2 km² * 0.9 €

  13. 2.4. XML Configuration & Pricing Format (XCPF) Object Axis XCPF hierarchy • to group product items • for complex group pricing • integration of different catalogs • optimizing with object inheritance • product cascading

  14. 2.5. XCPF: Product Object The smallest unit • short description • hosting the basic pricing formula • hosting the product configuration(layer, style,pixel,...) • workflow status • all contract aspects

  15. 2.6. XCPF: Calculation Object • parameter groups • multiple (intermediate) formulae • externalXCPF Web Service Calls • formula encoding with W3C MathML

  16. 2.7. Demonstration: XCPF in XML presentation

  17. 2.8. XCPF Editor

  18. Presentation Overview 1. History and Background 2. Encoding XCPF 3. Functions WPOS

  19. XCPFcatalogue 3.1. „Filling the receipt“ Concept XCPFproduct instance WPOS Operation • GetCapabilities • GetPriceModel • GetPrice • OrderProduct • GetOrderList • GetProduct productID XCPF XCPFproduct + price calc. configParams, ServiceRequest XCPF configParams, ServiceRequest,customerID XCPFproduct +customer ID XCPF customerID XCPFproduct +status XCPF

  20. 3.2. WPOS GetPrice Operation, (http get)

  21. 3.3. WPOS GetPrice: Example without defined protocol Multiple Items,1012&CONFIGPARAMS=xmin%3D5.67%26ymin%3D50.3%26xmax%3D5.913%26ymax%3D52%26Licensetime%3D1,Pages%3D4%26Area%3D1000%26Points%3D3&SERVICEREQUEST=,&SERVICEPROTOCOL=, Key-value-pairs, e.g. Licensetime=1,defined in XCPF price model

  22. 3.4. WPOS GetPrice: Example with defined protocol (WMS) GetMapRequest,5576452,2764016.1155868545,5824151.4%26EXCEPTIONS%3Dapplication/vnd.ogc.se_xml&SERVICEPROTOCOL=ORGANISATION%3DOGC%26NAME%3DWMS%26VERSION%3D1.1.0 OGC WMS 1.1.0 Protocol

  23. 3.5. WPOS OrderProduct Example, http post, with WMS expert request (http get) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <wpos:OrderProduct version="1.0" xmlns:wpos="http://www.gdi-nrw.org/wpos"> <wpos:Product id="http://inspire.geodan.nl/cgi-bin/wms/SclMapServer.exe"> <wpos:GeneralLicenceNo/> <wpos:ServiceProtocol organisation="OGC" name="WMS" version="1.0.0" transformationLocation="" nsSchemaLocation=""/> <wpos:ConfigParams/> <wpos:ServiceRequest><![CDATA[VERSION=1.1.0&REQUEST=GetMap&LAYERS=rivers,nuts3&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326&FORMAT=image/png&BGCOLOR=0xFFFFFF&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&WIDTH=612&HEIGHT=487&BBOX=-31.255700000000004,14.293686846405222,57.1062,84.60781315359477 &EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_xml]]></wpos:ServiceRequest> </wpos:Product> <wpos:Customer id="0815"> <wpos:DefaultAddress> <wpos:name1>Fraunhofer ISST</wpos:name1> <wpos:name2>Bastian Baranski</wpos:name2> <wpos:street>Emil-Figge-Str. 91</wpos:street> <wpos:zip>44227</wpos:zip> <wpos:city>Dortmund</wpos:city> <wpos:country>Germany</wpos:country>

  24. 3.6. WPOS GetPrice: Example with defined protocol (WMS) and additional Configuration Parameter ConfigParam,5576452,2764016.1155868545,5824151.4%26EXCEPTIONS%3Dapplication/vnd.ogc.se_xml&SERVICEPROTOCOL=ORGANISATION%3DOGC%26NAME%3DWMS%26VERSION%3D1.1.0 GetMapRequest OGC WMS 1.1.0 Protocol

  25. Presentation Overview 1. History and Background 2. Encoding XCPF 4. Service Chaining 3. Functions WPOS

  26. 4.1. WPOS Chaining Concept: Requirement • no geo-data protocol interference, e.g. WMC  WMS, WMS will never understand “getPrice” • implementation independentno data service enhancement necessary but • price calculation, ordering and accounting of requested geo-data • support of additional configuration parameter,e.g. WMS request and configParam “licenseTime” • multi-protocol support, e.g. WMS,WFS,WCS,… Protocol Packages and Layering

  27. 1a 1b 2a 2c 3a 3e 2b 2f 2d 2d WMServiceFacade WPOClient WPOService WMCFacade 3j 3f Interface Interface Interface Interface 2e 3b 3d 3c WPOSFacade WAA-C WAA-S WPOCFacade 3i 3g Interface Interface Interface Interface 3h 4.2. Embedding: Using Protocol Layer: Talking WMS, WPOS, WAAS,... WMClient WMService Interface Interface Client Service WM : OGC Web Mapping WPOS : Web Pricing & Ordering WAA : Security

  28. WM Client WMS Service getMap getMap „image file“ 4.3. WPOS: Standard Sequence with WMS example WPO Client WPOS Service getPriceModel XCPF Price Model Configuration getPrice Price Okay / not orderProduct TAN Store TAN getProduct „data file“

  29. The reserved word "none" (case-insensitive) must be used if there are no fees or access constraints, as follows: <Fees>none</Fees>, <AccessConstraints>none</AccessConstraints>. When constraints are imposed, noprecise syntax has been defined for the place-holder elements. 4.4. Recommendation for references: OGC Capabilities • As said, e.g. fees, cannot be handled just by a few tags, see WMS capabilities example: • In GDI NRW testbed, we used for commercial service the <fee> tag for an WPOS URL reference • Same mechanism can apply to <access constrains> • Clear linkage required for OGC capabilities (some linkage proposal in ISO Schema)

  30. 4.5. Existing Approaches: ISO 19115 Testbed GDI NRW: Using <fee> or <orderingInstructions>CharacterString for WPOS URL linkage

  31. 4.6. Existing Approaches: ISO 19115 Schema (10/10/2002) • Reference instead of weak (and not usable) pricing

  32. 4.7.ISO 19115 Schema (10/10/2002): Proposal: Usage of “onlineResource” within StandardOrderProcess <xsd:complexType name="CI_OnLineFunctionCodeType"> <xsd:choice><xsd:element name="CI_OnLineFunctionCode_CodeList"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="iso19103:CharacterString"> <xsd:enumeration value="download"/> <xsd:enumeration value="information"/> <xsd:enumeration value="offlineAccess"/> <xsd:enumeration value="order"/> <xsd:enumeration value="search"/> </xsd:restriction></xsd:simpleType></xsd:element>

  33. Presentation Overview 1. History and Background 5. Projects 2. Encoding XCPF 4. Service Chaining 3. Functions WPOS

  34. 5.1. Project: Geobroker Brandenburg, LGB • LGB is the Mapping Agency of Brandenburg, a German State • Large number of product resources, may different services • Usage of OGC/ISO conform software component • Consortium: • AED-Sicad (Geo-Server) • Con Terra (Catalog) • Fraunhofer ISST (Pricing&Ordering) • Reference solution for other projects (3 tenders) • Pricing: Complex Pricing, but for non on-the-fly production • Shop Application, WPOS interface not open to public • Public Presentation: CeBit 2004, http://geobroker.geobasis-bb.de

  35. 5.2. Project: LDS / LVermA Northrhine-Westfalia (NRW) • LDS is ASP for Mapping Agency NRW • NRW is another German state • Large number of product resources, may different services • Different pricing models • WPOS interface will be open to public • Partner: • AED-Sicad • Public Presentation: CeBit 2004 • Part of “GDI NRW Verbundprojekt” (see CeGI)

  36. 5.3. Project: Pathfinder, Ordnance Survey • Chaining of WFS / WPOS with WFS Façade • Partner • IONIC • EDINA • Businessmodel: • Initial Order • Update • Subscription • Use Case e-procurement for a large distributor • Public presentation: Agile 2003 Price ?

  37. 5.4. Project: Wuppertal • Municipality Situation (ca. 250.000 inhabitants) • Different pricing models, e.g. a common proposal for pricing developed by more than 10 Municipalities in NRW • Development of a Web Authentication & Authorization Service (WAAS), based also on the protocol manipulation layer approach of WPOS • Part of “GDI NRW Verbundprojekt” (see CeGI): 153 sources provided by more than 20 organizations to set up an operational GDI

  38. 5.5. Project: Potential Projects within Germany • State Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg (July 2004) • GeoPortal.Bund: “Mapping” and optional “pricing & ordering” for more than 40 distributed institutions within the German Federal Government (June 2004) • more Municipalities…

  39. Presentation Overview 1. History and Background 6. Next steps 5. Projects 2. Encoding XCPF 4. Service Chaining 3. Functions WPOS

  40. 6.1. Review • After 4 solutions are carried out: • No major problems appeared • Therefore, only smart changes • Usage of mathematic formulae a good decision • Implementation- and protocol-independency is a key issue • Other e-business approaches not helpful, e.g. UDDI, ECO, ebXML,XCBL • We are confident enough to recommend the discussion paper to move on into the OGC acceptance process

  41. 6.2. Preview • Update OGC Discussion Paper 02-39r1 • New HTTP POST profile with Schema • Adjustments to latest Web Service Developments/Styles • Façade Examples for WMS and WFS • XCPF as description language in a separate Document • Invitation to all interested institutions to join ! • GeoDRM seems to be the right place within OGC

  42. How do you do Geo-E-Business ? • Dr. Roland M. WagnerRoland.Wagner@isst.fhg.de

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