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Periodic Families and Family Properties

Learn about the characteristics and properties of various families of elements on the periodic table such as Noble Gases, Alkaline Earth Metals, Halogens, Alkali Metals, Carbon Family, and Transition Metals.

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Periodic Families and Family Properties

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Periodic Families and Family Properties Mary Same

  2. What is the family name of the elements in column 18?

  3. What is the family name of the elements in column 18? The Noble Gases

  4. What family exhibits these characteristics/properties? -All solids -Harder and denser than Alkali metals -Low first ionization energies -Reactivity increases moving down a group -Commonly found in nature at 2+ ions

  5. What family exhibits these characteristics/properties? -All solids -Harder and denser than Alkali metals -Low first ionization energies -Reactivity increases moving down a group -Commonly found in nature at 2+ ions The Alkaline Earth Metals

  6. What family exhibits these characteristics/properties? -nonmetals -salt formers -melting and boiling points increase moving down the group -highly negative electron affinities -React with Hydrogen to form compounds that are very soluble in water

  7. What family exhibits these characteristics/properties? -nonmetals -salt formers -melting and boiling points increase moving down the group -highly negative electron affinities -React with Hydrogen to form compounds that are very soluble in water The Halogens

  8. What is the family name of the elements in column 1?

  9. What is the family name of the elements in column 1? The Alkali Metals

  10. What family exhibits these characteristics/properties? -soft metallic solids -silvery, metallic luster -high thermal and electrical conductivities -low densities and melting points that increase moving down the group -the most active metals -react vigorously with water, producing Hydrogen gas and metal hydroxides -extremely reactive toward Oxygen -have characteristic flame colors -commonly form 1+ ions

  11. What family exhibits these characteristics/properties? -soft metallic solids -silvery, metallic luster -high thermal and electrical conductivities -low densities and melting points that increase moving down the group -the most active metals -react vigorously with water, producing Hydrogen gas and metal hydroxides -extremely reactive toward Oxygen -have characteristic flame colors -commonly form 1+ ions The Alkali Metals

  12. What is the family name of the elements in column 17?

  13. What is the family name of the elements in column 17? The Halogens

  14. What family exhibits these characteristics/properties? -monoatomic (single atoms rather than molecules) -unreactive -large first ionization energies -completely filled s and p subshells

  15. What family exhibits these characteristics/properties? -monoatomic (single atoms rather than molecules) -unreactive -large first ionization energies -completely filled s and p subshells The Noble Gases

  16. What family exhibits these characteristics/properties? -bond with many elements -contain nonmetals, metalloids, and metals -most elements are familiar in everyday life -most can only form positive ions -tend to share electrons -have 4 valence electrons

  17. What family exhibits these characteristics/properties? -bond with many elements -contain nonmetals, metalloids, and metals -most elements are familiar in everyday life -most can only form positive ions -tend to share electrons -have 4 valence electrons The Carbon Family

  18. What family exhibits these characteristics/properties? -metals -conduct heat and electricity -ductile and malleable -most are solid at room temperature -have low ionization energies -charges do not follow an obvious pattern -oxides of these elements act like bases; they react with acids to form a salt and water

  19. What family exhibits these characteristics/properties? -metals -conduct heat and electricity -ductile and malleable -most are solid at room temperature -have low ionization energies -charges do not follow an obvious pattern -oxides of these elements act like bases; they react with acids to form a salt and water The Transition Metals

  20. What is the family name of the elements in column 13?

  21. What is the family name of the elements in column 13? The Boron Family

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