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British Airways

British Airways. By Tanzeel Iqbal. Boeing 777. Airbus A3380. Boeing 747. Pilot and Co Pilot. Jobs On Board An Airliner. Air Cabin Crews. Skills Required to Work On A Airliner.

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British Airways

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Presentation Transcript

  1. British Airways By Tanzeel Iqbal

  2. Tanzeel Iqbal Boeing 777 Airbus A3380 Boeing 747

  3. Pilot and Co Pilot Jobs On Board An Airliner Air Cabin Crews Tanzeel Iqbal

  4. Skills Required to Work On A Airliner • The usual qualifications needed to begin training as a pilot are a minimum of five GCSEs and two A-levels. A degree or postgraduate qualification is not required • In order to work as an airline pilot you must hold an Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL). This qualification is known as a 'frozen ATPL' and becomes 'unfrozen' when a certain number of hours and experience have been achieved. Tanzeel Iqbal

  5. What Do Cabin Crew Do On a flight to new york do on British Airways? 1,They Greet And Meet At The Doors, 2,Show Passengers To There Seats 3,Ensure Passengers Have Stowed Away There Hand Luggage in the seat in front or over head lockers. 4,Prep Galley Passengers Boarding Plane Also Being Welcomed By Cabin crew Members Tanzeel Iqbal

  6. Brace Position • To assume a brace or crash position is an instruction that can be given to prepare for a crash, such as on an aircraft; the instruction to brace for impact is often given if the aircraft must make an emergency landing over land or water. When The Pilot Will Make You Do The Brace Position Bird Strike (When The Birds Hit The Aircraft) Engines Fail (In The Middle Of The Sky When Engines Fail) Undercarriage Does Not Come Out (When The Plane Is Landing And Undercarriage Doesn’t Come Out. Tanzeel Iqbal

  7. Other Emergencies On Flights • Heath Emergency • Pilot Or Anyone Loses Conciseness • Heart Attack/Stroke • Asthma Attack • Deadly Emergency. • Plane Problems • Engine Stops Working • Undercarriage Doesn’t Come Out When Plane Lands • Fuel Runs Out • Fuel Leakage • Fire Uncontrolled Fire • Landing On Sea • Terrorist Attack Tanzeel Iqbal

  8. British Air ways Safety Card Tanzeel Iqbal

  9. Cabin crew Meet and greet Employability skill required: Clear verbal Communication Positive Body language Good eye contact Listening skills Examples: Making the emergency briefing announcement for passengers Listening to any issues that customers may have and make decisions about them how to deal with them. Being reassuring relaxed and confident when greeting passengers. Being assertive when dealing with disruptive passengers. Listening to the captains orders without saying if or buts and make a announcement about it if the captain says so. Smart professional appearance to give passengers confidence in the airline. TanzeelIqbal

  10. Build an airline. Communication = discussion about the name of the airline. We decided on the name luxury travels because we wanted to tell our target market higher class and business class people. We are trying to say that you will have a comfortable and relaxing time. We had to choose from three name luxury travels, cheap fly’s, euro airlines we choose luxury travels because that was our target market The target market (customer types) we wanted to attract are higher class and business class people. Business Singles Couples Families Sports tourism TanzeelIqbal

  11. Build an Airline Poster Tanzeel Iqbal

  12. Build an Airline Activity On Tuesday 19th November 2013 we had a visitor from Birmingham airport his name was Andy holding we also had a visit from the government skills minister. Andy showed us a presentation about how to build an airline first we had to come up with three names for our airline then we had to choose which airline was the best after we chose the airline we had to come up with a logo and then we where given a sheet with a plane which was plain white we designed it and put our own logo on it and colours after that we given a sheet of a map of where we fly to we had to put the country name and join it up to United kingdom because that's where we are based in and then a group of government skills minister came in and asked what we are doing we explained to them what we are doing. This is Andy Holding This is my group

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