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Ch. 9: Charlemagne and the Rise of Medieval Culture

Ch. 9: Charlemagne and the Rise of Medieval Culture. Read pp. 197-200, 203-205 (to “Nonliturgical Drama”), 207-209, 212-14 and the play Everyman (see later slide for information). Featured Work Everyman Other Important Works/Concepts Illuminated manuscripts Quem Queritas trope

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Ch. 9: Charlemagne and the Rise of Medieval Culture

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ch. 9: Charlemagne and the Rise of Medieval Culture Read pp. 197-200, 203-205 (to “Nonliturgical Drama”), 207-209, 212-14 and the play Everyman (see later slide for information).

  2. Featured Work Everyman Other Important Works/Concepts Illuminated manuscripts QuemQueritas trope Romanesque style Terms • Carolingian (look up in a dictionary) • trope • Liturgical (dictionary) • Morality play, allegory • Illuminated manuscript • Great Chain of Being (in class) • Portal, trumeau, tympanum

  3. Charlemagne • Who was Charlemagne, and why was his coronation considered to be a “rebellion” by some? • What was the importance, for the arts, of his development of a large bureaucracy? • What are the key characteristics of economic development under Charlemagne?

  4. Education under Charlemagne • What was the “palace school,” and why is it significant to us? • What is the system of education that was set up at the palace school? • What are some examples of the importance of Roman culture in the subjects taught?

  5. Education, continued • Look up the meaning of “music of the spheres.” • What is the connection between literary revival and liturgical revival? (Define the word “liturgical.”) • What was the ultimate purpose of studying profane literature? (Look up “profane.”) • Where were other schools located in the Frankish empire?

  6. Liturgical Music and the Rise of Drama • What is a “trope,” and how did its importance in the liturgy develop? • Explain how the Quem Queritis trope is related to the development of drama in Europe.

  7. The Morality Play :Everyman • What is a “morality play”? (dictionary) • Be able to summarize the plot of Everyman and explain the allegory of the play. For the text of the play, see next slide

  8. Text of Everyman • Use the link on my home page and print the text of the play. Read the play before class, and bring the text with you to class.

  9. Illuminated Manuscripts • What does “illuminated” mean in this context? • What were the manuscripts made of? • Be able to describe the general purpose of illuminated manuscripts and some typical details of their appearance.

  10. Romanesque Style in Architecture • How did the Romanesque style spread across much of Europe? • What are key characteristics of this style? Be able to use accurately the terms “portal,” “trumeau,” “tympanum.” • Be able to describe some key artistic features of the Benedectine abbey Church of Sainte Madeleine at Vezelay.

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