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Delve into biocomputing and biomorphic computing concepts covering genetic algorithms, natural evolution, and computational simulations mimicking biological evolution. Learn about species definition, genetic inheritance, and evolutionary dynamics.
Biomorphic Computing Professor: Bill Tomlinson Tuesday 2:00-4:50pm Winter 2004 CS 189
Week 2: Genetic Algorithms • News • Last Week’s assignment • Natural Evolution • Synthetic Evolution (& Sims reading) • Assignment 2 • Lab Time
Go over Game of Life assignment • Problems?
Go over Sims reading • fixed-length bit strings vs. lisp expressions • parameter spaces • mutating and mating symbolic expressions
Natural Evolution • Descent with modification • The central process by which the abundance of life forms have come to exist.
Linnaean Classification • Carolus Linnaeus, 1707-1787 • Initially based on visible, behavioral and other obvious characteristics. • Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species (pick your favorite mnemonic device)
Defining the species • How do you tell whether two things are from the same species?
Defining the species • Reproductive isolation (produce viable offspring) • Morphological similarity • Genetic similarity • Ecological similarity
Questioning the species concept… • DNA studies are calling some of these classifications into question. • Organisms that reproduce asexually - self-cloning bacteria • Ring species • Species over time • Based on human decisions about classification • A conceptually useful mechanism to work with the uneven genotypic/phenotypic distribution
Charles Darwin • 1809-1882 • Voyage of the Beagle to the Galapagos • Finches • Origin of Species - 1859 • Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals - 1872
Darwin vs. Lamarck • How does a giraffe get its long neck? • Lamarck (1744-1829)
Mendelian Genetics • Gregor Mendel 1822-1884 • Dominant vs. recessive • Genotype vs. phenotype (expression)
Punctuated Equilibria • Niles Eldredge • Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002) • long periods of stability with abrupt periods of change and appearances of new species • splitting off of daughter species (cladogenesis), rather than transformation of species as a whole (anagenesis) • Founder effects
Mitosis vs. Meiosis • Mitosis: one cell becomes two cells with the same DNA • Meiosis: one cell becomes four cells with one strand each
Crossing Over • Meiosis -> production of germ cells • Parts of two chromosomes get swapped. • Also called recombination
Mutation • Occasional misfirings of the replication process. • Almost always harmful. • On occasion, very successful.
Differential Survival • Once there is variability (through sexual reproduction, crossover and mutation) in a population, the environment culls some while others survive. • Natural selection.
Biological Diversity • Simple mechanism of natural selection enables the propagation of vastly different organisms.
Convergent Evolution • Same selection pressures cause similar morphology/behavior/etc. in different species. • Other examples?
From Biology to Computation • From natural selection to evolutionary computation
Simulating evolution • Descent with modification • Fitness landscape determines differential survival
Different Branches of Evolutionary Computation • Genetic Algorithms • Genetic Programming • Evolutionary Strategies • Evolutionary Programming • etc.
Evolved Virtual Creatures • Karl Sims
What problems are evolutionary techniques good for? • Discuss…
What problems are evolutionary techniques good for? • Problems in which the solution can be characterized in terms of variables (or human feedback) • Overcoming fitness landscapes with many local optima (i.e., where gradient descent won’t work).
Shortcomings • Computationally expensive
Applications: Artificial Life • Tierra • Synthetic organisms compete for time and computer memory.
Applications: Biocomputing • Protein Folding • RNA Folding • Sequence alignment
Applications: Evolvable Hardware • Golem Project @ Brandeis (movie)
Applications: Coordinating Groups of Robots • Evolving teams for reconnaissance, terrain mapping, etc. - UCF/GMU
Applications: Game Theory • Prisoner’s Dilemma - Axelrod
Applications: Art • Karl Sims
Genetic Algorithms • Project ideas?
Assignment 2 • Implement a genetic algorithm to evolve a creature that can go as fast as possible to a point where you click.
Representation of a Creature • Ability to sense and take action • Conditional bits - perception • Action bits - motor
Conditional Bits • How are conditional bits hooked up to the sensory world? • Dot product and cross product offer one way to slice perceptual world into chunks.
Sensor radius How far around them can they see? How do they detect the target?
Action Bits • How do action bits allow the creature to move around or otherwise affect its world?
How a rule works. • Rule: 010010 • First four bits are perception • e.g., front-left, back-left, back-right, front-right • Last two bits are action • go-straight-or-turn, if-turn-which-direction • So this bitstring might mean “If I sense something in back left quadrant, turn left.”
Number of rules • How many do you need? • How many is too many?
The Bitstring Genome • all the bits of all the rules • equivalent of DNA • Total length = #bits/rule * #rules.
Populations • Genetically Diverse • Provide the raw materials for “survival of the fittest.”
Initialize population • Random • Seeded
Evolving the creatures • Initialize population • Evaluate population • Generate new population • Loop between evaluating population and generating new one.
Population size • Large enough for genetic diversity • Small enough for computational speed
Evaluate Population • Load population into simulated world (reset) • Fitness criteria?
number of creatures loaded in • can just be one, or can be several (take average of fitness)
Generate new population • Find best (mom) and second best (dad) (or some other combination of top performers) • Crossing over • Mutation
Crossover rate • How much recombination?