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VRS White Paper Development

VRS White Paper Development. “Pre-Publication Peer Review” Jonathan Betz- Zall Shoreline Community College jbetz-zall@shoreline.edu. What is a White Paper?.

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VRS White Paper Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VRS White Paper Development “Pre-Publication Peer Review” Jonathan Betz-Zall Shoreline Community College jbetz-zall@shoreline.edu

  2. What is a White Paper? “Originally, the term white paper was used as shorthand to refer to an official government report, indicating that the document is authoritative and informative in nature.“

  3. In the market? “White paper marketing is the process of promoting and selling products or services through the use of informational papers that contain a minimal amount of self-promotion.” http://www.imarketingmag.com/tutorial/images/White-Paper-marketing-tutorial-White-Paper-Marketing.jpg

  4. Why do we need a White Paper? Promote Use of Service Justify Budget Expenditures http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-j4a90oV1ZhY/TdpZGLcFgjI/AAAAAAAAAus/o90ug9oIWwY/s1600/P%2526G_May18.jpg

  5. Outline Structure Just like a grade school report! http://www.imarketingmag.com/tutorial/White-Paper-marketing-tutorial-body-text.html

  6. Problem Statement Not describing your service But focusing on what the user needs • “This white paper introduces our new Virtual Reference Service. We use computers to answer your questions online!”

  7. Our Solution! Features Benefits How to Use It

  8. Why does the institution support it? Alignment with institutional goals Alignment with Library’s goals Alignment with Customer’s goals http://www.intrahealth.org/sst/step0-3.html

  9. Evaluation Quantitative: Comparative rate of use Cost-effectiveness Qualitative: Student perceptions Librarian responses http://freshspectrum.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/wpid-Photo-May-20-2013-934-AM.jpg

  10. Follow-up Respond to results of evaluation Plans Policies Procedures Publish analysis and invite further feedback http://leftofsanity.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/61811-follow-up1.jpg?w=450&h=335

  11. Questions? Comments? Jbetz-zall@shoreline.edu

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