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Training Meeting 25 FEB 2013. Bruccoleri, Evan Fida, Daniel Park, Eleanor Regan, Kevin Scanlon, Tara. Quote of the Day. “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” – John Wooden
Training Meeting 25 FEB 2013 Bruccoleri, Evan Fida, Daniel Park, Eleanor Regan, Kevin Scanlon, Tara
Quote of the Day • “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” • –John Wooden • OCF will be tonight around 6:30 before CO meetings
S1: Battalion Strength Report Contracted Non-Contracted
Battalion Accountability 131 Assigned 115 Present 7 Excused 9 Unexcused 131 Assigned 119 Present 8 Excused 4 Unexcused 131 Assigned 121 Present 7 Excused 3 Unexcused 142 Assigned 133 Present 6 Excused 3 Unexcused 131 Assigned 109 Present 15 Excused 7 Unexcused
CULP 2013 • Immunizations complete: 15 FEB 2013 (1st Series) • Now working with individual cadets on future assignments and targets.
Picking up the Dona Rosa check today IPR WED 27FEB Immediately following lab in the classroom T-shirt Sweatshirt Design Finalized- Will have rosters going around this week at lab for everyone to choose what they want SPO
S2- Current events • President Karzai of Afghanistan has ordered special forces out of key province Afghan of Warkdak. • Analysis: this move could be seen as a form of consolidation or gesture with the Taliban prior to when US troops leave in 2014 and the Government is tasked with security of the whole nation.
S2- Current events Rebels manning a captured Syrian tank IRGC General Hamid Sarkheili • Syrian rebels stormed the Syrian Police academy using captured tanks. • Tanks and aircraft have given the regime an edge against the rebels during the ongoing 2 year conflict. • Iran claims to have downed another UAV in its south. • Begs the question was the drone American?
Weather Weekly forecast predicts a very high chance for rain/snow on Tuesday and small chance for precipitation throughout the rest of the week. Recommendation: MS4 key leaders adjust and prepare accordingly for upcoming MS3 training event Op Duke Dog Fury.
Community Alerts/Safety • Company commanders push this out your subordinates; As Spring break is coming up please ensure • that all of your doors/windows are properly locked. • nothing of value is in plain sight through windows. • especially crucial if you are the resident of the 1st floor of any apartment/house.
FEB 2013 MS I/II LAB: SQD MTC #1 MSG Wilcox to FT Lewis MS III LAB: PLT ATK May/Summer Graduation Application Presidents Day Training Holiday Valentine’s Day Student Assessment/Faculty Day/ No Classes Mr. Lawson LOG Course @ FT Knox MS I/II LAB: SQD MTC #2 MS III LAB: PLT Raid Presidents Day Training Holiday BN APFT #3 Failure Retest Ordnance/Transpo Branch Brief MS III’s (Classroom) SMP PHA’s MS I/II LAB: SQD Ambush #1 MS III LAB: Ordance/Transpo/FA Brach Brief MS I/II LAB: SQD Ambush #2 Spring break BN Run SMP PHA’s BN Dinning Out IPR #3 Spring Break MS III LAB: PLT Ambush Individual HR Verification LAB/ TRAINING/MEETING CAMPUS EVENTS CAMPUS EVENTS BN EVENTS BN EVENTS TRAINING HOLIDAY TRAINING HOLIDAY OTHER CADRE ACTION
MAR 2013 Spring Break Mr. Ansbro to FT Knox MS I/II LAB: SQD ATK #1 Spring Break MS III LAB: Cordon and Search BN FTX PCC/PCI #1 Ranger FTX BN APFT Record #4 BN FTX PCC/PCI Final BN FTX Saint Paddy’s Day All MS Classes LAB: Road to War Brief by MS IV’s BN FTX BN FTX Recovery JFTX PCC/PCI #1 Good Friday/Easter Training Holiday BN APFT Failure Retest May Commission Invitations MS I/II LAB: SQD ATK #2 MS III LAB: PLT Ambush LAB/ TRAINING/MEETING CAMPUS EVENTS CAMPUS EVENTS BN EVENTS BN EVENTS TRAINING HOLIDAY TRAINING HOLIDAY OTHER CADRE ACTION
T 25FEB13-1MAR13
T-1 4MAR13-8MAR13
T-2 11MAR13-15MAR13
27 FEB 13 AMBUSH Practical • TRAINING EVENT: Ambush Practical • OIC: Florio • NCOIC: Pardue • MISSION: Give Basic lab cadets opportunity to use TMK to rehearse and conduct an Ambush Battle drill practical IOT create a better understanding of military basic battle operations on 27 Feb 2013 at 1530 • Key Tasks: • Cadets use TMKs go over CONOP • Cadets rehearse battle drill prior to crossing LD • Cadets conduct 2 separate short Ambushes as a means of training • MSIVs will conduct a brief AAR after each lane IOT for the cadets to gain a better understanding of the Ambush • Conduct a final lab AAR for overall improved retraining in the future • End state: Cadets and BCCs will become knowledgeable on TMK, rehearsals, and have a more in depth understanding on how to conduct the Ambush Battle Drill. • T.M.U:Group 1: Mraw and Rankin • Group 2: Anzalone and Terry • Group 3: Henderson and Regan • Group 4: Gregorio and Karski • Group 5: Bracero and Betourne • OPFOR 1: Scanlon and Fida • OPFOR 2: Cary and Fanning • OPFOR 3: Langan and Engle • OPFOR 4: Wolfe and Giordano • OPFOR 5: Maisel and Park Instructional basic movement walkthrough FF OBJ OBJ OBJ OBJ OBJ 1 1PLT 2 PLT FF and Class 4 2 3 5
S3: TAC OIC • Highlights • CONOP for lab after spring break due WED • SL Counselings due WEDNESDAY!
27 FEB 2013 MSCI 300- Ambush Patrolling 1 Training Event: Ambush Patrolling OIC: cBaxter, NCOIC: cElliott MISSION: JMU Duke BN MS3 cadets conduct Ambush Patrolling lane from 1535-1735 on 27FEB13 in AO Hillandale park in order to develop MS3 leadership potential and familiarize MS3’s with Ambush patrolling SH 21-76 . CONCEPT OF THE OPERATION This operation will have 4 phases. Phase 1: Phase will begin with the planning of the operation and with the briefing of the plan at the training meeting on 25FEB13. Phase will conclude with the operation and supply request approved. Phase 2: Phase begins with FF at the parking lot in Hillandale Park. MS3 cadets will form up in prospective teams-squads-platoons. cElliott will have MS3’s inspect equipment and phase will end upon the issuance of the signed out equipment. cElliott will take the OPFOR to their assigned position and ensure that the objective is correct. Phase will end once all equipment is issued. Phase 3: Phase begins with movement to the AA. The Ambushpractical will be conducted, and the conclusion of this phase will be the end of the execution of the mission. Phase 4: Phase begins with the AAR and ends with dismissal of all personnel. Outcomes: MS3s are successfully trained in Ambush planning, TLPs, and conducting Ambush tactics. MS4s successfully trained in planning and conducting Ambush Patrolling lane and evaluating cadets’ performance therein. Coordinating Instructions: Uniform: ACUs, LBV with compass and whistle attached, Kevlar, eye pro, black gloves, elbow and knee pads, Ruck packed with: sleep system, 1 set of ACUs, 1 tan t-shirt, 1 pair green socks, wet weather top and bottom, fleece or field jacket, MS3 kit, Watch Cap AA Resource Status OBJ TIMELINE: 1530: FF, Inspections, and Equipment issue 1535-1540: Movement to AA 1540-1720: Ambush Lane 1720-1735: AAR 1735: Dismissal TTMU: Opfor: 2 MS IV’s from Basic Lab Evaluators: Triplett, Pisano, Roessel, Crisler, Bruccoleri, Mueller, 2 MSIVs from Basic Lab
JPSC Positive Spot Reports
S4 • Highlights • Non-Contracted MS1’s will pick-up FTX equipment Wednesday during Basic Lab • Cadet Fund: $5,110.37 (before Tent Set-up Check- $1,200) • Equipment Status • Equipment for Tuesdays MS3 training will be laid out Tonight!
S5 • Past Events: • Basketball (Womens and Mens) • February CHOICES • Upcoming Events: • CHOICES : April 12 & April 15
S-6 Cadet Lab Current status is GREEN (LABCON 3.0) • Keep it clean. • I need your help enforcing this. Misc. News • S-6 Shop will be potentially accepting apprentices! • This will include a MS3 and contracted MS2.
S-6 • Website • New focus of the S-6 shop! • For an example of what “Cascades” can do see JMU’s home page. • Webmaster of JMU is located in the building beside Buffalo Wild Wings. • It is my goal to meet with him by the end of this week.
Alpha Co. Bravo Co. U.S Army Cadet Command CULP Culture and Language Program “Motto” “Motto” CULP Participant Country destination CULP Participant Country destination Battalion Standouts Battalion Standouts The Soldiers Creed I am an American Soldier. I am a Warrior and a member of a team. I serve the people of the United States, and live the Army Values. I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself. I am an expert and I am a professional. I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy, the enemies of the United States of America in close combat. I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life. I am an American Soldier. CULP Participant Country destination CULP Participant Country destination PT PT PT PT GENERAL CULP INFORMATION Supply Hours SMP Drill schedule MISC. (Local Events, general battalion announcements)
Alpha Company • C/CPT Kator, CDR • C/1LT Wolfe, XO • C/1SG Caron, 1SG • “Y'all Gon Learn Today”
Alpha Company • Key Highlights • – Company Meeting on 25 Feb • - Encouraging Cadets to find dates for dining out • - PCI after Spring Break • - No shows being removed from roster
Alpha Company Unexcused Absences Abla, Joey (MS2, NC) 22 Feb Keklik, Aren (MS2, NC) 18 Feb, 22 Feb Cundiff, John (MS1, NC) 22 Feb Creel, Jesse (MS1, NC) 18 Feb St. Pierre, Matthew (MS1, NC) 22 Feb Kim, Joseph (MS2) 22 Feb Mery, Vanessa (MS2) 22 Feb Thompson, Gregory (MS1, NC) 18 Feb Pending Excusal Stout, Samuel (MS1, NC): MEPS appointment
B CO Major Training BN Run – 01 0550 MAR 13 Co Meetings – 25 2000 FEB 13 Motto “Suns out, Guns out”
Unexcused Absences Hunter, Richard (MSI) Non contracted – 18FEB13, 20FEB13 Leshock, Dominic (MSI) Non Contracted – 18FEB13, 20FEB13, 22FEB13 Racanelli, Andre (MSI) Non Contracted – 18FEB13 Perry, Sarah (MSI) Non Contracted – 20FEB13 Peebles, Shannon (MSII) Contracted – 22FEB13
Q Week Support S4: Supply Requests 25 FEB 2013 TAC shop: MS3’s in evaluations will still be at BN PT during Q Week RFTX OPFOR: Knoll, In. Cary, Rachel
Mentorship • Continue to do monthly counseling forms with mentees • If you haven’t done the status slides yet for your mentees do so and send them to the mentorship email account • Any questions feel free to ask • Mentorship.JMU.ROTC@gmail.com
Command Staff CSM-cCSM Fida XO-cMAJ Maisel BC-cLTC Betourne