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3 rd Grade expectations

3 rd Grade expectations. Ms. Parker’s Class . Classroom Rules. Be Prepared and Follow Directions the First Time. Respect Others and Keep Your Hands, Feet, Insults, and Objects to Yourself. Raise Your Hand for Permission to Talk or Leave Desk. Walk Quietly Everywhere.

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3 rd Grade expectations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 3rdGrade expectations Ms. Parker’s Class

  2. Classroom Rules

  3. Be Prepared and Follow Directions the First Time. Respect Others and Keep Your Hands, Feet, Insults, and Objects to Yourself. Raise Your Hand for Permission to Talk or Leave Desk. Walk Quietly Everywhere. Follow All School Rules.

  4. rewards

  5. Pencileraserstickertoypraisepositive notesnackfree timean educationclass treat

  6. Consequences

  7. Subject to changeFirst time = warningsecond time = loss of privilegethird time = Flip cardfourth time = conferenceoffice referral

  8. Conduct grade

  9. (100-90) A – Excellent(89-80) B – Satisfactory(79-70) C – Needs Improvement(69-60) D – Unsatisfactory(59-0) F – Unacceptable Show conduct chart!

  10. folders and binders

  11. Monday folder classwork folder homework folderwriting folder

  12. centers

  13. Meet with teacher buddy readingfluency passageindependent readingreaders’ theatreVocabularyspelling and Grammar worksheetsReading (AR test)

  14. Tests

  15. To head up your paper means… Name Date Title To head up your notebook entries means… Title Date Page Number 1 point deducted for each of the following… Name Date Spelling Complete Sentence *No credit if Skip/Not Answer*

  16. Ar Test*non-fiction*fiction (chapter book)*leveled text*Take test in the room after finish work

  17. schedule

  18. 7:40-8:00 Agenda/writing portfolio8:00-8:15 theme writing/grammar8:15-8:35 Small group reading8:35-8:55 whole group reading8:55-9:35 small group reading9:35-10:05 whole group reading/grammar10:05-10:15 grammar/read aloud10:15-11:00 P.E.11:00-11:30 Library – M/W computer T/T music f11:30-11:35 calendar11:35-12:00 lunch/restroom12:00-12:10 calendar12:10-12:50 small group math12:50-1:30 science/social studies/health/technology1:30-1:50 small group reading1:50-2:10 small group reading2:10-2:30 small group reading2:30-2:40 pack up/portfolio/pencils/snack2:40 dismiss car riders2:45 dismiss bus riders

  19. Tour of room

  20. backpacks Centersmath manipulativeswhere put folders suppliesCharts/posters on wallcloset bookscomputerswhat’s in/around my deskwhat’s in your desk

  21. Emergencies

  22. Fire Drill*Line up*Go out door*walk away from the building

  23. Tornado drill*line up*go in the hallStorm shelter

  24. Lock down*move to corner of the room*sit on floor

  25. If have an emergency in the room…

  26. procedures

  27. Morning Procedures ***Restroom – before enter the classroom***unpack Agenda Writing portfolioread/ar testEnd of the day procedurespack upget out portfoliosharpen pencilseat snack

  28. Lunch Procedures • Table number • Side to sit on • Where to line up to fix plate • How get milk and plate • When to go next to get plate • How know can fix plate • Where to line up to leave • Talk after finished eating • Eat everything to get extra • Symbol for extra – raise plate • Ice cream on Friday • Either put money in account or bring with you

  29. Things can do…

  30. Shut Door if distractedget tissue and wash hands when neededsign for restroom(Don’t ask if I’m teaching!)Sign for Library We’re a family so…*okay to help each other*Don’t want others to use it…don’t bring it

  31. How get Home? Bus Car Walk

  32. *What do you want to be called? (Change name on desk, conduct, lunch book, and grade book)*When is your birthday?

  33. Classroom Helpers

  34. Pet peeves

  35. What questions do you have for me?

  36. The end!!!

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