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Life at the Turn of the Century. 76,000,000 Americans in 46 States by 1910 Policemen arrest women for smoking in public 8,000 cars 10 miles of paved roads 96 auto deaths (in 1900) 115 lynchings. San Francisco Earthquake takes 700 lives with over $4,000,000 in damages
Life at the Turn of the Century 76,000,000 Americans in 46 States by 1910 Policemen arrest women for smoking in public 8,000 cars 10 miles of paved roads 96 auto deaths (in 1900) 115 lynchings
San Francisco Earthquake takes 700 lives with over $4,000,000 in damages • Average worker makes $12.98/week • Average number of hours worked: 59 • Life expectancy for white males: 48 • Life expectancy for black males: 33
Ping Pong is invented in Britain as a substitute for lawn tennis which is played only by the rich • By 1906, 15 states post the first speed limits as speeding becomes a national problem. The new speed limit: 20 mph • George Eastman develops the first lightweight, easy to use camera which he called Kodak
The Antiquities Act of 1906 authorized the president to declare national monuments and historic landmarks • The Wonderful World of Oz, To Have and To Hold, Call of the Wild and other works of fiction become bestsellers among young women.
Fashion is formal and romantic • Women still wear corsets to make the waist as small as possible • Women’s shoes buttoned to the knee • Hats were very large
Sears, Roebuck and Montgomery Ward catalogs were read more than any book except the bible • Teddy Bears become a fad thanks to a cartoon of Teddy Roosevelt and a bear (1905) • The Wright Brothers make their first flight in Kitty Hawk