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KINE 648 Instrumentation and Techniques in Exercise Physiology Instructor:

KINE 648 Instrumentation and Techniques in Exercise Physiology Instructor: John S. Green, Ed.D., Ph.D., FACSM Clinical Associate Professor. Introductions. Instructor: J.S. Green, Ed.D., Ph.D., FACSM Former high school football, basketball coach - math teacher

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KINE 648 Instrumentation and Techniques in Exercise Physiology Instructor:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KINE 648 Instrumentation and Techniques in Exercise Physiology Instructor: John S. Green, Ed.D., Ph.D., FACSM Clinical Associate Professor

  2. Introductions • Instructor: J.S. Green, Ed.D., Ph.D., FACSM • Former high school football, basketball coach - math teacher • Ed.D. - Okla. State, 1984: Health and Physical Education • GA: rock climbing, life guarding, weight lifting • Rose State College, 1985-88, Aquatics administrator / instructor • trained SCUBA instructors, taught SCUBA, lifeguarding, personal health • Texas A&M, 1989 Exercise physiologist, program coordinator • lecturer - taught applied & clinical exercise physiology • Ph.D. - Texas A&M, 1996 - Physiology / Statistics & Research Design • lecturer r visiting assistant professor r clinical associate professor • teach applied & clinical exercise physiology, statistics & research • Students: Name, Hometown, Bachelor's degree: school and major • What are you are getting a Master's degree in and why ? • Why did you take this class and what do you hope to get out of it ? • Do you think that, upon completion of a Master’s degree, a student should be able to plan, undertake, and complete a research project and write a paper about said project that is worthy of publication in a reputable journal ?

  3. Equipment Familiarization and Calibration Quinton 3040 and 4500 treadmill & ECG machines Monarch 818 E ergometers Refer to handout during demonstration

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