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HARDWARE SPECIFICATION. Librarian Machines: (used for Management and Circulation, etc) Component Minimum Specification Recommended Specification Processor Pentium II 400 or equivalent Pentium IV 1Ghz or greater Total Memory 128mb RAM 256mb RAM or greater Operating System Windows 98
HARDWARE SPECIFICATION Librarian Machines: (used for Management and Circulation, etc) Component Minimum Specification Recommended Specification Processor Pentium II 400 or equivalent Pentium IV 1Ghz or greater Total Memory 128mb RAM 256mb RAM or greater Operating System Windows 98 Windows 2000/XP Professional with active desktop
OPAC Inquiry Machines: (used for Inquiry ONLY) Component Minimum Specification Recommended Specification Processor Pentium or equivalent Pentium IV 1Ghz or greater Total Memory 32mb RAM 128mb RAM or greater Operating System Windows 98 Windows 2000/XP Professional
Individual Machine Specifications: Please note, these recommendations are a guideline only. Hardware of a higher specification will offer better performance. It should also be noted that Windows 95 and Windows ME are NOT recommended operating systems. Windows 95: This is no longer an operating system that is supported by its developers, Microsoft, and therefore cannot be recommended by Softlink. Windows 95 can be used to run Alice successfully but there may be issues that come about due to the non-development or problems with Windows 95. Windows 98: Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 98 in June 2003. Once this is done Softlink will no longer be able to recommend it as an Operating System for use with Alice. However like Windows 95 it can be used to run Alice successfully but there may be issues that come about due to the non-development or problems with Windows 98. Windows ME/XP Home: These operating systems were developed for home use and, although they are the forerunners of more business orientated operating systems, Softlink cannot develop its Software in line with them. As with Windows 95, Alice will run with Windows ME/XP Home but there may be issues that are out of Softlink’s control. Additional Considerations when Selecting Operating Systems: Multilingual Module:It is possible to run the AfW Multilingual Module with any of the minimum or recommended operating systems. However, if you require the use of Multilingual for languages such as Hebrew or Arabic you will need Windows 2000/XP (Professional, Server or Advanced Server). There is now a Unicode version of AfW. For this you require Windows 2000/XP Professional.
Wide Area Networks and Multi-Sites: For this type of setup, Softlink recommend the use of Terminal Server with Windows 2000 Advanced Server. Running Alice across multi-sites on a WAN has been known to cause problems so is not recommended. Networking: We currently recommend the following network software: 1.Novell Netware (if using Client 32, please ensure it is the latest version) 2.Windows 2000 3.Windows XP Professional Peer to Peer It is possible to run Alice on other types of network, but we recommend the above as we have many clients on these network types and are aware of most of the potential problems. If you have any further queries on network issues, please contact Softlink Support who should be able to advise you further. CD-ROM Drives: It is strongly recommended that you have access to a CD-ROM drive available via your network, as Softlink now provides upgrades/installations on CD-ROM only.
Free Hard Drive Disk Space: (all versions) It is recommended that you allow at least 150mb for Alice on the drive on which it will reside (ie the server in network situations). In most cases it will not use this much, but allowing for 150mb should ensure that you do not run out of disk space for Alice in the foreseeable future. Please note, you may need more disk space if you are using the Imaging or Multimedia modules. For the workstations in network situations, you only need enough free hard drive space to allow your Operating System to function normally (although we would urge you to be generous in such estimations). Backup/Archive Media: AfW creates archives to the hard-drive instead of floppy disks. This method allows for more reliable and much quicker archives, but means that you also need to set up an external backup to ensure protection if your hard-drive is somehow destroyed. We recommend that you use either a ZIP Drive or a Tape Drive to backup the AfW directory and all it’s subdirectories. In many cases, AfW will be installed on to the server of your exisiting network and may therefore be included in your existing network backups. File Handles: For maximum speed, it is strongly recommended that file handles are set to 250. File handles can be set in the C:\CONFIG.SYS file (or C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\CONFIG.NT file for NT4 and Windows 2000).
Printer: To get the most out of AfW you must have a printer. If running AfW, you just need to set up the printer in Windows, as AfW uses the default Windows Printer. This printer can be of any type that Windows itself can handle. Internet: In AfW it is possible to catalogue Web sites and then access these via Inquiry. If you wish to use this functionality, then Windows must have a default web browser set up, which can access the internet. AfW will then spawn this browser and pass it the URL of the site you have catalogued. If the web browser is not set up to operate normally, then AfW will not be able to spawn it. Internet Inquiry: The Internet Inquiry module allows you to make your catalogue available over the internet, so that anyone with a web browser and access to your web site can search on your catalogue. Please note that this is separate from viewing other web sites via Inquiry, which does not require the Internet Inquiry module. The minimum System Requirements for the machine running Internet Inquiry are: ·Windows NT 4.0, service pack 3, or Windows 2000 ·Internet Information Server 4.0 or later ·Wan Proxy or Wan Server ·AfW version 5 ·3Mb available disk space ·A HTML browser Java & JavaScript enabled (Netscape 3.0+ or Internet Explorer 3.0+)
Technical Support Requirements Facility Requirement CommunicationsPhone next to computer and Fax machine in library. Access to e-mail desirable. Access to DOS Prompt Please ensure your main computer has access to the DOS prompt for support purposes. These requirements are current as of 05/02/2003