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Chapter 3

Chapter 3. Making Healthful Food Choices. Benefits of Healthful Eating. If you make wise food choices, it can improve your health.

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Chapter 3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 3 Making Healthful Food Choices

  2. Benefits of Healthful Eating • If you make wise food choices, it can improve your health. • If you consume enough Vitamin C, you will not get scurvy (disease that leads to spots on the skin, spongy gums, and/or bleeding of the nostrils, lips, ears, and genital area. • A high-fiber, low-fat diet may help protect you from certain cancers. • Carbohydrates provide energy. • Vitamin C also boosts your immune system and helps your body heal from injury. • However, _______________________ and _____________________________ also affect your overall health, so healthful eating is one of the many factors that can help keep you healthy.

  3. How Much Should I Eat? • _____________________________________ (DRIs) are estimated nutrient intake levels. They are designed to help prevent diseases caused by lack of nutrients. The following four types of values make up the DRIs: • Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) • Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) • Adequate Intake (AI) • Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)

  4. Recommended Daily Intakes (RDIs)

  5. Make Smart Choices Food Groups Limits _________________________ saturated fats, trans fats, and dietary cholesterol raise blood cholesterol. Fat is a necessary nutrient, but only 10% of the fats you take in should be saturated. _________________________one teaspoon daily _________________________ Food contains two types of sugars: natural and added Foods high in added sugars have little more than calories in them • Focus on fruits • Vary your veggies • Get calcium-rich foods • Make half your grains whole • Go lean with protein

  6. Table Salt vs. Sea Salt What is Sea Salt? Sea salt refers to the unrefined salt that is obtained by evaporating sea water collected in man-made pools near a protected shoreline. The major difference between table salt and sea salt is in their mineral composition. Table salt, that is refined by industrial processes, is stripped of most of the minerals that are present in it when it is extracted from natural sources. Due to this reason, table salt is 99.9% sodium chloride as compared to sea salt, which contains only 98% of the compound. The remaining 2% is made of around 80 important minerals like iron, sulfur, and magnesium. It is due to this reason that sea salt tastes a little different from table salt and also has a higher number of benefits as compared to its more refined counterpart.

  7. Physical Activity Adults need to get at least __________ minutes of physical activity daily. Children and teens should get at least __________ minutes of physical activity daily.

  8. Get the Most Nutrition out of You Calories! • _______________________ foods have large amounts of vitamins and minerals compared to the calories that they supply. • What is the most nutrient-dense form of milk? • _______________________are extra calories left in your daily allowance after you have met all of your food group servings. • Do you think foods that provide 400 calories per serving are high in calories or low? • Foods with a percent Daily Value of 20% are considered high in calories, total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol; foods 5% or less are considered low. This information is listed on the Nutrition Guide Label.

  9. Start with the Main Course Meal managers plan meals in this order: • ______________________ • Grain food • ______________________ • Salad • ______________________ • Beverage Helpful Tips When Planning Meals • Increase emphasis on plant-based foods and decrease emphasis on animal-based foods. The meal is likely to be lower in fat and higher in fiber. • Example: vegetable lasagna instead of meat lasagna • Use lean meat in your recipes • Have the side dishes become your main dish so that you increase grains and veggies!

  10. Healthful Preparation Tips • Cook with liquid oils instead of solid fats. • Avoid adding salt and oil to water when preparing pasta. • Use _________________ the amount of butter suggested when making packaged foods. Example—Kraft macaroni and cheese • Dust cakes with powdered sugar instead of frosting. • Flavor veggies with ___________________and _______________________instead of salt and butter • Omit salt from recipes that call for other ingredients that are high in sodium. Example—green bean casserole • Reduce the amount of sugar in baked goods.

  11. Choosing Wisely When Eating Out

  12. Choosing Wisely When Eating Out • Look for restaurants with varied menus and options; it will be easier to find healthy foods that you like. • Choose _______________________ sizes rather than large-sized items. • Order a salad with _______________________ dressing instead of fries. • Items with cream sauces, gravy, or cheese will be high in ______________________, ____________________, and ___________________________________. • Soups, sauces, smoked foods, pickled foods, and barbequed foods are high in sodium. • Avoid fried foods when possible. • Have ______________________________ with your meal instead of a soft drink.

  13. The End

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