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Welcome to the 3 rd Grade Back to School Night!. Introducing Our 3 rd Grade Team Kelli Cornell/Alyssa Wells Courtney Cullen Lauren Ecker Rani Martin Aarika Murphy Jeanne Pruim. Our Philosophy.
Welcome to the 3rd Grade Back to School Night! Introducing Our 3rd Grade Team Kelli Cornell/Alyssa Wells Courtney Cullen Lauren Ecker Rani Martin Aarika Murphy Jeanne Pruim
Our Philosophy We believe that all students should be granted the right to a positive, engaging, stimulating learning experience. We believe that students learn best in a structured, cooperative learning environment. We believe that students can reach their highest potential with the collaborative efforts of students, parents, teachers, and support staff. We believe that our role is not only to educate, but to inform, nurture, respect, and build the characters of every child we teach.
Attendance We cannot stress enough the importance of your child being at school on time every day. School begins promptly at 8:45. When students are tardy or picked up early, they are missing important instruction. We truly strive to “Make Every Minute Count” at LCM! If your child is well, we want him/her at school!! It makes teaching very difficult when your child misses school. It is especially difficult when one skill builds upon another skill (such as math and writing.) Also, with these tough economic times in education, our school actually LOSES money when your child is absent. Please make doctor/dentist appointments after school and schedule trips and special events for non-school days. Thank you!!
Our Classroom Economy Every day the students show up to “work” they will earn money. They will have a job that will pay weekly. They may also earn money for good behavior. At the end of the week they will pay rent for their desks. They can be fined for poor behavior, messy desks, or lost supplies. They will be able to buy different coupons with their money.
Classroom Management Do the right thing…Live The Dolphin Way! • Do Your Best Work • Help Others Succeed • Respect Your School Rewards • Praise • Note/Call Home • Dolphin Behavior raffle tickets Consequences 1st Offense = Warning 2nd Offense = 5 minute time out, sign book 3rd Offense = 10 minute time out, note home, and responsibility room 4th Offense = Principal **Severity Clause - Straight to Principal**
Homework • Reading- read 15 pages nightly & log it in your AR log • Math/Language Arts-There will also be one or two nightly assignments due the following day. • Paragraph of the Week • Book Reports- Book Reports will be assigned 3 times per year. (See your child’s class website for more info.) Our goal is to help children become independent, proactive students. Students will be responsible for writing their assignments in a Homework Planner. **If assignments are not returned the following day the student will be given a Homework S.O.S, they must bring it back signed the next day. The 2nd missed assignment in one week will get an S.O.S and detention.
Grading 100% - 90% = 4, Above Grade Level 89% - 75% = 3, At Grade Level 74% - 60% = 2, Below Grade Level 59% and Below = 1, Far Below Grade Level
3rd Grade Curriculum • Language Arts- Common Core Standards based; mostly done in small reading groups • Math- Common Core Standards based; done in small and whole group • Writing- Common Core Standards based, including Informative, Opinion, and Narrative Writing. We will also be doing creative writing and journals! • Science- Light/Energy/Matter, Solar System, Animal Adaptations • S.S.- Landforms/Geography, California Native Americans, U.S. Government and Symbols
Common Core Standards • Transition from California State Standards to national Common Core Standards • SMUSD implemented Math and Writing common core standards last year. This year, we will be implementing English Language Arts standards. • Goal of Common Core is for students to have deeper conceptual understanding and to demonstrate higher level critical thinking and communication skills • Assessments will look different • Performance tasks • Explain thinking in writing using academic vocabulary • More complex problems with a “real world” connection
Weekly Schedule • Every Monday, the Weekly News will be e-mailed home and/or posted on your classroom’s website. Please be sure to check the Weekly News as it has important announcements and reminders. • P.E. is twice a week (no Wednesday P.E. this year, unless as make-up days) • Library is once a week. • Science Garden and Music are every other week.
Daily Schedule Please see your child’s class website for their daily schedule.
Classroom Supplies A suggested supply list was sent home last Spring. Please see your child’s teacher if you need another copy. We thank you in advance for your donations! It helps our classes run smoothly when all students have the supplies they need! We are tremendously grateful for your support. PLEASE do not send any supplies that look like “toys.” They are distracting and will not be allowed in the classroom.
Field Trips and Special Events • Planetarium (Solar System unit) • Stephen Birch Aquarium (Animal Adaptations unit) • Carlsbad City Hall (Government unit) • Barter Day (Native Americans unit) • Kidz College Day/End of Year Party
Technology 3rd Grade is going green! • Weekly News will be e-mailed or posted on your classroom website on Mondays. • Email is a great way to communicate! Also, check your child’s website regularly. • By the end of 3rd grade your child will create at least one Power Point Presentation!
Software/Online Programs The following programs may be accessed at home and will help your child excel in third grade: • Tenmarks – Common Core-aligned math program. Rigorous problem solving with embedded videos and hints. • Lexia – Individualized reading program at your child’s reading level. Develops all areas of reading including decoding, vocabulary acquisition, and comprehension. • Dreambox – Adaptive math program that matches your child’s ability level. Highly engaging!
Conclusion Thank you for attending!