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Making Clothing Choices. These are some of the things that affect the clothing choices that you make:. External Factors – those outside you. Internal Factors – those inside you. Size and Shape – learning to dress well means learning what suits your body. External Factors.
These are some of the things that affect the clothing choices that you make: External Factors – those outside you Internal Factors – those inside you Size and Shape – learning to dress well means learning what suits your body
External Factors • Those things outside of you that affect what you wear. • They may be the same for all of the people around you.
External Factors – those outside you Environment – (the weather, cold/warm) OR
External Factors – those outside you Geographic Location – (stores in your area sell only things that are popular in your area)
External Factors – those outside you Lifestyle – (job or needs) – your parents’ wardrobes meet their work needs; your wardrobe is that of a student
External Factors – those outside you Time – (to shop) – one trip, or time to look many places
External Factors – those outside you Money – (to buy) – how much can you afford?
Internal Factors – those inside you • These are the things that are personal to you. • They express your personality and values.
Internal Factors – those inside you Personal Values – (express personality) –do you dress up or go casual?
Internal Factors – those inside you Needs and Wants – (need a coat, want a leather jacket)
Internal Factors – those inside you Beliefs – (religion directs clothing choice; T-shirt logo, etc.) – people assume you believe what is written on your shirt
Size and Shape – learning to dress well means learning what suits your body Body Shape – determines your size, and which department you shop in
Sizes – learning to dress well means learning what suits your body Frame – affects shape and style; long arms, broad shoulders
Sizes – learning to dress well means learning what suits your body Proportion – the relationship between the parts of your body rounded hourglass pear ruler
The Language of Clothes: Elements of Design LINE TEXTURE SHAPE COLOR SPACE PATTERN
Clothes communicate. The key to dressing well is giving the best visual image you can. The language of clothes is visual.
Color Can reflect or alter a mood • Can create illusions about size
Color Warm Colors – red, yellow, orange • Attract attention • Make things look larger
Color Cool Colors – blue, green, purple • Are calming • Make things look smaller
Line Directs the eyes – your eyes will follow a line on clothes. Suggests personality – straight lines are more professional, curved lines are more casual
LINE TYPES Curved Zigzag Straight LINE DIRECTION Horizontal Diagonal Vertical A line is defined by its path and length. The eye tends to follow both of these, sending an impression to the brain.
CLOTHING DESIGNERS USE LINES FOR DIFFERENT EFFECTS Straight lines, which provide a crisp, formal look, often appear in classic or conservative designs. Curved lines, which can be circular or waved, give a feeling of movement to a design. By adding softness and roundness to a garment, curved lines are often used to create a casual image. With zigzag lines, the eye must constantly change direction to follow such lines, which builds a feeling of excitement or drama. If overdone, the feeling might become chaotic.
LINES CAN CREATE ILLUSIONS Horizontal lines cause the eyes to move from side to side, giving the illusion of width rather than height. Using horizontal lines in particular locations gives that area a shorter or wider look. Diagonal lines add movement and excitement to the clothing. Due to their dramatic impact, diagonal lines are often chosen for high-fashion clothes and sportswear. Vertical lines lead the eye up and down, giving the illusion of more height. You can use vertical lines to create a taller, thinner look.
OTHER STUFF ABOUT LINES… The eye will naturally find the dominant line in a garment. This is usually a center seam, a waistline, a curved neckline, or a bold stripe. Whatever it is, that line has the most influence. The thickness of the lines and the amount of space between lines also creates illusions. Widely spaced vertical stripes may actually give the impression of added width. This is because the eye moves sideways across the lines. Widely spaced horizontal stripes have the opposite effect, causing the eye to move up and down instead of sideways.
HOW TO CREATE DESIGN ILLUSIONS Which rectangle looks taller and thinner? Which rectangle looks wider? Which line makes the rectangle look thinner?
Understanding Shape When you see the shadow of an object on the wall, you’re looking at its shape. Most clothes fit four basic shapes: Tubular. This shape is rectangular with vertical emphasis. The dominant lines go up and down. The waistline is not usually defined. Natural. Clothes fit close to the body and emphasize the natural waistline. This shape is the most classic and is worn most easily on average body sizes. Bell. Both diagonal and horizontal lines combine in a bell shape. This shape can cut height and add curves to a figure. Full. Full shapes have more horizontal and curved lines than other shapes do. Full shapes tend to make the body look larger.
Natural Tubular Bell Full
Fashion trends influence which shapes are in style during a fashion season.
Understanding Space The outline of a garment is its shape. The area inside a shape is known as space.
SPACE is just as important as the shape, because what goes on within the spaces contributes to the visual effect of the garment. Typically, internal lines, either structural or decorative, divide the space on a garment.
Understanding TEXTURE • Texture describes the surface characteristics that determine the look and feel of an object. • Fabric textures include soft or crisp, smooth or nubby, and dull or shiny. • Texture affects the way a garment looks.
Moderately Crisp Fabrics Soft and Clingy Fabrics Extra Crisp Fabrics Textures Create Different Impressions Smooth Fabrics with a Dull Finish Dull Fabrics Shiny Fabrics Nubby and Bulky Fabrics
Understanding Pattern When the elements of design are brought together on a fabric; a pattern results. Patterns come in a great variety: Stripes, Plaids, Geometrics, Florals, Scenics, Borders, and more.
The Principles of Design Balance Proportion Emphasis Rhythm Harmony
Balance Symmetrical Balance Asymmetrical Balance
Proportion Proportion describes how the separate parts of a garment relate to each other. Typically, about 3/8 of a person’s total height is above the waist, and 5/8 is below.
EMPHASIS The focal point of a design. The part that draws attention. Use Color, Line, Texture, Design, Details, Trims, or Accessories. Highlight your best features - - - - Draw attention away from figure problems
Rhythm Rhythm moves the eye gently from one area of the garment to another. 3 ways: Repetition. A pattern repeats, as with rows of stripes. Radiation. Lines or patterns flow from a central location, like the gathers in a skirt. Gradation. A pattern changes gradually, as in a change of size or color.
Harmony …Is when design elements complement each other. When harmony exists, each part looks like it belongs.
How Do The Elements And Principles of Design Affect You?