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2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme

2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme. United Nations Statistics Division 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: Subregional Workshop on Census Cartography and Management 22-26 October, 2007, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. 2010 World Census Programme .

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2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme United Nations Statistics Division 2010 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: Subregional Workshop on Census Cartography and Management 22-26 October, 2007, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  2. 2010 World Census Programme • Importance of Population and Housing Census: essential role in public administration • Marrakech Action Plan (Feb 2004) identified 2010 census round as key to sustainable improvements in national statistical capacities • 36th Session of UN Statistical Commission (2005) approved initiation of 2010 World Census Programme covering period 2005-2014 • UN Statistics Division requested by UNSC to act as secretariat to 2010 World Programme Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  3. 2010 World Census Programme • Multi year programme • Supported by the World Bank ($ 1M / year) • In coordination with the UN regional commissions (ECLAC, ECA, ESCAP, ESCWA, ECE), UNFPA... Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  4. 2010 World Census Programme • Three essential goals to programme • Facilitate countries in conducting censuses at least once during 2005-2014 • Develop and promote a set of international principles and recommendations governing the conduct of censuses • Assist countries in disseminating census results to both national stakeholders and appropriate intergovernmental organizations in a timely manner Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  5. 2010 World Census Programme • Objective 1: Monitor country progress in conducting censuses; disseminate information on recent census activities: • Monitor country activities related to census-taking • Disseminate information on census activities via the 2010 World Population and Housing Censuses Programme Website • Update the country census profiles (metadata) and census questions database • Collect UNSD population and housing census data for DYB + post on web site Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  6. 2010 World Census Programme • Objective 2: Develop guidelines and technical materials pertaining to different stages of the census-taking: • Handbooks, guidelines and training materials on selected topics – including most recently, revised Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Census • Development and maintenance of a Resource Centre on the internet • Development of a software for census dissemination: Census Info (DevInfo) • Document new methodologies and elaborate on preconditions and portability of such methodologies from one country to the next Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  7. 2010 World Census Programme • Objective 3: Assist countries to implement the census in accordance with the Principles and Recommendations: • Training workshops on topical technical issues in census-taking • Expert group meetings on selected topics in population censuses • Technical assistance missions • Study visits Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  8. Work plan - 2007 • Expert Group Meeting in May on Contemporary Practices in Census Mapping and Use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) • 5 Workshops on this subject in Africa (2), Asia, Caribbean, Pacific (early 2008) • Handbooks : • GIS and digitial mapping (update) • Editing (update) • Guidelines on Administrative report (new) Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  9. Work plan - 2008 and beyond • EGM and Workshops on data processing: • Data collection • Data capture • Outsourcing • Data editing • Quality assurance • EGMs and Workshops for subsequent years: dissemination, evaluation • Develop e-training materials • Develop of a software for census dissemination: Census Info (DevInfo) • Handbooks : • Dissemination (new) > 2008 Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  10. 2010 World Census Programme Resource Center Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  11. 2010 World Census Programme Resource Center • Provide information on: • Census dates, questionnaires and data • Census activities and releases in various countries • Supporting activities (seminars, workshops...) conducted by different organizations (UNSD, UNFPA, UN Regional Commissions, Eurostat...) • Knowledge Base on methodology and best practices of censuses: • Best practices: papers provided by countries orother experts (seminars or others) • Handbooks and guidelines (UNSD) Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  12. 2010 World Census Programme Resource Center • Motivation: • Census takers are very busy and either don’t have time to look at websites of other NSOs or don’t know where to look • NSO websites are often public oriented and offer little technical documentation • Census takers need to be aware of the methodological and practical improvements Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  13. 2010 World Census Programme Resource Center • Critical factors for our success: • Need to build a network to work in collaboration with all the partners (both NSOs as well as international and regional organizations) • Create a mailing list of participants • Require the pro-active participation of census managers to provide information and documentation Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  14. Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  15. Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  16. Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  17. Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  18. Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  19. Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

  20. 2010 World Census Programme Thank you Workshop on Census Cartography and Management - October 2007

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