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Things are Not as They Appear Wow! I am Married to Jesus Jeremiah 2:1-37

Things are Not as They Appear Wow! I am Married to Jesus Jeremiah 2:1-37. Old Testament History at a Glance. 2000 B.C. ----- The Period of Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. 1700 B.C. ----- Slavery in Egypt. 1280 B.C. ----- The Exodus from Egypt. 1220 B.C. ----- Period of Judges.

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Things are Not as They Appear Wow! I am Married to Jesus Jeremiah 2:1-37

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Things are Not as They AppearWow! I am Married to JesusJeremiah 2:1-37

  2. Old Testament History at a Glance 2000 B.C. ----- The Period of Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob 1700 B.C. ----- Slavery in Egypt 1280 B.C. ----- The Exodus from Egypt 1220 B.C. ----- Period of Judges 1050 B.C. ----- United Kingdom – Saul, David, Solomon 931 B.C. ----- Divided Kingdom 722 B.C. ----- Fall of Northern Kingdom (Samaria) to Assyrians 586 B.C. ----- Fall of Southern Kingdom (Judah) to Babylonians

  3. Wow! I am Married to JesusJeremiah 2:1-37 • You Drink from Wells that Leave You Thirsty • You Sleep with the Wrong People

  4. Wow! I am Married to JesusJeremiah 2:1-37 • You Drink from Wells that Leave You Thirsty

  5. Ancient cistern

  6. Wow! I am Married to JesusJeremiah 2:1-37 • You Drink from Wells that Leave You Thirsty

  7. Wow! I am Married to JesusJeremiah 2:1-37 • You Drink from Wells that Leave You Thirsty • You Sleep with the Wrong People

  8. God’s Invitation • Receive a complete and radical new beginning. Break up your unplowed ground and do not sow among thorns (4:3) • Deep repentance Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, circumcise your hearts (4:4)

  9. RULE OF LIFE Relationships Prayer Prayer Relationships GOD’S LOVE Work/Activity Work/Activity Rest Rest

  10. RULE OF LIFE Prayer Relationships GOD’S LOVE Work/Activity Rest

  11. Almighty God, my heavenly Father, I have sinned against you through my own fault: --In thought -In word -In deed -In what I have done -In what I have left undone For the sake of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive me all my offenses; and grant that I may serve you in newness of life, to the glory of your Name. Amen (BCP)

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