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Technology Use Plan. Methacton School District Patty McGinnis ED TECH 501. Vision/Mission Statement.
Technology Use Plan Methacton School District Patty McGinnis ED TECH 501
Vision/Mission Statement It is the mission Methacton School District to challenge students to reach their achieve their greatest potential and to prepare graduates to thrive in an increasingly complex world through rigorous curriculum that includes an emphasis on 21st Century skills and technology.
Rationale • Technology Use Plans assist in • Providing a vision and framework for technology integration • Ensuring effective implementation at the student, teacher, and administrative levels • Ensuring ongoing assessment occurs to monitor plan effectiveness and to address unanticipated issues and emerging technologies • Focusing the budget to avoid unnecessary expenditures
Planning Team • Dr. Timothy Quinn, Superintendent • Dr. Jane Martin, Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction • Mr. Frank Kremm, Technology Coordinator • Dr. Lois Robinson, Special Education Supervisor • Mr. Chris Lloyd, Technology Integrator, High School • Ms. Layla Lyons, Technology Integrator, Middle School • Ms. Brooke Ross, Technology Integrator, Elementary Schools • Selected Board Member (s) • Parent Representatives from Elementary, Middle, and High Schools • Department Coordinators and/or Representatives from Math, Science, English, Social Studies, Foreign Language, Special Education, Fine Arts, Physical Education Departments
Process Description • Currently in the process of reevaluating Technology Use Plan • Strengths: • The district possesses the necessary technology in place for videoconferences via Internet 2 connections • Electronic grading system with Home and Parent access • MSD’s Moodle site contains productivity tools that allow for blogging, podcasting, and other Web 2.0 applications • Hardware included SMART Boards, projectors, student response systems, digital cameras and video equipment available in each district building
Process Description • Needs Assessments were conducted via surveys of students, staff, and alumnae • Needs: • Establish technology competencies for staff and students • Provide additional training for Professional Staff • Develop technology-integrated lessons at all levels and curriculums • Improve utilization of technology in all schools, particularly the elementary schools • Investigate adaptive technologies for special education populations
Goals/Objectives • Establish technology competencies for staff and students • During the 2010-11 school year, MSD Technology Benchmarks, based on the NETS standards, will be established for students for grades K-4, 5-8, and 9-12, and for staff. • Develop technology-integrated lessons at all levels and curriculums • During the 2011-12 school year, a minimum of two technology lessons that make use of productivity software and/or Web 2.0 tools will be developed by staff for English, Social Studies, and Science at grades 5-12. Lessons will be based on MSD Technology Benchmarks.
Goals/Objectives, continued • Improve utilization of technology in all schools, particularly the elementary schools • Working with the technology integrators, 30% of K-5 teachers will utilize the computer lab a minimum of 1 visit per week during the 2010-11 school year. This will increase to 70% during the 2011-12 year and to 100% by 2012-13. • Maintain and Support of Existing Infrastructure • Equipment will be inventoried and assessed annually. Technology coordinator will develop and prioritize a list of equipment purchases to ensure the integrity of the technology program and the ability to support administrative tasks and instruction.
Goals/Objectives, continued • Investigate adaptive technologies for special education populations • During the 2010-2011 school year, principals of each school will work with the special education teachers to will ensure that 75% of the special education population have current and/or expanded access to technology, with that figure increasing to 100% by 2012.
Needs Assessment • Hardware questions may include: • Does our present server meet our needs? Do students and staff have the storage necessary to save their documents? • Are they able to access documents from home easily? • Do all special education students have access to the hardware and software that they need to be successful? • Staff will be surveyed regarding their implementation of technology into the curriculum. Questions may include: • What is the average number of minutes per week that students are utilizing technology in their classrooms? • On average, how many lessons per quarter involving productivity software or Web 2.0 applications do students experience? • Are all lessons that utilize technology based on NETS standards? • Is the staff aware of the MSD Technology Benchmarks and how they relate to their subject area or grade level?
Staff Development • All staff will receive training in grade level performance objectives based on MSD Technology Benchmarks over a one day period. • One day of in-service time will be provided in the fall of 2012 for English, Social Studies, and Science teachers to work collaboratively with technology integrators towards developing a minimum of two technology lessons that make use of productivity software and/or Web 2.0 tools for grades 5-12. Lessons will be based on MSD Technology Benchmarks. A half-day of in-service time will be provided at the end of the year to evaluate and make any necessary changes to the lessons. • Using a train-the-trainer model, 10% of each building’s staff will be identified and trained during an in-service day in the use of wikis, blogs, and podcasts. With the support of technology integrators, lessons that integrate these tools into the curriculum will be developed and piloted for the 2010-11 school year. During 2011-12, trainers will conduct small group training sessions for their grade level or content peers. • Additional training will be developed based on staff needs that are identified through an annual survey.
Evaluation/Research • Staff surveys will be re-administered annually to measure growth against the previous year. Surveys will be used to assess staff competencies and to design professional development. • Technology integrators will observe classes and conduct interviews with teachers on a continuous basis throughout the year. Information will be used to report quarterly the level of success regarding implementation of MSD Technology Benchmarks • Special education staff will report annually regarding any need for additional assistive technologies • Equipment inventory and maintenance evaluation will be conducted annually • Monitoring of new and emerging technologies will occur via technology workshops, conversations with classroom teachers, and with input from the office of Curriculum and Instruction
Timeline: 3 Year Plan Year 1: 2010-2011 *Adopt NETS Standards and Establish Technology Benchmarks *Develop Staff Training Using a Train-the-Trainer Model *Emphasis on Increased Computer Lab utilization, Grades K-5 *Examine newand emerging technologies and budget items for next year, with emphasis on examining adaptive technologies *Equipment Inventory and Maintenance *Evaluate Plan Effectiveness Year 2: 2011-2012 *Curriculum Integration Continues based on MSD Technology Benchmarks *Training continues using a Train-the-Trainer Model *English, Social Studies, & Science Develop Integrated Lessons for grades 5-12. *Continued Emphasis on Computer Lab utilization, Grades K-5 *Continued Staff Development *Equipment Inventory and Maintenance *Examine new and emerging technologies and budget items for next year *Evaluate Plan Effectiveness Year 3: 2012-2013 *Establish Needs Assessment to examine needs for additional Staff Development and Hardware *Continued Emphasis on Computer Lab utilization, Grades K-5 *Curriculum Integration Continues based on MSD Technology Benchmarks *Evaluate and Replace Hardware as Needed *Examine new and emerging technologies and budget items for next year, with emphasis on examining adaptive technologies *Evaluate Plan Effectiveness
Conclusion/Thank you Thank you for having a vested interest in Methacton School District and for having the vision necessary to provide our students with the knowledge and skills necessary for their success. Preparing students for their role in the 21st Century will require our district to be on the cutting edge of technology.