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Welcome to TUNES 2014

Welcome to TUNES 2014.

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Welcome to TUNES 2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to TUNES 2014 TUNES 2014 - a humble venture of Millennium Music Foundation and Audiby. TUNES 2014 will play a vital role in spreading awareness of the helpless and neglected children in our society. The show will be bringing the larger community to aware for the cause of HIV infected children in the state, pledging their support towards the future of Children Living with HIV. The show works with various charities and NGOs, notably, Sneha Care Home and Dinasevanasabha Charitable Trust – These Charitable trusts that works for the emancipation of underprivileged & HIV Infected children and women. Our vision is to create a platform where music play for a social cause. TUNES 2014 could have done it on a Christmas eve, New Year or any other festivals, but why World AIDS Day? It’s because Whenever people gather, there are endless possibilities which can help or improve human relationships as well as to bring smile to the faces of poor and deprived human beings.

  2. What is the importance of TUNES 2014? TUNES 2014 will be a beautiful expression of music which happens for a noble cause. It will be nice when people gather for a show, concert, or a ceremony . It will be more nice if we can do something for helpless children and bring a smile to their faces when we gather. TUNES 2014 works for the betterment of the society especially, kids who are inflicted with HIV, which is not their fault but they are suffering for it. So when you support TUNES 2014, you are joining hands for a noble cause. TUNES 2014 In this presentation you will come to know where are you/your brand is getting benefitted through TUNES 2014. To make the show a big success, we will be promoting it in a big way that none of the shows happened in Bangalore ever did.

  3. Millennium Music Foundation (MMF) Millennium Music Foundation (MMF) is a Bangalore-based organization whose mission is to spread the message of peace and humanity through music whilst giving a platform for artists and music lovers to enjoy “live” performances by their favorite music artists. MMF also believes that this musical endeavor will bring about a positive change to our society. MMF's work with various charitable organizations and NGOs bear witness to the fact that small steps with a bit of willingness can produce great results for the betterment of the underprivileged and transform the lives of the needy. EVENT ORGANIZER'S PROFILE

  4. Audiby Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. ‘Audiby Entertainments Ltd’ company is the premier developer and publisher of India’s first ever Music and Technology magazine-‘Audiby’, established in 2012. Just like the name suggests, its prime focus is to cover all the happening trends of the Indian Music Industry ranging from the ‘popular known’ artist to the ‘hidden musical . All connoisseurs of the music world both popular and overlooked are brought under the spotlight with their talents amplified. Audiby takes the pride of being the first magazine in this genre by featuring the untold stories of the music world aiming at preserving the tradition, encouraging innovation and thereby redefining the audio standards. EVENT ORGANIZER'S PROFILE

  5. Sneha Care Home Sneha Charitable Trust started  Sneha Care Home & Shining Star School as a residential facility and School for children living with HIV on July 14 2008 with 20 children. It was started with the aim of developing a model programme which would comprehensively address the multi-faceted issues of children living with HIV. Most of these children were those who were left behind in Snehadaan after the death of their parent/s. Initially it was run with the support of a few staff and many volunteers. The initial development of the programme was supported by USAID supported SAMASTHA project. This year we focussed on taking care of their health and helping the children deal with the psychological and emotional issues along with laying an academic foundation. ASSOCIATIONS

  6. The Congregation was founded exclusively for the upliftment and the liberation of the Poor. The Charisma of the Congregation is "Upliftment of the Poor" and the Motto is "Service in Charity and Poverty". The prime focus of our apostolate is the poor, marginalized and downtrodden in the society. The members of the community lead a very simple life and dedicate their human and material resources for the integral growth and the well being of the poor with a special focus on women, children and destitute. Dinasevanasabha is a Catholic Association for upliftment of the poor has been Registered under the Societies Registration Act XX1 of 1860 S. No. 43 of 1970 and also is a society registered under Section 12 A of Income – Tax Act, 1961 0n 15th March, 1978. ASSOCIATIONS

  7. Hazir 2 Hazir 2 is a Ghazal Album where Hariharan and ZakirHussain have come together after 20 years. The physical CD launch of Hazir 2, South India will also takes place in the same venue, 5000 CDs of Hazir 2 will be distributed with customized branding of the Sponsors. (we are open for an exclusive customization for the main Sponsor). The sponsor names will be imprinted on HAZIR 2 CD cover under the title ‘with best compliments’. PHYSICAL CD LAUNCH

  8. Millennium Music Foundation and Audiby is jointly launching a Music magazine in the ceremony. Entitled TUNES . A subsidiary magazine of Audiby. The First issue will be featuring PADMASREE HARIHARAN on the cover which will hand over to him in the ceremony. TUNES MUSIC MAGAZINE

  9. Show Profile The show will generate audience from all over the music industry, major celebrities will be invited. Ministers from Karnataka and Kerala will be invited. Mainstream media’s will also be invited and will have detailed coverage and publicity on the show. The outcome of the show will be directed to various charitable Foundations for charity. The show will be promoted in every possible means of advertising. There will be pre event launch and after parties conducted.

  10. Publicity • Press ads • Television Ads • Theatre Ads • Online Activations • Outdoor • Leaflets, Brochures • Invites • Direct E-mailers • PR Activity • Online Social Media Marketing • Celebrity’s websites • Promotions in shopping malls, Corporate offices, Apartments and colleges. • Goodie Bag, bands, souvenirs. • Posters and standees.

  11. Proposed Media Plan MEDIA PLAN

  12. Benefits for Sponsors The event would be a spectacular one with a crowd of 5000 comprising of elite audience and niche music lovers. Event venue will have sponsor branding on the stage. Branding opportunities will be provided outside the hall as a stall and on posters/banners. 4. Sponsor’s name will feature in the invitation/entry pass and every other promotional material 5. Sponsor’s branding through our website. 6. Sponsor can distribute brochures to all the guests. 7. Sponsor’s name will be mentioned during the announcement. 8. Limited Entry passes will be handed over to you for your VIP clients 9. Database of all our clients will be handed over to the sponsors including their address and phone numbers. 10. Media coverage of event. SPONSOR BENEFITS

  13. Benefits for Sponsors • Title sponsor will be provided with a stall in the venue where you can sell your products, generate customers and do other marketing. • Title sponsor will get the audience database including their names, address and phone numbers. • The show will be promoted through our 15 associations in Karnataka and other elite clubs in Bangalore. • Tickets will be charged as following • MIP – Rs-10,000 ( very limited ), VVIP-Rs-2,000, VIP–Rs-1500 • Every audient will have their benefits in three ways • They get an original HD CD worth RS 300 • They are joining hands in the fight against AIDS • They can enjoy an exclusive Hariharan Live-in-concert. SPONSOR BENEFITS

  14. Additional Benefits Of The Sponsor • Sending 1,50,000 personal mails / posters / invites in an around Bangalore. • Sending 40,000 personal mails / posters / invites in an around Sarjapur Road ( We can target any of your project). • Social network promotions : • PadmasreeHariharan- 16 lakhs followers • Stephen Devassy - 8 lakhs followers • Other artist and bands- 10 lakhs • 4) Our Associate members & Networks: • NORKA ROOTS : 12 lakhkeralites in Bangalore. • Rotary Club : 4,000 Members • BCKA : 500 Families • Aashwasan Foundation : 1000 Members • Red Ribbons : 2000 Members SPONSOR BENEFITS

  15. Title Sponsorship - INR 15, 00,000 • Title sponsor’s name will be displayed on/in main backdrop with the event Mnemonic • Visibility in the Led Screens placed in the Auditorium • Gate Arches • Emcee Mention • Radio Mention • Posters, banners, All other printing collaterals • Backdrops-Press • Print Media • Electronic Media • Social Networking sites • Hoardings • Theatre Slides • Apparels, Caps, T-Shirts SPONSOR DELIVERABLES

  16. Powered By – INR 12, 00,000 ( 2nos) • Main Backdrop (Bottom Corner) • Visibility in the Led Screens placed in the Auditorium • Gate Arches (Bottom Corner) • Emcee Mention • Posters, Banners, All other printing collaterals • Backdrops-Press • Print Media • Electronic Media • Social Networking sites • Hoardings • Theatre Slides • Apparels, Caps, T-Shirts SPONSOR DELIVERABLES

  17. Co- Sponsorship - INR 7,00,000 • Main Backdrop (Bottom Corner) • Gate Arches (Bottom Corner) • Emcee Mention • Posters, Banners, All other printing collaterals • Backdrops-Press • Print Media • Electronic Media • Social Networking sites • Hoardings • Theatre Slides • Apparels, Caps, T-Shirts SPONSOR DELIVERABLES

  18. Other Branding Possibilities • A goodie bag will be provided to everyone who comes for the show which includes • Hazir 2 CD • A wrist band • Welcome drink • Show certificate • Poster • Booklet of TUNES 2014 BRANDING You can integrate your logos/brand/picture onto the goodie bag, wrist band, Poster and the booklet.


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