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Kurt S. Browning Secretary of State

Florida Department of State. Kurt S. Browning Secretary of State. Dr. Gisela Salas Director, Division of Elections. Presented by Maria Matthews and Gary J. Holland Office of General Counsel, Department of State Telephone: 850-245-6536 June 23, 2011 (Revised post conference).

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Kurt S. Browning Secretary of State

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  1. Florida Department of State Kurt S. Browning Secretary of State Dr. Gisela Salas Director, Division of Elections Presented by Maria Matthews and Gary J. Holland Office of General Counsel, Department of State Telephone: 850-245-6536 June 23, 2011 (Revised post conference)


  3. RULES relating to Candidate Qualifying, Political Party, Petitions, and 3rdParty Voter Registration Organizations

  4. RULE 1S-2.0001 – Designation of Division of Elections as Filing Office for Department of State; Requirements for Candidate Qualifying Papers; Withdrawal of Candidacy. Candidate Oath qualifying forms being changed to incorporate changes in statutory oaths. Workshop on June 28 at 11:30 a.m., if requested.

  5. RULE 1S-2.0091 – Constitutional Amendment Initiative Petition; Submission Deadline; Signature Verification Rule changing to incorporate reduced shelf-life of signatures (from 4 to 2 years) and deletion of “street” address in verification requirements. Workshop on June 28 at 11:00 a.m., if requested.

  6. RULE 1S-2.017 – Reporting Requirements for Campaign Treasurer's Reports At proposed rule stage. Rule incorporates electronic filing system specifications and user guides. Only applies to Division’s Electronic Filing System. Rule Hearing on July 6th at 10:00 a.m., if requested.

  7. RULE 1S-2.042 – Third-Party Voter Registration Organizations Adopts the language of Emergency Rule 1SER11-01 regarding the changes to third-party voter registration organization registration and the accounting of their voter registration applications. Workshop on June 28th at 9:00 a.m. Expect rule to change again when Division implements an entirely electronic filing system and database.

  8. RULE 1S-2.050 - Cancellation of Political Party Filings New rule to reflect ways political parties may have their filings with the Division canceled. Ch 2011-40, s. 46, Laws of Florida mandates the rule. Examples of reasons for cancellation of filings in the rule: Failure to file finance reports > 6 months Failure to maintain a public website Failure to have voters registered in party Failure to comply with annual audit requirements Annual financial activity in year < $500 Workshop on June 28 at 10:00 a.m., if requested.

  9. RULES relating to Election Conduct (voting systems, recouunt), Voting and Voter Registration

  10. RULE 1S-2.002 – Placement of Races on Primary Ballots Provides uniform content and style standards for primary election ballots Workshop scheduled for July 25, 2011 at 1 p.m., Rm 307, R.A. Gray Bldg (ONLY IF REQUESTED) Proposed changes: Repeals rule since rule is superseded by 2004 changes made to R1S-2.032, which provide unifom content and style layout for primary and general election ballots, and by elections results reporting under section 98.0981, and 102.141, F.S.

  11. RULE 1S-2.004 – Purchase, sale and use of voting equipment and systems Provides uniform content and style standards for primary election ballots Workshop scheduled for July 25, 2011 at 1 p.m., Rm 307, R.A. Gray Bldg (ONLY IF REQUESTED) Proposed changes: Updates 1986 rule to reflect current local and state-level procurement practices. Adds parameters for other appropriate uses of the systems to promote training, education and technological advances on or with certified voting systems.

  12. RULE 1S-2.030 – Electronic Transmission of Absentee Ballots Absentee Ballots for UOCAVA voters-overseas only Provides process for requesting, completing and returning absentee ballots for UOCAVA voters that are overseas (uniformed services members and civilians) Workshop scheduled for July 18, 2011 at 1 p.m., Rm 307, R.A. Gray Bldg Proposed changes: Allows the return of voted absentee ballots by e-mail Adds to ballot instructions – 1. If signatures on certificate and record do not match, ballot does not count. 2. Deadline to update signature is start of canvassing (i.e., as early as 15 days before election)(ss. 39/41, ch. 2011-40, L.O.F.)

  13. RULE 1S-2.031 – Recount Procedures Provides uniform procedures for conducting machine and manual recounts Currently circulating for internal DOS and OFARR approval to file Notice for 1st workshop in July/August 2011 Proposed changes: Update rule to reflect change in law as to who (Secretary or canvassing board) orders recount Clarifies recount procedures Re-organize rule text

  14. RULE 1S-2.032 – Uniform Primary and General Election Ballot Provides uniform instructions, content and layout for ballots Redraft in progress Proposed changes: Remove superfluous headers on ballot (see s. 28, ch. 2011-40, LOF) Streamline instructions and layout Re-organize text and include new ballot templates

  15. RULE 1S-2.034 – Polling Place Procedures Manual Provides procedures to follow at polling places from opening to close of polls and for ballot accounting Workshop scheduled for July 18, 2011 at 1 p.m., Rm 307, R.A. Gray Bldg Proposed changes (see ss. 25/26, ch. 2011-40, L.O.F.): Revise voter intake process regarding address confirmation/verification at time photo ID is presented at the polls Limit county-to-county address change at the polls except for active military and family member

  16. RULE 1S-2.039 – FVRS Registration Procedures (proposed new rule) Provides uniform procedures for registering voters into the Florida Voter Registration System Circulating for internal DOS and OFARR approval to file Notice for workshop in July/August 2011 Proposed provisions Provides procedures to follow for searching existing records, data entry, verification of personal identifying number, entry of political party affiliation and changes, application source code assignment, handling special domestic violence and stalking victims, and street address index update

  17. RULE 1S-2.040 – Statewide Uniform Voter Registration Application • Provides uniform instructions, content and layout for application • Workshop scheduled for July 18, 2011 at 1 p.m., Rm 307, R.A. Gray Bldg • Proposed changes: • Reorganize form layout and delineate spacing for personal identifying number and other fields • Revise instructions part to conform law to preregistration age (16) and listing of allowable IDs for 1st time mail registrant/1st time voters

  18. RULE 1S-2.041 – FVRS Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance (proposed new rule) Provisions: Provides procedures for keeping addresses in the FVRS current and accurate, and removing inactive voters after 2 general election cycles Provides procedures for checking on the eligibility of registered voters and how to go about removing their names from the FVRS/rolls, if you have evidence that they are not.

  19. RULE 1S-2.041 – FVRS Address List and Eligibility Records Maintenance (cont’d) Notice of Change with final version of text was published in FAW on June 3, 2011 and June 10, 2011 (available online). Circulating for approval to file for rule adoption in July with effective date of August 1, 2011. NOTE: Most, if not all, procedures are already or will be implemented or programmed for implementation by July 1, 2011.

  20. RULE 1S-2.049 – Absentee Ballots for Uniformed Services Voters--Absent Stateside Only Provides process for requesting, completing and returning absentee ballots for absent stateside military voters Workshop scheduled for July 18, 2011 at 1 p.m., Rm 307, R.A. Gray Bldg Proposed changes: Adds to ballot instructions – 1. If signatures on certificate and record do not match, ballot does not count. 2. Deadline to update signature is start of canvassing (i.e., as early as 15 days before election)(ss. 39/41, ch. 2011-40, L.O.F.)

  21. RULE 1S-2.051 – Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (proposed new rule) • Use of FWAB by UOCAVA voters in state and local races involving 2 or more candidates(see HB 227, eff. 07/01/11 which expanded use beyond federal elections) • Draft in progress • Proposed changes: • Provide standards for designating candidates, for determining ‘voter intent’ and allowing for misspelling and abbreviations

  22. Questions

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