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Business Meeting. Outline:. Overview board activities Election of new board members Postdoctoral Prize Thesis Prize Poster Competition Prizes Issues of concern to Users Group. Users Group Composition. Chair (2 year term), Chair Elect/Past Chair, 5 at large positions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Business Meeting Outline: • Overview board activities • Election of new board members • Postdoctoral Prize • Thesis Prize • Poster Competition Prizes • Issues of concern to Users Group

  2. Users Group Composition • Chair (2 year term), • Chair Elect/Past Chair, • 5 at large positions • 3 dedicated positions (theory, postdoc, graduate student)‏

  3. Users Group Board Activities Meet formally twice a year to look at issues with input from Lab/ post minutes of meeting Evaluate the JSA initiative proposals from users and submit the recommendation to the JSA committee Evaluate the JSA postdoctoral nominations and select a winner Evaluate submitted theses and select a winner for the thesis prize Nominate new members to the board through a nomination committee and hold elections Organize the yearly Satellite meetings and the Annual User Meeting Evaluate the JSA initiative proposals from users and submit the recommendation to the JSA committee An most importantly, listen to the hopes and concerns of the user community and help resolve any issues. Please give us feedback on what goes well and what needs attention

  4. JSA Postdoctoral Research Prize Awarded to Mark Dalton, (Ph.D. from U. of Johannesburg, currently at the University of Virginia ), over several excellent candidates, after much discussion Criteria: a record of accomplishment in physics, a planned high-impact Jefferson Lab physics program, and promise of further accomplishments in the Jefferson Lab research fields in the future. Mark will speak at the Annual Users Meeting June 6-8, 2011 Board expects to have a new winner each year – previous winners will not be eligible to win again Next Deadline around December 2011

  5. Thesis Prize Received 8 thesis prize application The 2011 Thesis Prize Award goes to Xin Qian (Caltech) for ``Measurement of Single Spin Asymmetry in n↑(e, e′ π±)X on Transversely Polarized 3He’’  Criteria for evaluation: quality of written thesis (40%), contribution of student to work (30%), impact of work (15%), service to JLab physics (15%) Thanks to the UGBoD and final judging panel and JSA Please consider nominating people who defended during 2011. People who defended in calendar year 2010, but were not previously nominated for the Prize, are also eligible.) Next deadline January, 2012 ?

  6. Users Group Board of Directors up to June 8, 2011 • Zein-Eddine Meziani, (Chair ) Temple • Sebastian Kuhn ( Chair, Elect) ODU • At large: • Dan Carman, JLab • Kawtar Hafidi, ANL • Karl Slifer, UNH • Ioana Niculescu, JMU • Andrei Afanasev, Hampton (theory) • Phil Cole, Idaho State • Postdoc member: • Aidan Kelleher, MIT • Student member: • Sucheta Jawalkar, W&M http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/usergroup/board/index.html

  7. Nomination committee identified candidates for the elections held this Spring. • John Arrington (Chair) (ANL) • Michel Guidal (IPN, Orsay) • Krishna Kumar (Umass, Amherst) • George Lolos (U. Regina) • Christian Weiss (Jlab) Many thanks to the committee members for the excellent job

  8. Users Group Board of Directors after June, 2011 • Sebastian Kuhn, (Chair ) ODU • Zein-Eddine Meziani ( Past, Chair) • At large: • Dan Carman, JLab • Kawtar Hafidi, ANL • Mark Ito, JLab • Kent Paschke, UVA • Anatole Radyushkin, ODU (theory) • Karl Slifer, UNH • Postdoc member: • Aidan Kelleher, MIT • Student member: • Sucheta Jawalkar, W&M http://www.jlab.org/user_resources/usergroup/board/index.html

  9. Poster Competition • 1st place: Katherine Myers (Aluminum Target Window Background in the Qweak Experiment) • 2nd place: Don Jones (Development of a Compton Polarimeter in Hall C) • 3rd place (tie): James Maxwell (Spin Asymmetries A1p and A2p in SANE) • 3rd place (tie): Navaphon Muangma (Tai) ( Nucleon-Nucleon short-range correlations at the repulsive core limit) Many thanks to the judges! Jian-Ping Chen, Wouter Deconinck Eugene Pasyuk and Christian Weiss

  10. JSA INITIATIVES JSA Initiatives funds 2 annual satellite meetings, In 2011 APS Meeting held May 02, 2011 in Anaheim CA APS/DNP Meeting in East Lansing, Michigan ( October 26-29, 2011) JSA initiatives applications from users expect a deadline in August. Postdoctoral Prize deadline: December, 2010 Thesis Prize deadline: January, 2012 JLab Users Group Annual Meeting: June, 2012

  11. This Year’s JSA Initiatives Awards Information can be found on the Users Group Wiki https://wiki.jlab.org/cugwiki/index.php/Main_Page

  12. Study group on Hadronic Physics • Nucleon spin and quark-gluon correlations: Transverse spin, quark and gluon orbital motion, semi-inclusive processes (Partonic Transverse Momentum in Hadrons: Quark Spin-Orbit Correlations and Quark Gluons Interactions:workshop at Duke U., March 12-13, 2010) • H. Gao et al. • http://michael.tunl.duke.edu/workshop • 3D mapping of the glue and sea quarks in the nucleon (Electron-Nucleon Exclusive Reactions: workshop at Rutgers U., March 14-15, 2010) • R. Gilman et al. • http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/np/2010rueic-home.html • Study group on Nuclear Physics • 3D tomography of nuclei, quark/gluon propagation and the gluon/sea quark EMC effect (EIC Nuclear Chromodynamics: workshop at Argonne National Lab, April 7-9, 2010) • K. Hafidi, et al. • http://www.phy.anl.gov/mep/EIC-NUC2010/ • Study group on Electroweak Physics • Electroweak structure of the nucleon and tests of the Standard Model (workshop at the College of W&M , May 17-18, 2010 • K. Kumar, D. Armstrong et al. • Study group on interaction region and detectors • EIC Detectors/Instrumentation (workshop at JLab, June 04-05, 2010 • C. Hyde et al. Physics Areas Under Investigation and Workshops

  13. Overall the users are grateful for every piece of data that has been already taken but worry about future budgets and their impact not only on the users but also on the Lab personnel • The goal is still to get the maximum physics ouput as we make a transition from 6 to 12 GeV with uncertain budgets and timelines. Lab management has been actively engaged in helping. • Management is responsive to the users and communications about space and planning have improved since our last meeting. • Need to keep the user community engaged in the EIC activity as we go to the next long range plan.

  14. APS/DNP Nominations (deadline July 1, 2010) • Vice Chair: Voler Burkert • 2 executive members: Reinhard Schumacher(CMU)

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